Maternity hospital № 9, Yaroslavl: address, doctors, reviews and photos

Childbirth! Every future mommy is waiting for this moment, and is afraid of it. I want everything to go like clockwork: it doesn’t hurt, it’s not difficult, and calm, and I’ll stay healthy and have everything in order ... There are always enough fears, so it’s very important to choose the right hospital: availability good doctors and a friendly attitude noticeably relaxes the most fearful women. In this article we will get to know better the maternity hospital number 9 of Yaroslavl. Which doctors work there?

The history of the maternity hospital

Strictly speaking, this maternity hospital is one of the departments of the ninth clinical hospital in Yaroslavl. Its full name sounds like this: maternity ward of the State Health Institution “Clinical Hospital No. 9”. The hospital itself appeared at the very end of the sixties of the last century, and more precisely, in 1968.

Maternity hospital №9 of Yaroslavl

At first, there were only four departments in it, and the maternity ward was not among them. However, a year later, everything changed, and a maternity hospital appeared in the medical facility. Thus, the year of birth of the 9th maternity hospital of Yaroslavl should be considered 1969.

A bit about the maternity hospital

What is the 9th hospital of Yaroslavl? First of all, this is the only medical institution of this direction in the entire Yaroslavl region, which has the highest qualification category. The focus of this maternity hospital is extragenital and obstetric pathologies. You can go here in advance only in the direction of your doctor.

Cuvez for baby

In the maternity hospital there are only a few departments, including the department for newborn babies, and the pathology of pregnant women, and the obstetric postpartum department, and others. Before giving birth, a woman is in the prenatal ward with contractions, such wards are designed for several people (usually three or four). The birth halls are different: both individual and general (for two), each has the most modern equipment and the necessary equipment, including fitballs (gymnastic balls).

In the postpartum wards, there can be two to three or four to five people. There are individual wards, but they are paid (more information about paid services can be found in the price list posted on the website of the maternity hospital). Toilet, bidet and shower are on the floor.

Delivery room

After natural birth, discharge occurs on the third or fourth day (in the absence of complications), after cesarean section - on the fifth or sixth. By the way, natural childbirth can take place in the presence of a husband, mother or girlfriend - you only need to conclude an agreement with the manager in advance and pay for the service.

In this maternity hospital, pain relief during childbirth is not practiced, but if necessary, of course, it is done either intramuscularly or intravenously (they are not given epidurally). You cannot give birth while sitting upright. In the 9th maternity hospital of Yaroslavl, breastfeeding is promoted, but in the absence or in insufficient amount of milk from the mother, no one will starve the baby - you can use the infant formula.

What you need to give birth in this hospital

How to get to childbirth in the 9th maternity hospital of Yaroslavl? There are two ways. The first is in the direction from the antenatal clinic at the aforementioned maternity hospital (if a girl is registered in this consultation, then she automatically gets to the ninth maternity hospital, although, of course, this does not mean that she is obliged to give birth only there - if she wants to can arrange with any other similar medical institution). The second is by attaching to the hospital and signing the exchange book with the manager. This is done at a personal reception, which is carried out every working day, from eleven to thirteen hours.

List of allowed things

For any future mother, the list of things allowed in the hospital is always of special interest. This also applies to what you can bring with you during hospitalization, and what relatives can bring, including food. As a rule, standard lists are available in all maternity hospitals, however, they may slightly vary. Below is the necessary list in the 9th hospital of Yaroslavl.

Each potential mom should bring the following documents with her when she entered: her passport, a green pension certificate of residence (it is called SNILS, but not everyone knows this name), and a medical policy with an active validity period. Be sure not to forget the birth certificate and referral from the antenatal clinic, as well as the dispensary book. If the expectant mother is disabled, you must provide the appropriate certificate.

Single room

In addition, during hospitalization in the 9th maternity hospital of Yaroslavl, you can take the following things with you: a dressing gown, a nightgown (in some maternity hospitals they give out official things, but in this case they are loyal to this and allow wearing their own clothes), washable slippers slates, a cup, spoon, plate, towel (two is better: one for intimate hygiene, the other for face and hands), toothpaste and brush, all necessary hygiene products and toiletries, it is also allowed to take a bottle of water without gas.

The list of things necessary for childbirth in the 9th hospital of Yaroslavl includes the following items:

  1. Things for mommy: packaging (or several) of disposable underpants (if they get stained with blood, they are not a pity, which is why they are not advised to take ordinary underwear), several packages of special postpartum pads (large size, you need to take just such ones, since after delivery there will be very active and abundant discharge); a postpartum bra will also be required, it differs from the usual one in that it is conveniently adapted for breastfeeding, and special pads for the mammary glands to protect the linen from leakage of milk. In addition, washable slippers and water without gas are required. And you will also need a cream for cracks in the nipples (they inevitably appear at the beginning of feeding in almost all mothers) - "Depanthenol" or "Bepanten." However, relatives can later bring it.
    Nappies and diapers for the baby
  2. Things for the newborn baby: diapers, baby soap, wet wipes, cotton bonnet and socks. You should not take any diapers with you; there are plenty of them in the maternity hospital No. 9 of Yaroslavl. As for the baby's undershirts and sliders, this question remains at the discretion of each mommy separately.

Internal regulations

In any institution, including a medical one, even in one such as a maternity hospital, there are rules of conduct, which must be adhered to by each newly made patient of this institution. There are those in the 9th maternity hospital of Yaroslavl, photos of which are presented in this article. These requirements are as follows:

  1. Outerwear should be left in the wardrobe upon arrival at the maternity hospital.
  2. Visits to newly mummified mothers are allowed daily, provided that those who want to see her cannot tolerate any acute infectious diseases at the moment. For children under fourteen years of age for the same reason, it is forbidden to pay visits to women in childbirth. Other visitors can come from twelve to eighteen hours at any time, but there is some restriction: more than two people a day are not allowed to mummies. You can see a young mother, provided that visitors have replaceable shoes or shoe covers, as well as a disposable bathrobe or cape. If a woman gave birth for a fee, visitors will be allowed into her room, if she is on a common basis, then the meeting will take place in a common corridor.
  3. Moms are strictly forbidden to go to other departments of the clinic, as well as receive guests from other departments.
  4. To consume alcoholic beverages, as well as products not from the permitted list by yesterday's pregnant women, is also, of course, not allowed. In the same way as smoking in the wards and in general in the territory of the maternity hospital.
  5. Mummies are obliged to take care of the medical equipment, furniture and other accessories located in the obstetric ward (it is in it that the women who gave birth) are.
  6. It is forbidden to use all kinds of electrical appliances in the chambers, be it a kettle, hairdryer, boiler, and so on.
  7. All kinds of waste, including napkins and / or personal hygiene items, must be thrown into specially designed tanks, and not into the toilet bowl - this leads to its clogging.

What can I bring in the program?

The list of permitted products in all maternity hospitals is the same. You can transfer to newly-made mummies milk and kefir, natural yogurt, sour cream and cottage cheese, cheese and boiled meat (except for pork), beef broth, boiled low-fat fish, green apples and the same pears, dry cookies ("Jubilee" or "Maria"), mineral water without gas.

Banned chocolate

On the contrary, all other fruits besides the above are forbidden to transfer, vegetables and berries, glazed curds and curds, condensed milk, chicken, raisins and nuts, sweets, smoked products and salinity. Broadcasts can be brought every day except Monday and Thursday.

Medical staff

Perhaps one of the most important characteristics of any maternity hospital is the doctors and obstetricians who work there. Indeed, so much depends on their friendliness and professionalism - the life, health of the mother and baby, and the atmosphere that will surround the patient from the moment she arrives to discharge from this institution.

Double room

Therefore, it is not surprising that potential women in labor always try to find out what kind of staff works in the maternity hospital that they have planned for themselves, and often women generally want to go to a specific doctor after hearing about him and his good work. Next, we’ll talk about which doctors are in the 9th maternity hospital of Yaroslavl (it’s impossible to list all, but we’ll call the most-most), and what the former patients say about them.

Anna Simakova

About Anna Simakova, a physician with 23 years of experience, former patients of the 9th maternity hospital of Yaroslavl speak of as the best specialist in this medical institution. She graduated from the university in 1995 and has since undergone further training, thus, is a truly trained professional. Women note that this doctor is sensitive and attentive, calm and friendly, encourages and distracts during severe pain, giving birth is absolutely not scary. According to the reviews of mothers, Anna Yuryevna is a doctor from God, and many want to go to birth exclusively to her.

Ekaterina Grebenyuk

Ekaterina Yurievna works a year less than her aforementioned colleague, however, the reviews about her are most favorable. The women who gave birth to her say that Dr. Grebenyuk does not move away from women in childbirth during the entire process, tells how and what needs to be done correctly. She is called a competent specialist, it is noted that she helps not only during labor and delivery, but also after, including teaching how to breastfeed and does not refuse a single request. Ekaterina Grebenyuk is an operating doctor, she herself performs a cesarean section.

Natalia Bogacheva

Natalya Valerievna's work experience is 16 years, however, she has no less grateful patients. Former patients note her attentiveness, accuracy, an individual approach to each, thank for the help and useful tips both before, during, and after childbirth.

Reviews about the hospital

Among the reviews about the 9th maternity hospital of Yaroslavl, as usual, there are both good and bad. The good ones, as a rule, are related to the work of doctors, the bad ones are related to the attitude of the obstetric staff in the postpartum ward and to the work of neonatologists, who, according to some remarks, are not completely attentive to infants.

Address of the maternity hospital № 9 of Yaroslavl

How to get to the ninth maternity hospital if it is decided to give birth in it? This medical institution is located in the Dzerzhinsky district of Yaroslavl, and its exact address is as follows: Tutaevskoe highway, house 95.

If you go by public transport, and not in a private car or in an ambulance, you won’t get lost: you need to get off at the stop with the self-proclaimed name “Hospital number nine”. You can get there with the help of bus routes such as No. 6 and 10. In addition, shuttle buses number 47 and 96, as well as trolley buses No. 3 and 4, go to the above stop.

This is information about the maternity hospital at the 9th hospital in the city of Yaroslavl.

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