MRI of a craniovertebral junction: doctor's prescription, procedure features, technique, indications, contraindications, identified diseases and their treatment

In the article, we will consider what MRI of a craniovertebral junction represents.

In the modern world, MRI has established itself as the most accurate and safe method for diagnosing pathologies of internal organs. After it, the doctor has high-quality and informative three-dimensional images of the study area. They allow you to judge about acquired or congenital abnormalities and pathological changes in the functioning or development of body systems, blood vessels, soft tissues, bones. No exception and the cervical spine, craniovertebral transition. We will tell you more about MRI below.

MRI of the craniovertebral transition


The craniovertebral transition is an area in which the base of the skull connects to the upper part of the cervical spine, which includes the atlas (first) and axis (second) of the cervical vertebrae. This area is called the atlanto-axial joint, in it the brain stem passes over the upper cervical portions of the spinal cord. In this area, in addition to the vertebrae and discs, there are muscles, lymph nodes, a large bundle of nerves and vessels that feed the brain and connect it to other organs.

MRI of the craniovertebral junction and the atlanto-axial articulation is prescribed very often.

Acquired diseases, irregular structure, congenital pathologies of this zone often cause headaches and other symptoms that are associated with neuralgia. In addition, due to lesions of this department, dysfunctions of the respiratory system, heart and other organs may develop. Due to the close location of the centers of the human body and important organs to the cranio-vertebral transition, its damage is very dangerous for life in general.

MRI of craniovertebral junction and cervical spine


MRI of the craniovertebral junction is an absolutely harmless procedure that provides the ability to detect a wide range of pathologies, including disorders of the muscles, bones, nerves, and vessels. Doctors recommend a similar procedure in the following cases:

  1. Violations of the functions and composition of the cerebrospinal fluid.
  2. Spondylitis, toxoplasmosis.
  3. Sclerosis.
  4. Abscesses.
  5. Rheumatism.
  6. Ankylosing spondylitis.
  7. Suspicion of thrombosis of vessels located in the cervical spine.
  8. Hemorrhages in the brain stem.
  9. Changes in nerve structures.
  10. Displacement of the vertebrae, developing against the background of osteochondrosis.
  11. Tumor neoplasms, injuries, inflammation in the spinal cord.
  12. Soft tissue bruises that are located at the base of the skull.
  13. Injuries of the condyles of the occipital bone.
  14. Damage to the ligaments of the first vertebrae.
  15. Dislocations of the spine.
  16. Fractures of Atlas and Axis.

In addition, MRI of the craniovertebral junction is often performed before the upcoming operation, or in order to identify chronic injuries of the first two vertebrae.

What symptoms are prescribed?

It should be noted that most of the anomalies of this zone are not accompanied by severe symptoms. Therefore, an MRI is often recommended to the patient if symptoms such as:

MRI of craniovertebral junction and cervical spine
  1. Pressure surges.
  2. Foreign body sensation in the larynx.
  3. Stiffness of the cervical vertebrae.
  4. Soreness in the back of the head, neck, radiating to the upper limbs, chest.
  5. Numbness of the skin of the head, hands.
  6. A feeling of tightness in the neck.
  7. Loss of consciousness.
  8. Periodically occurring dizziness, headaches.


MRI of the craniovertebral junction and cervical spine is contraindicated if the patient has conditions such as:

  1. Individual susceptibility to contrast medium.
  2. Renal, cardiovascular failure.
  3. Early pregnancy.
  4. Inability to remain motionless for a long time. The procedure takes a fairly long time, during which a person should not move.
  5. The presence of mental illness.
  6. Claustrophobia (fear of being in confined spaces). The closed-type tomograph has a design that is a limited tube.

In addition, an MRI of the head and craniovertebral transition is strictly contraindicated if the patient has metal devices in the body, for example, pins installed in the bone tissue by surgery. A similar obstacle is pacemakers, insulin pumps, hearing aids, and vascular clips. A similar restriction is associated with the principles of the tomograph, which creates a magnetic field that can attract metal elements. The presence on the body of a tattoo made using paints containing metallic inclusions is also a contraindication to the diagnostic procedure.

MRI of the craniovertebral junction and atlanto axial articulation

The technique of conducting tomography of the craniovertebral transition

Specific preparation of the patient before conducting a craniovertebral transition study by magnetic resonance imaging is not required. The main requirement, strictly subject to execution before placing on the apparatus table, is the removal from the body of all accessories and objects made of metal. To unambiguously eliminate probable interference that can negatively affect the result of the study, a person is supposed to change into special clothes.

After this, the patient is placed on a retractable couch of the tomograph head first, in the supine position, and is fixed using special straps. Do this in order to avoid unexpected movement of the patient. It is not necessary to take a certain position. After all the preliminary preparation, the retractable table sends the person into a cylindrical tube equipped with two-way communication with medical personnel. This is done so that the patient has the opportunity to report on their health and communicate. The study lasts about 10-20 minutes. Then the received information is decrypted.

So, what does an MRI of the craniovertebral junction show?

MRI of the craniovertebral transition, which shows


Often, people with minor injuries of the cervical spine or head do not consult a specialist and, accordingly, do not undergo examination. This is fraught with the fact that over time, the damaged area can provoke the occurrence of pathologies and lead to the development of severe pain.

MRI makes it possible to detect old injuries and determine the consequences that they provoked - pathological changes in the spine.

MRI of the cervical spine and craniovertebral transition allows you to detect the following disorders and pathologies, to determine indicators:

  1. Abnormal abnormalities in the development of nerves and blood vessels in the cervical spine.
  2. Narrowing the spinal canal.
  3. Multiple sclerosis, arachnoiditis.
  4. Metastasis.
  5. The occurrence of tumor neoplasms in bone tissue, brain, lymph nodes.
  6. Interdiscal hernia.
  7. Congenital pathological changes in the discs and vertebrae.
  8. Spondylarthrosis.
  9. Osteochondrosis.
  10. Composition of cerebrospinal fluid.
  11. Displacement of the vertebrae, the degree of their departure. The appearance of a corner.
  12. Internal hematomas, hemorrhages.
  13. Circulatory disorders.
  14. Changes in the structure of soft tissues, ligaments, bones.
MRI of the head

After identifying these pathologies, appropriate specialists recommend the patient adequate treatment, depending on the specifics of the detected disease.

How much does an MRI of the brain, including craniovertebral junction?


The cost of such a diagnostic study can vary between 2500-6000 rubles. This is due to the status of the medical institution (in some clinics the conclusion is made by a consultation of specialists and even international experts).

MRI of the brain including craniovertebral junction


Thus, MRI of the craniovertebral junction and cervical spine allows you to carefully examine the area and identify undetectable diseases. As a separate procedure, tomography is rarely done, more often it is part of a comprehensive examination of the cervical spine. To undergo the procedure, you will need to get a doctorโ€™s appointment and contact a specialized clinic. It is worth noting that in most cases, patients have to undergo a study on a paid basis.

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