Career guidance for high school students: program, topics, events, profile. Career guidance

The choice of a specialty is considered one of the main tasks that have to be addressed at a young age. Career guidance measures help determine this issue.

career guidance for high school students


A person who chooses a specialty is called an optant (from the Latin word optacio - "election, desire"). As a result of his actions, a sufficiently clear and realistic idea of ​​a professional community, to which he will classify himself in the future, should be formed. As the results of various studies show, children at a young age, for example, know only 20-25 specialties. In this regard, career guidance for adolescents is often elemental. The study of motivations for choosing one or another specialty showed that a significant role in this belongs to others. So, about 25% prefer the profession under the influence of a more independent friend, 17% are guided by the advice of adults, 9% - information from the media. The choice of another 9% is determined by various non-essential factors (for example, the insignificant remoteness of the university from home). Only 40% of students are guided by the content of future work.

Relevance of the problem

Choosing a specialty, a person at a young age usually takes into account his own interests and inclinations in the first place. However, at the same time, the conformity of personal qualities to the requirements of a particular field of activity is not taken into account . In particular, the intellectual potential, psychophysiological capabilities, etc. are not taken into account. For many children, the situation in which it is necessary to make such a choice becomes stressful. This is mainly due to the fact that, on the one hand, it is still difficult for a teenager to take responsibility for their actions. On the other hand, he simply does not know what he should do better, how to ensure that his specialty fully coincides with his goals and interests.


For the right choice, it is necessary to study the most common, popular specialties. In addition, you need to familiarize yourself with the requirements that apply to candidates. It is also important to study your own characteristics, the specifics of thinking, character, temperament, nervous system. The findings should be compared with the requirements of a particular field of activity. It should be noted that the sooner work on career guidance is done, the more effective it will be in the end.

student guidance

What is a specialty?

It represents a limited for society (due to the division of labor) sphere of application of the spiritual and physical forces of man. It makes it possible to obtain means of subsistence and development. A profession is a group of related specialties. For example, there are turners, borers, generalists, etc. These specialties are combined in a group called the "turning profession".


Today there are a huge number of specialties. For career guidance for schoolchildren to be useful for children, it is necessary to clearly distinguish between the directions of their possible activities in the future. Classification is carried out according to various criteria. For example, it can be a division by industry, skill level, psychological requirements, etc. You can determine the direction of interests by passing a test for career guidance. Currently, a variety of questionnaires have been developed. The test for career guidance will help to identify a person’s abilities in a particular area, the priority of a particular field of activity. Quite common is the division into types of human interactions with:

  1. By nature.
  2. Technique.
  3. By man.
  4. Artistic images.
  5. By signs.

In each of these areas there are specific specialties from which the child can choose the most suitable.

Human and nature

If the questionnaire on career guidance showed the child’s commitment to this area of ​​activity, then most likely he has certain successes in such subjects as biology, anatomy, zoology, botany, physiology. A feature of the category of specialties "man-nature" is the fact that they are all non-standard, variable and have a certain complexity. Their transformation is subject to the internal laws of the natural environment. In this regard, the career guidance lesson in this case should include tasks to identify initiative, independence in solving specific tasks. A specialist in this field should not only know a lot, but also have the ability to anticipate certain changes. Here, among other things, creative skills, responsiveness, caring are important. The specialist must remember that many changes in organisms can become irreversible.

Activity specifics

Vocational guidance of students to a certain extent should prepare them for possible difficulties in one or another field. For example, speaking of specialties such as "man-nature", it must be said that many of them are related to technology. For example, plant growers, agronomists use a variety of equipment. A sophisticated technique is also present in the work of microbiologists. The situation is similar with livestock specialties. Currently, they are increasingly being transferred to an industrial basis. As part of the team, they are also engaged in establishing interpersonal relationships. In addition, often they have to delve into the intricacies of accounting, analyze the economic results of their own activities. Some specialties require artistic skills. For example, this is typical for professions such as florists, landscapers.

career guidance activities

Important point

When career counseling events are held, children should see not only the positive, but also the negative sides of a particular profession. It is imperative that they understand and appreciate their personal, real attitude towards future activities. For example, for specialties such as "man-nature", it is important to distinguish between ordinary love of the environment and the desire to bring something important, necessary, to solve a problem, to improve the state of the system. Choosing such a profession, you need to know that for a specialist nature is not a place of rest. She acts as a workshop where he will give his strength and time.

Technical direction

In it, the work of specialists is associated with mechanisms, machines, energy in its various forms. This direction is suitable for children who are successful in physics, mathematics, drawing, chemistry. The technical direction should be considered broadly, not to reduce it to one "piece of hardware". Specialties can be associated with non-metallic objects. For example, it can be food raw materials, fabrics, plastic, semi-finished products. The peculiarity of the objects of labor is that they can be accurately measured, characterized in many ways. Accordingly, when moving, processing, changing them from a specialist, certainty of actions will be required.

Features of the technical sphere

Career guidance for youth should show the potential of a particular field of activity. For example, the technical area is a huge field for invention and innovation. Therefore, the key to success in this area is the presence of craving for modeling, the ability to disconnect and connect objects and their elements. At the same time, it is possible to invent not only tools and other objects of labor, but also technology, methods of performing operations. Another major condition for success in this area is the presence of high discipline.

Sphere "person-person"

Specialties in this area are related to education, training, leadership, service. Such activity, as a rule, is chosen by those children who are successful in such subjects as literature, history, social studies, etc. The key feature of this sphere is that the essence of labor in it is the interaction between people. Another important feature is that the specialist requires double training:

  1. It is necessary to be able to form and maintain relationships with people, to understand their psychology, to understand them.
  2. It is necessary to have training in various fields of art, technology, production, science, etc.

Category of specialties "man and sign system"

This area of ​​activity is associated with the processing of data presented in the form of formulas, numbers, texts. An integral element of the modern world are a variety of sign systems. Today, various drawings, topographic maps, diagrams, tables, conditional signals, formulas and so on are actively used daily. Specialists in the field of sign systems require special skills and inclinations. In the process, it is necessary to carry out control, accounting, information processing. Specialists are often required to develop new sign systems.

career guidance for students

Man and art image

All specialties in this area are conditionally divided into several categories. The criteria are historically isolated types of artistic depiction of real events. So, there are professions related to:

  1. Fine art.
  2. Literature
  3. The music.
  4. Acting and stage activity.

These categories do not have clear boundaries; they are in one or another interaction. One of the features of the specialties of this sphere is the fact that most of the labor costs of workers are hidden from outsiders. In many cases, special measures are even taken to create the effect of ease, ease of the result of activities. For example, an artist’s performance on stage can last several minutes. But for it to take place, every day for several hours he improves his skills, rehearses, and abides by the regime.

Career guidance program for high school students - what is it?

As mentioned above, today there are many manuals and teaching materials for both children and adults. Meanwhile, their study does not always bring the desired result. Many children not only do not form a clear idea of ​​the specialties and possible areas of activity, but, on the contrary, the problem of choice is only exacerbated. That is why vocational guidance day is held in educational institutions. Extracurricular activities aimed at explaining to children the specifics of labor relations in one sphere or another today are not sufficiently developed. Career guidance for students is a powerful and effective tool that contributes to the solution of a problem that is relevant to them. Its goal is to assist in the formation in children of a sustainable need for self-development and the realization of their potential in the labor sphere. One of the key tasks is the creation of the necessary conditions for the independent activity of each child. Career guidance for students allows children to identify their individual characteristics, inclinations, predisposition to any activity.

career guidance for adolescents

Key elements

Career guidance in grade 9 involves a phased introduction to different areas of work. In the form of theoretical knowledge, games, creative exercises, self-awareness of children develops. In the course of interaction with teachers and other specialists, a stable value system is formed. Children begin to model their future. These are the main tasks that career counseling performs. Grade 11 is a period when children come close to the question of choice. By this time, most of them should already have a clear idea of ​​their future, make up the "ideal image" of a specialist.


At the first stage, preparations are made for acquaintance with material relating to the labor sphere. It includes the stages of the formation of professional activity, methods of choosing a specialty. Children get acquainted with key concepts, definitions, and sources of information about the future work sphere.

Main stages

Topics for career guidance are not limited solely to the description of certain professions. The process includes:

  1. The development of concepts and ideas related to the world of work.
  2. Activation of self-improvement and self-knowledge.
  3. The formation of skills to determine key qualities for a particular profession.
  4. Development of ideas about special education.


Career guidance for high school students suggests that by the end of the year, children will master key educational skills. These include, in particular, the ability to know oneself, especially the emotional-volitional sphere, character, temperament. Students draw up a plan for self-control, development of will, regulation of emotions. This will allow them to form the ability to build their own lives at their discretion and desire. At the next stage, career guidance for high school students includes familiarization with the requirements of a particular labor activity, qualification characteristics, the presence of which will allow them to master a specialty and achieve certain successes in the chosen field of employment. At the third stage, a concrete decision is made, information on the ways and possibilities of obtaining an appropriate education is studied.

career guidance lesson

Extracurricular Activities

Career guidance for high school students includes familiarization with the psychology of work in one area or another. This is due to the physiological and age characteristics of children. In the process of familiarization with the main areas of activity, students learn the essence of work in a particular specialty. As a result, children realize what a person’s mutual correspondence to his future specialty is.

Normative base

Vocational guidance for high school students is carried out according to a plan developed in accordance with:

  1. Regulations on the procedure for state accreditation and certification.
  2. Federal Law "On Education".
  3. The model regulation on the institution of further education.

When developing the plan, the Methodological recommendations of the Ministry of Education and Science and the Requirements for the design and content of training programs for add. education of children.

Sections of the plan

As part of the career guidance program, children are invited to study the following concepts:

  1. Needs, motives, goals and meaning of the activity.
  2. Failure and success in work, assessment, level of achievement.
  3. Human movements and actions, skills, knowledge.
  4. Types of activity, social motives, features of labor.
  5. Professions, occupation specialties, their psychological characteristics.

Children are also explained the features of communication within the framework of work. Additionally, the psychological characteristics of work in extreme conditions are described. In conclusion, it is supposed to summarize the results of extracurricular activities, summarize the results, bring them to children, parents and teachers.

Terms of sale

To conduct vocational guidance classes in an educational institution, a spacious room should be allocated in which children could receive theoretical knowledge. In addition, there is a room for creative activity. The educational institution should have a library with a reading room, where you can find all the necessary literature on topics of interest, as well as a computer classroom, a room for watching videos. Children are invited to participate on a voluntary basis. As practice shows, there are a lot of people who want to attend vocational guidance classes. Children bring their friends and like-minded people, which contributes to free communication, dedication and joint activities.

The plan is designed for successive stages and obtaining the necessary knowledge. This practice allows children to learn socially significant aspects. In particular, they gain skills in applied arts and research. Children learn the features of interpersonal communication in the workforce, the psychological specificity of a particular activity. As a result, high school students expand their horizons in the field of professions, receive information about the educational institutions of their city or region.

Undoubtedly, a lot will depend on the teacher. Therefore, he must be prepared to perform a variety of tasks, to present himself with clear requirements. Its main task is to captivate children, arouse their desire to understand the world of professions, to reveal their potential, to evaluate it in relation to one or another specialty. Systematic extracurricular activities will allow to study the labor sphere from a variety of sides. The presence of this knowledge will allow a high school student to easily choose the profession in which he will be able to fully realize himself.

career guidance program for high school students


Labor should bring satisfaction to a person. . , , . . . , , , , , . ( , , .). , .

Choosing a specialty, the child should be ready not only for success, but also for the difficulties that he will have to face. He must have the appropriate skills, abilities, knowledge, psychological qualities. When a graduate enters an institute or other specialized institution, he should have a clear idea of ​​his future. Career guidance classes help model your life’s events. The most important role in this process belongs to adults. The profession has a significant impact on human life outside the workforce. This impact should be positive.

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