"Dynasty" is about family inheritance

It is difficult to start a business from scratch every time: for this you have to spend incredible efforts and resources. Therefore, various forms of inheritance in society have long become the norm. The principle affects personal property, rights and blood relations. One of the widely known forms of transferring privileges or knowledge that is still in demand today is the dynasty.

When and how did the term arise, what does the speaker put into it? Just look into any dictionary to find the answer!

Right strong

The word through a chain of borrowings came from the Greek concept, which is decomposed into unexpected components:

  • to be strong;
  • dominance;
  • power.

Initially, it was understood that a dynasty was a form of government akin to tyranny or oligarchy. Its representatives even had a special name. But how was the tyrant different from the dynast? The first ruled alone, the second bore the title along with a small group of other people. The Greeks used a similar definition in relation to the eastern princes, which did not receive sufficient power to name the kings.

Thai dynasty

Modern reading

As the term traveled from one language to another, it gained a little more nobility, sophistication. Belonging to the ruling elite is always a pleasure. Because of this, the interpretation of the word "dynasty" in the Middle Ages and today has changed, expanded. They are designated:

  • monarchs successively in power from the same clan and / or with a single ancestor;
  • family members who have been practicing the same profession for generations.

The historical meaning is the obvious tracing-paper from the Greek language, albeit not literally. Prominent names reigned in Russia. Some European ruling houses still occupy key positions in the life of their countries, even though they are deprived of most of their powers.

The layman is much closer to the allegorical decryption. For a simple person, a "dynasty" is not aristocrats or any merchants. And teachers and doctors, miners and drivers. And also a situation where parents do not forget about the child, trusting his education to school. They themselves invest a particle of the soul, direct growth. They personally teach skills so that in the future a young man can surpass the older generation, become a virtuoso of his craft and glorify his family!

Small philistine dynasty

A look at everyday life

In what situations is it appropriate to pronounce a word? It depends on the context. It can be used in an ironic way, they say, "This is a dynasty of loafers!" - to the negligent spouse and child, who, instead of help from the house, decided to go fishing. Or switch to a sublime style, to boast to your old friend that they diligently adopt your knowledge and skills.

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