Gelatin hair mask - the effect of lamination at home

Lamination of hair - the procedure, of course, is quite attractive, but not at all cheap. Salons, hairdressers offering a similar service, require a considerable amount, but the result is not always worth it. But there is a worthy alternative to the expensive procedure for laminating in the salon - a gelatin hair mask. The lamination effect from it is unusually persistent. In addition, with its help you will make your hair healthy and fill it with various nutrients.

Gelatin hair mask, lamination effect

Beauty secret

Homemade masks for lamination are made on the basis of gelatin, a product of connective tissue of natural origin. The composition of gelatin is extremely useful not only for hair, but also for nails. It is also noticed that gelatin has a beneficial effect on the skin.

A gelatin film covers the hair and, like salon lamination, protects them from the negative effects of the external environment, and other components of the mask help strengthen, moisturize and grow hair.

It should be noted that the gelatin mask creates a lasting effect of lamination, but at the same time it is easily washed off and does not leave a greasy shine. If you regularly apply these masks, the hair will become smooth and soft, will cease to be electrified.

How to apply a gelatin mask

Gelatin mask lamination effect

A homemade gelatin hair mask, the lamination effect of which will certainly please you, is suitable for those who just want to take care of strengthening your hair and make your look unforgettable. Also, it must be used in order to prevent hair cross-section, to restore weakened and damaged curls.

For the procedure you will need gelatin powder, a little time. A gelatin hair mask is applied (the effect of lamination to be more pronounced) on washed wet hair. Then they should be wrapped with a film for 30-60 minutes.

Gelatin-based hair mask recipes

Many different recipes for gelatin masks are known: from the simplest to the most sophisticated. For ordinary lamination, you will need the following ingredients: gelatin (1 tbsp. Spoon), water (3 tbsp. Tablespoons). The components must be mixed and allowed to infuse the mixture for about 15-20 minutes. The mask should be applied to the hair, then the head should be well wrapped in a film and a towel. On top for a greater effect, you can warm your hair with warm air with a hairdryer. After 40 minutes, the mask is washed off with shampoo.

Gelatin Hair Mask - Lamination Effect and Nutrition

Egg yolk must be added to the standard mixture (a spoonful of gelatin, three water). It is necessary to withstand such a mask for 30-50 minutes.

Gelatin hair mask, photo

Gelatin can be diluted not only with water, but also with milk warmed to room temperature. This recipe is recommended for dry hair. Then gelatin with milk must be heated in a water bath and add vitamins A and E to the mixture (can be bought at the pharmacy). The mask is applied to the hair for 40 minutes, washed off with shampoo.

To give the hair volume, it is necessary to add the following ingredients to the mask: gelatin, colorless henna, mustard, honey and one egg yolk. To prepare the mask, you need to dilute the gelatin with water and add to the mixture a teaspoon of mustard, as much colorless henna and yolk. The mask is aged on the hair for about one hour.

Here is such a simple gelatin hair mask. Photos using it indicate good results. If you carry out such procedures regularly, then your hair will be filled with strength and shine, will become smooth and obedient. For a lasting lamination effect, masks should be done at least once or twice a week.

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