Neurology - what is it? What does a neurologist treat?

Often patients have to deal with the concept of neurology. What is it and how to interpret it? First of all, neurology is a science that studies the normal and pathological development of the nervous system. She also deals with changes in the nervous system that arise as a result of external influences or diseases of other organs.

The role of the nervous system in the body

The nervous system in the human body is engaged in the perception and analysis of signals inside and outside the body, is responsible for their further translation, processing and response. Figuratively speaking, the nervous system plays the role of a watchman in the body, which signals external changes and problems within.

neurology what is it

The nervous system is divided into peripheral (nerve nodes and fibers) and central (spinal cord and brain). In a field such as neurology, diseases most often occur through pain. Symptoms that may indicate a likely damage to the central nervous system (brain) are: headache, distortion of the face, shakiness, dizziness, numbness of the limbs, difficulty speaking and swallowing, double vision. Sometimes there is a loss of consciousness of the patient, cramps, weakness in the arms and legs.

Neurological diseases: symptoms

On the one hand, neurology is a science that studies the human nervous system, and on the other, it is a direction in medicine that deals with the diagnosis and treatment of neurological pathologies. Diseases of the nervous system can be accompanied by a violation of mental functions, which is manifested by depression, anxiety, irritability, decreased intelligence and memory, and a quick change of mood.

neurology of the disease

Diseases of the spinal cord are accompanied by pain, weakness and numbness in the legs, arms and trunk, constipation, impaired urination, muscle atrophy, cramps. Neurology also deals with peripheral nervous system problems. What is it and how can they appear? First of all, these are pathologies associated with compression by ligaments or bone structures of nerve fibers and roots. Nerve fibers suffer as a result of chronic poisoning of the body (impaired metabolism, drug addiction, alcoholism).

Headache - a leading symptom in neurological diseases

Headache refers to the list of symptoms that are very common not only in the field of neurology, but also in general medical practice. Symptoms of almost 50 different diseases are limited to only one headache. The history of neurology is full of cases when this particular symptom, if it is not accompanied by anything, delays the patient’s visit to the doctor. A headache can signal both depression, overwork, emotional stress, and serious illnesses. Immediate consultation with a neurologist is necessary if, in addition to the headache, the patient is disturbed by symptoms such as loss of consciousness, dizziness, numbness, vomiting, and nausea.

An experienced doctor must first determine the nature and nature of the headache. For this, neurological examination is supplemented by instrumental methods (ultrasound Dopplerography, skull Ro-graphy, MRI of the head). It is also necessary to undergo an examination with a therapist, dentist, otolaryngologist, optometrist and pass general clinical tests. Such a complex will help to maximally study the patient’s body condition, make the correct diagnosis and prescribe adequate treatment.

Peripheral nervous system diseases

About 70% of patients complain of problems with the peripheral nervous system. Very often there is a pathology of the spine, which is involved in vertebro-neurology. What it is? This refers to a disease in which the functioning of joints, discs, bone structures, tendon and muscle formations of the spinal column is disrupted.

neurology is a science

Lesions of the ligamentous apparatus, intervertebral joints and intervertebral disc are collectively called osteochondrosis. In old age, this disease qualifies as normal, but now this diagnosis can be found in patients almost teenagers, which is a serious problem. It has become commonplace when the disease progresses in patients under the age of 40 years. The development of this pathology is accelerated by such factors as malnutrition, passive lifestyle, poor posture.

We ask for help from a neurologist

A neurologist is involved in the diagnosis, prevention and treatment of disorders of the nervous system. You need to contact the neurology department if you are disturbed by back pain, muscle weakness, fainting, dizziness, tremor of the extremities, insomnia or sleep disorders, impaired coordination of movements, headaches, numbness.

neurology reviews

At first glance, such minor symptoms as “flies” in front of the eyes or numbness of the finger often cause diseases of the nervous system. Sometimes these symptoms can be attributed to fatigue or fatigue. But even with such minor manifestations, it is necessary to consult a specialist, because neurological diseases develop slowly and gradually. Each person needs to know that untimely treatment of the diseases that neurology deals with can lead to serious consequences, that this is a dangerous condition that threatens with loss of intelligence, paralysis and disability. The risk of developing neurological disorders increases with age. Only periodic neurological examinations can prevent their occurrence and likely consequences.


Neurology of the disease also includes in complicated forms. The most common are radiculoneuritis and radiculitis. These complications are associated with inflammation of the spinal root, which causes pain, swelling, and inflammation. Cervical sciatica is accompanied by pain in the neck and gives to the interscapular region, shoulder, arm and head. With thoracic radiculitis, pain occurs in the thoracic region, sometimes simulated pains in the liver and heart can occur.

The most vulnerable spine is the lumbosacral. Radiculitis in this area is manifested by characteristic pains in the sacrum and lower back, which are given to the buttocks, leg, and groin. The patient has dull pain when bending and unbending the body, difficulty getting up from a chair or climbing stairs. In the morning, the pain intensifies significantly, it is difficult for the patient to turn and get out of bed. Urgent neurological care is required if complications such as impaired urination, convulsive muscle contractions and weakness in the legs appear.

scientific center of neurology


Timely diagnosis of diseases of the nervous system is the first stage of recovery. These diseases cannot go away on their own. Patients often make a huge mistake overcoming symptoms, such as headaches, with medications. With improper treatment, the disease only progresses, and the likelihood of complications increases significantly.

Due to the fact that in most cases neurological diseases are characterized by the same type of symptoms, the diagnosis should be aimed at choosing the right research scheme. Many of the symptoms that may indicate the development of a neurological disease, at the same time can talk about the side effects of the treatment of some other disease, to which neurology is not related. The reviews of patients and doctors agree that neurological pathologies are difficult to diagnose, and at first glance they can be mistaken for a completely different disease.

neurology of the disease

Diagnostic steps

At the first stage, the neuropathologist must conduct a clinical examination, which will determine the nature and location of the disease and choose the tactics of additional examination and treatment. An effective research method is radiography, with which it is determined in what condition the bone-articular tissue of the spine. Magnetic resonance imaging allows you to see in more detail not only the bone, but also the spinal roots, blood vessels, cartilage, ligaments and muscles. Among other additional methods with which the neurology of the disease is studied, homeopathy, reflexology, homotoxicology, manual therapy, acupressure, and ultrasound dopplerography are popular.

history of neurology


The development of methods for the treatment of neurological diseases is carried out by the scientific center of neurology. To date, an integrated approach to treatment is widely used. It is aimed at eliminating the causes and alleviating the symptoms. Neurological pathologies are mainly treated by using drug therapy. Additionally, rehabilitation and restoration techniques are used, including heat therapy, therapeutic exercises, kinesitherapy, acupuncture, therapeutic massage, physiotherapy and herbal medicine. In addition, there are special rehabilitation programs for patients.

You can protect the body from neurological disorders and prevent complications only by monitoring your health, which includes a good lifestyle, avoiding stress and undergoing periodic examinations by a neurologist.

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