A set of exercises at home: an overview, features and recommendations

Many people, regardless of gender and age, want to have a athletic physique. To achieve their dreams, most people switch to special nutrition and spend hours exhausting themselves with physical training in the gym. However, this is not at all necessary. Performing a special set of exercises at home, which will take no more than 30 minutes of your time daily, you can achieve a good result. At the same time, training does not require any special skills and equipment, so they are available to everyone.

Where to begin

a set of exercises for losing weight at home

Both girls and boys want to be slim, but because of the rich rhythm of life, not everyone can follow the rules that contribute to this. But in order to slightly increase muscle mass and lose extra pounds, it is not necessary to go to the gym. According to experts, there is a set of exercises for every day at home, with which you can tighten the figure for several months. However, classes alone will not be enough. You also need to rethink your daily lifestyle and diet. Only with an integrated approach will physical training be as effective as possible.

Warm up

What is it for? To reduce the likelihood of injury before starting a set of exercises at home, you need to do a warm-up and warm up the muscles a bit. It is also recommended to draw up a training program and adhere strictly to it. Thanks to this, your body will have time to relax, which is especially important if you have never played sports before.

Warm up you need to start from the upper body, gradually moving down. First of all, warm up the cervical spine. To do this, make circular movements of the head, first in one direction and then in the other direction. Next are the shoulders, arms and lower back, hip and lower limbs. If you do not know any warm-up exercises, just rub your whole body with warm hands.

What you need for training at home

a set of exercises for weight loss at home for girls

Let's dwell on this in more detail. A set of exercises for losing weight at home for every day will be more effective if you perform it using certain sports equipment. Therefore, if you seriously intend to take care of your body, then you should think about buying the following equipment:

  • dumbbells and weights of various weights;
  • horizontal bar;
  • sports rug;
  • TRX loops;
  • press roller;
  • jump rope;
  • expander.

With the inventory listed above, you can turn your apartment into a full-fledged fitness center. Performing with their help a set of exercises for muscle at home, which will be described later in this article, you can make your body more prominent and attractive.

We make a program of classes

Many people think that exercise should be done every day in order to achieve a positive result as soon as possible. However, this will be more harm than good, because muscle fibers simply will not have time to recover. Professional trainers recommend drawing up a weight loss training plan at home. The duration of classes can be from 30 minutes to an hour, and exercises should be performed in several approaches. Next, we will consider an effective complex designed to work with individual parts of the body.

Dumbbell Breeding

a set of exercises at home for men

The set of exercises for losing weight at home for girls and guys must include work with hands using various sports equipment. It can be dumbbells or weights of various weights. With their help, you can not only pump up the biceps a little, but also work with the shoulder muscles. Exercises are performed according to this algorithm:

  1. Put your feet shoulder width apart.
  2. Keep your arms and dumbbells straight along your body.
  3. When you inhale, raise sports equipment to shoulder level, and lower as you exhale.
  4. In this case, do not forget to follow the lower back and body. They must be motionless.

Breeding dumbbells allows you to strengthen the muscles of the back and shoulders, as well as form the correct posture. Gradually, you can increase the load on the hands, dealing with heavier shells.


a set of exercises for losing weight at home for every

To make the body look harmonious and attractive, it is very important to work with all its departments. Therefore, a set of exercises at home performed independently must necessarily include a load on the legs. Lunges are best suited for this. They are carried out according to the following principle:

  1. Take a basic position with your feet at shoulder height.
  2. Straighten your back and lock the body.
  3. Make a sharp lunge with your foot, shifting the center of gravity onto it, and sit down slightly so that the thigh and lower leg are at right angles.
  4. Return to your original rack by taking a step back.
  5. Perform the exercise with the second leg.

To increase the effectiveness of training, you can carry out with dumbbells in hand. Thanks to this, you can quickly put in order the muscles of the hips, legs and buttocks.


This is another very good exercise in which you need to maintain body weight, taking the emphasis lying. There are several varieties of trims, among which the most common are straight and lateral. The first is performed as follows:

  1. Accept the pose from which the push-ups are performed. But the emphasis should be on the forearms, not on the hands.
  2. The elbows should be shoulder width apart, and the heels should be raised above the floor.
  3. Tighten your abs, holding your breath, and stay in that position for one minute.
  4. Next, take a short break and repeat the exercise.
a set of exercises for every day at home

The side bar is as follows:

  1. Lie on your right side.
  2. Put your palm of your right hand on the floor and lift the body so that the load is distributed not only on the front, but also on the hind limb. In this case, the heels and socks of both legs should be tightly closed.
  3. As in the previous case, keep the body in this position for a minute.
  4. Then rest a bit and repeat the exercise on the other side.

Plank perfectly trains the complex of muscles responsible for stabilizing the hip joints and spinal column. In addition, it also allows you to train the muscles of the arms and legs.

Push ups

The set of exercises at home for men and women who want to quickly lose a few pounds and improve their physical abilities a little can be varied. However, there are several basic universal exercises that allow you to work with several muscle groups at once. One of these is the most common push-ups. They are performed as follows:

  1. Spread a sports mat on the floor and lie on it on your stomach.
  2. Place your arms shoulder-width apart.
  3. Raise and lower the body up and down, being careful not to touch the floor with your stomach.
  4. The back should be straight and not bend in the lumbar region.

It is necessary to push up systematically, according to several approaches. This exercise will increase physical strength and strengthen the muscles of the hands, back, pelvis and abdomen. If you have poor physical fitness, then at first your arms and abdominal pain will hurt. Therefore, do not be too zealous, but gradually increase the load.


To do them without visiting the gym, it is necessary to install a removable horizontal bar in one of the doorways. A set of exercises at home, based on pull-ups, will be an excellent substitute for strength exercises that are performed on specialized simulators in the gym. But you must bear in mind that classes on the horizontal bar are associated with a greater load than push-ups, since only hands participate in them. Training should take place according to this algorithm:

  1. Hold the bar firmly so that your arms are shoulder width apart.
  2. Cross your legs and bend them under you so that they do not interfere with you during class and do not touch the floor.
  3. Lift up and fall down, without relaxing your hands and without making too sharp lunges.

Exercises must be performed in several approaches. In this case, do not forget about a little rest of the muscles between them. This set of exercises at home for weight loss for men and women is useful in that it allows you to work with several muscle groups at once. When pulling on the horizontal bar involved biceps and triceps, as well as the shoulder girdle and back. Practicing only 20-30 minutes several times a week, after a short period of time, you will be able to notice a positive result.

Dumbbell Squats

a set of exercises for muscle at home

If you have sports equipment, then with their help you can perform a set of strength exercises at home. According to experts, one of the best are squats with dumbbells. They are very simple, but well contribute to increasing physical stamina and strength. Classes are held as follows:

  1. Take an upright position with your feet at shoulder height.
  2. Take dumbbells in each hand and straighten them along the body.
  3. Bend your back slightly and begin to slowly squat and rise, keeping your knees bent at a slight angle.

The training should consist of several approaches, each of which consists of 20-30 exercises. Thanks to squats with dumbbells, you can quickly lose weight and tidy up the most problematic areas of the body - hips and buttocks.

Comprehensive workouts

If you want to have a perfect body, then you must work immediately on all muscle groups. Here is a pretty good set of exercises at home for women and men, which in its effectiveness will be equivalent to classes in the gym:

  • breeding dumbbells - 5 sets of 10 times;
  • lunges - 3 sets of 12 times;
  • slats - 2 sets of 2 minutes;
  • push-ups - 3 sets of 10 times;
  • pull-ups - 3 sets of 10 times;
  • Squats - 3 sets of 25 times.

You can do it several times a week, or daily. It all depends on your capabilities. The presented program is universal, therefore it is well suited for both sexes, but men can increase physical activity for themselves to increase effectiveness.

A few words about nutrition

nutrition during training

This aspect should be given special attention. If you decide to start playing sports, you should make certain adjustments to your daily diet. First of all, you need to monitor the amount of calories consumed. The body needs at least 1617 kcal per day. It is also equally important to maintain an optimal balance of nutrients. Your diet should consist of:

  • proteins - 40%;
  • fats - 20%;
  • carbohydrates - 40%.

The following products should be included in the daily menu:

  • eggs
  • cottage cheese;
  • fish
  • chicken meat;
  • Soy meat.

You should completely limit the consumption of fast food, soda, confectionery, as well as fatty and fried foods. It is better to eat more often, but in smaller portions. As for mono-diets, it is better to refuse them, since they will not bring anything good to health.


To look good, it is not necessary to limit yourself to food and to exhaust the body with hard training. The set of exercises described in this article will allow you to adhere to your usual lifestyle, eat well, and also lose weight in just a few weeks and build muscle. The main thing at the same time is not to be lazy, but to do every day for at least 30 minutes.

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