The skin of the face has to face daily the influence of various negative factors that lead to clogging of pores. In addition, its turgor decreases, metabolic processes and respiratory functions slow down. Normal hygiene procedures and cosmetics cannot be remedied. To cleanse the skin of comedones and sebaceous plugs, more radical measures will be required, namely manual face cleaning. What it is? What adaptations will be required for her and are she contraindicated? About all this - below.
Operating principle
Manual (mechanical, manual) cleaning is a procedure during which the extrusion of blackheads, acne and white dots occurs with the help of special devices. This type of cleaning can be carried out using a Vidal needle, a Uno spoon. Unlike other methods of skin cleansing (ultrasonic, vacuum), the manual method is more effective in more advanced cases.
If the procedure is performed in the cosmetology office, the cosmetologist strictly complies with all the rules of its conduct and monitors sterility, since the risk of skin infection is too high.
Steaming the skin is the main stage of manual facial cleansing. If the pores are open, this facilitates the process of removing contaminants. At the end of the procedure, the cosmetologist applies disinfectants to the skin. During the procedure, drugs are used that soothe the skin and make the pores less enlarged.
Manual facial cleansing by a cosmetologist can be combined with other methods. It goes well with the ultrasonic and laser methods. Thus, it is possible to increase the effectiveness of both procedures.
Procedure Algorithm
What is manual cleansing and what is its duration? The duration of the procedure is about 40-50 minutes. The process itself is as follows:
- At the initial stage, the skin is cleansed of makeup, surface dust and dirt.
- Next, a cleansing mask is applied to the skin, which draws sebaceous plugs from the pores of the face.
- Then the skin is treated with a degreasing agent.
- After all these manipulations, the cosmetologist applies creams and masks with a steaming effect on the skin. At this stage, the task is to open the pores.
- After the skin has been thoroughly steamed, the cleaning procedure follows using finger pads or special devices.
- The final stage involves the application of therapeutic masks with anti-inflammatory effect.
If the skin is oily, cleaning is recommended once every 10 days. Normal skin needs such a procedure no more than 1 time per month.
Applied Devices
As a rule, manual cleaning is carried out exclusively with the help of hands. Removal of comedones and sebaceous plugs is carried out with fingertips wrapped in sterile wipes. Squeezing acne and acne with your fingers is strictly prohibited, because such manipulations injure the skin and can cause serious complications. If necessary, the following cosmetic tools can be used:
- Spoon Uno. This device is a metal stick with two tips. On one side is a spatula with a large number of holes. Its task is to remove excess greasy secretion. On the other hand there is a scapula with one hole, which is designed to extrude acne.
- Vidal's game. A metal tool with work areas on both sides of it. At one end there is a needle for opening inflammatory elements, at the other - a scapula with an opening for extruding them.
Regardless of where the procedure will be carried out, at home or in the salon, before proceeding with it, you need to carefully sterilize the tools for manual face cleaning.
Side effects and complications
In reviews of manual facial cleansing, it is often mentioned that after its implementation there are side effects in the form of redness and slight swelling. Often they pass after 2-3 days, so specific treatment is not required.
Manual cleaning is fraught with the fact that during its conduct more serious complications may appear, for example, infection of soft tissues, the development of inflammation and scarring.
To avoid unpleasant consequences, you need to consider contraindications to the procedure and entrust it to an experienced cosmetologist. A major role is played by cleaning after cleaning.
How to care for your skin after manual cleaning
The entire recovery period takes, as a rule, 1-5 days. The first 12 hours are considered the most difficult, so at first you should not go out. Wash your face should also not. Within 2-3 days, you should refrain from applying makeup, visiting a solarium. During this period, the skin must be protected from sunlight, so before going out, it is necessary to apply a cream with a high protection factor.
Basic care after the procedure involves the use of cosmetics that soothe the skin, relieve inflammation, and accelerate the recovery process. Such products should be applied in the morning and afternoon, and in the evening it is advisable to use lotions that do not contain alcohol.
If necessary, areas with inflammation should be treated with antiseptic agents. To dry the skin and minimize the activity of bacteria, reviews recommend applying masks based on healing clay. It is important to find out what it is - manual facial cleansing and what cosmetic products to use after it.
Manual cleaning is a procedure that injures the skin. The list of contraindications for manual facial cleansing is small, so many can afford it.
Contraindications include:
- herpes;
- ulcers;
- ulcers;
- vascular network;
- furunculosis;
- pathology of the circulatory system;
- herpes
- skin diseases (dermatitis, psoriasis, etc.);
- rosacea;
- subcutaneous tick;
- skin hypersensitivity;
- menstruation period.
Advantages and disadvantages
Manual facial cleansing is a simple and effective procedure that allows you to cleanse your skin from acne. To carry out it will not require expensive tools and cosmetics. A great advantage of manual face peeling is that it is universal, which means that it can be carried out both at home and in the cabin.
A small list of contraindications and affordability are also the main advantages of the procedure.
As for the shortcomings, among them, the reviews mention pain during the conduct and the occurrence of complications. If safety precautions are violated during the procedure or during the recovery period, this can be fraught with the appearance of a serious inflammatory process and scars.
Rehabilitation period: basic rules
To restore the skin faster, during the rehabilitation period you need to adhere to the main recommendations of a cosmetologist:
- In the evening, after cleaning, the skin should be cleaned with a lotion without an alcohol base and apply a night cream.
- During the first 3-5 days, it is recommended to use a tonic that tightens pores and an antiseptic solution.
- As a means of washing, thermal water is ideal, which provides an additional antibacterial effect.
- To eliminate inflammation after cleaning, you need to apply a mask of white clay and mineral water (ratio - 1: 1). After washing, it is necessary to use a cream with a moisturizing effect.
- For skin care, you can use cosmetic products, which include an extract of aloe vera.
- As already mentioned above, during the rehabilitation period, the skin should be protected from ultraviolet radiation and not use decorative cosmetics.
- It is necessary to touch the face as little as possible and not to peel off the healed crusts.
Manual cleaning is considered the most painful and traumatic cosmetic procedure. If you do not adhere to the rules, the risk of the following complications is high:
- Prolonged redness. To eliminate it, you can use masks, cold lotions, lotions with anti-inflammatory properties.
- Swelling of the skin. Such an adverse reaction can occur within 1-2 days after cleaning. A cosmetologist can prescribe drugs with a diuretic effect. However, before taking them, you must make sure that there is no allergy.
- Hematomas. This phenomenon occurs due to excessive forces that were applied during manual cleaning. To eliminate it, you have to apply absorbable ointments and cold compresses.
- Inflammation on the skin. This phenomenon suggests that during the procedure, full attention was not paid to antiseptic treatment or the rules for skin care during the recovery period were not respected.
- Scarring. Their appearance is associated with improper technique of the procedure. Often, these side effects occur after cleansing the face, which was carried out at home.
- Strong peeling. It mainly appears on too dry skin due to the use of improperly selected products. In this case, it will be possible to solve the problem by applying deeply moisturizing agents.
- Enlarged pores. They arise due to the natural features of the skin or due to too intense pressure on the epidermis during the procedure.
- Allergy. Such an unexpected reaction may occur due to the use of cosmetics.
- Skin infection. This complication is the result of non-compliance with the rules of disinfection of the instrument. It also appears due to cleaning, which is carried out with dirty hands. For treatment, antibacterial drugs and treatment with special drugs are prescribed.
Despite the fact that most cosmetologists consider manual facial cleansing a painful and traumatic procedure, it is still in great demand due to its effectiveness. Choosing a way to cleanse your skin from acne, acne and sebaceous plugs, you need to study in detail each of the options that modern cosmetology offers and choose the most suitable for yourself. It is important to learn about all the features of manual facial cleansing. What is it and whether it has contraindications, you already know. If the choice is made in favor of a manual technique, it is advisable to entrust this procedure to an experienced cosmetologist. Thus, adverse reactions and serious complications can be avoided.