Non-injection mesotherapy: description of the procedure, effect, reviews

Since most people have a negative attitude to injections, not everyone agrees to procedures with their participation. Especially when it comes to facial skin, which is sensitive. But now there is a non-injection face mesotherapy, which is painless. The procedure is carried out using a special apparatus and cocktail. The rules of its implementation and the results are described in the article.

The concept

Non-injection mesotherapy is a procedure for the delivery of active ingredients for rejuvenation in the middle and superficial layers of the skin without injections. For this, only a therapeutic and cosmetic cocktail selected by a doctor is used, as well as nozzles of the cosmetology apparatus. The latter are needed for better permeability of the skin membrane. As a result, the active components will penetrate the epidermis faster.

non-injection mesotherapy: before and after

The procedure is useful for those women who do not tolerate injections. Aging cannot be avoided, so it is important to know how to stop it. This process is painless and effective, it is enough just to perform it according to the rules. According to reviews, many women are happy with such a transformation of appearance.


The result from non-injection mesotherapy is no worse than from injection methods. It is advisable to know about the effect in advance. Excellent results are achieved only after completing the entire course. Usually after it is observed:

  1. Fresh complexion.
  2. Moisturize dry skin.
  3. Elimination of minor defects.
  4. Rejuvenation: smoothing wrinkles, providing a lifting effect, tightening and refreshing.
  5. Toning.
  6. Whitening of age spots.
  7. Increased turgor, increased production of collagen, elastin.
  8. Getting rid of swelling and bruising around the eyes.
  9. Decreased visibility of spider veins on the face.
  10. The narrowing of the pores.
  11. Treatment of seborrhea.
  12. Eliminate blackheads.
  13. Treatment of stretch marks, scars, scars.
  14. Create a clear contour of the face.
  15. Pulling the cheeks and chin.
  16. Elimination of muscle cramps.
  17. Skin restoration during the rehabilitation period.
non-injection facial mesotherapy

Judging by the reviews, this procedure helps to cope with many problems, the main thing is that its appearance should be selected individually. With the help of non-injection mesotherapy, it will be possible to cope with many problems. The complexity is that more than one session is needed. The result depends on what type of procedure is selected.


Since there are several delivery methods for cocktails, the procedure can be of different types. They can be found in the price list of the salon. According to the hardware effect, the procedures are divided into:

  1. Cryomesotherapy. It includes the positive effect of 3 components: serum, cold and electric waves. The result is excellent lifting.
  2. Hydromesotherapy / electroporation. Due to this effect, the permeability of cell membranes improves, and the components of cocktails are absorbed.
  3. Laser. Exposure will help to accumulate active substances in the skin and improve microcirculation in the dermis. The result is epidermis recovery. An infrared laser is designed to power valuable components.
  4. Iontophoresis. It is performed under the influence of galvanic, stable current. So there is a toning of the skin, improving metabolism and blood circulation, the vessels become strong.
  5. Magnetophoresis. Serum substances penetrate the skin under the influence of magnetic waves.
  6. Oxygen mesotherapy. This procedure consists of OXY therapy and oxygen therapy. Cells receive pure oxygen, injected at high pressure by jet. After this, rejuvenation, toning, improvement of complexion, elimination of pigmentation, saturation of the epidermis with moisture occurs.
  7. Ultraphonophoresis. Ultrasonic vibrations are used that perform a transport action for the main substances of the cosmetic cosmetic serum.
  8. Aquaphoresis. In one procedure, laser therapy, electromyostimulation and lymphatic drainage are performed.

According to reviews, mesotherapy without injections is an excellent way to rejuvenate. It is only important that it is performed by a professional.


Depending on the apparatus for non-injection mesotherapy, the procedures are different. They are performed by the following devices:

  1. Gezatone m9900. It will be possible to combine 5 effective technologies with it.
  2. Young-in HYDRO 013. This convenient device is suitable for home use.
  3. Young-in Oxygen Peel 028. This gas-liquid device is the best for performing a painless procedure.
non-injection mesotherapy: apparatus


According to the mesococktail, non-injection facial mesotherapy happens:

  1. Allopathic. Cocktails are made from medicines. They are enriched with minerals, vitamins, acids: glycolic and pyruvic, plant extracts, drugs. They have animal extracts, biotechnology products. Serums are selected individually.
  2. Homeopathic. As part of the cocktail there are no biotechnologies and medicines, it includes plant substances. The client can only voice their wishes about which method you want to choose. But the choice is up to the specialist.


The non-injection mesotherapy procedure is not suitable for everyone. The limitation is age. According to expert reviews, such a rejuvenation is not suitable until 25-28 years. It is performed when:

  1. Unhealthy complexion.
  2. Dry epidermis.
  3. Defects.
  4. Wrinkles, poor elasticity, sagging.
  5. Age spots.
  6. Bruising, swelling near the eyes.
  7. Enlarged pores.
  8. Cuperose.
  9. Seborrhea.
  10. Eels.
  11. Stretch marks, scars, scars.
non-injection mesotherapy procedure

Rejuvenation is required if the contour of the face is vague, and there is a second chin. Beinjection mesotherapy of the face is carried out with muscle cramps, during rehabilitation after plastic surgery. Even if there is any of these problems, only a specialist can determine whether such a rejuvenation is necessary or you can use another technique.


According to experts, non-injection mesotherapy may not be recommended to everyone. Contraindications include:

  1. Pregnancy, lactation.
  2. Inflammation.
  3. Exacerbation of infections.
  4. Stones in the gall bladder.
  5. Drug intolerance.
  6. The defeat of the epidermis.
  7. Neoplasms.
  8. Diabetes.
non-injection mesotherapy procedure: result

In the presence of such problems, the procedure is contraindicated. Otherwise, complications may appear, which will not be so easy to get rid of. If you are prone to allergies, you should not perform such a rejuvenation. Used cocktails include active ingredients that cause unwanted reactions.

Salon procedure

How do non-injection mesotherapy? Although different devices are used for this, the procedure is carried out according to a single scheme. Preparation for it is as follows:

  1. The case history is being studied. The client is asked about contraindications.
  2. Indications and the problematic place of the face are determined.
  3. Select the desired cocktail.
  4. Facial cleansing of cosmetics.
  5. The removal of dead cells is carried out.

On this the preparation is over. The process itself involves applying to the place of correction of the prepared cocktail. The device acts for 15-30 minutes. Soothing and firming agents are applied at the end. One month after treatment, supportive procedures are performed.

All salons work according to this scheme. The differences are in the apparatus used and the mesococktail. Doctors-dermatovenerologists who have a certificate of advanced training in physiotherapy, cosmetology with an experience of more than 5 years have the right to perform such rejuvenation.

The cost of non-injection mesotherapy is determined by what equipment will be used. The price is affected by the complexity of the procedure. On average, the cost is 4-7 thousand rubles.

Home procedure

Although non-injection mesotherapy at home is allowed, but still, it is better to consult a cosmetologist. He determines the indications and contraindications, and also chooses the type of the best cocktail. The results depend on it. The following tools and tools are suitable for the home:

  1. Mesoscooter. The device can be bought from 600 rubles. For example, the Chinese version of Micro Needle Roller System for 1300 rubles is in demand. When choosing, pay attention to the rollers. Many of them include small but needles. This is not a non-injection mesotherapy. It is necessary to choose those nozzles that only massage the skin.
  2. Disinfectant. It is required to protect the mesoscooter from germs and infections. It is better to choose medical alcohol.
  3. Preparations. They come in the form of concentrates - with hyaluronic, ascorbic acid, collagen, aloe vera, chamomile. The second type is called cocktails. They are made with hyaluronic acid, peptide complexes, bioextracts, L-carnitine, guarana extracts. Non-injection mesotherapy with hyaluronic acid helps smooth wrinkles and moisturize the skin.
  4. Wound healing agent. After the first procedures performed at home, the skin can be injured due to inadequate pressure and other factors. Therefore, after this it is necessary to apply "Panthenol" or a mask with aloe.
non-injection mesotherapy at home

According to reviews, non-injection mesotherapy is effective only if it is performed in accordance with all the rules. Rejuvenation must be carried out taking into account the following recommendations:

  1. The face needs to be cleaned of cosmetics, dirt.
  2. Mandatory disinfection of the roller for the mesoscooter.
  3. The cocktail is applied with a cotton pad.
  4. Massage with the mesoscooter of the problem area is carried out for 5-10 minutes.
  5. It is necessary to apply a cocktail a second time, because after massage the absorption of active substances will improve.
  6. After 30 minutes, a wound healing agent is applied.
  7. After an hour, apply a nourishing cream.
  8. The course is 10 procedures, between which 2-3 days should pass. Between courses, rest is at least 1.5 months.

Non-injection mesotherapy at home is a safe rejuvenation. Only with its correct execution can excellent results be expected. But it should be borne in mind that after any cosmetic procedure, recovery is necessary.


For mesotherapy to bring positive results, careful care is required for several days. It is impossible during rehabilitation:

  1. Go to the pool, solarium, to the beach, to the bath, spa.
  2. Do sport.
  3. Drinking alcohol.
  4. Use a lot of makeup.

Rehabilitation does not last long. After this rejuvenation, there are no side effects (if you do not take into account a slight reddening of the skin). Therefore, after 2-3 hours after this, you can do the usual things, but only if there are no complications. According to experts, mesotherapy should be performed only in cold weather.


Rarely enough such a procedure leads to complications. The reason for this phenomenon is considered to be the unprofessionalism of the master, a violation of sterility. If the clinic has authority among people, then you should not wait for negative moments. Of the complications distinguished:

  1. Flushing.
  2. Edema.
  3. An allergy.
  4. Inflammation.
  5. Ecchymoses.
  6. Oleomas.
  7. Exacerbation of chronic ailments.
  8. Skin infections.
  9. Scarring.
  10. Skin atrophy.
  11. Degenerative changes in the cover.
  12. Post-traumatic lymphostasis.
  13. Skin lesions.
non-injection mesotherapy cost

In order to prevent such consequences, before the procedure it is necessary to read reviews about the clinic and the doctor who will carry out the procedure. It is also necessary to weigh again whether mesotherapy should be performed. According to reviews, complications are extremely rare.


Of the advantages of the procedure are:

  1. Painlessness.
  2. Skin preservation.
  3. The absence of bruises, swelling, redness.
  4. Short recovery time.
  5. Security.
  6. There are few contraindications.

It is these advantages that women who have undergone this type of rejuvenation give out. If everything is done correctly, then the skin takes on an updated look. It is enough to provide her with proper care in order to maintain her health and beauty.

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