What to do if you burn your finger? First aid

Any housewife encountered burns on her hand during cooking. How to provide first aid? Now we will tell you in detail.


So, if you strongly burned your finger, what should I do? To begin with, it is worthwhile to figure out what degree of burn you received and how such injuries differ from each other.

what to do if you burn your finger

I. There is redness of the skin, swelling of the affected area, the victim feels pain, which gradually decreases after cooling.

II. They are characterized by reddening of the skin and the appearance of blisters on it. They can form immediately or after a short period of time. The bubbles inside are filled with a yellowish liquid, and under the swollen area there is a red surface of the growth layer of the skin, which gives painful sensations. The healing of such a burn is complicated by the risk of infection. Therefore, it is recommended to use ointments with antiseptic action, which include antibiotics. The fluid inside the bladder is gradually absorbed or can be removed with a small puncture with a sterile needle at the edge of the burn. It is better to carry out a similar manipulation in the doctor’s office. After that, a sterile dressing should be applied. In a week, puffiness will completely subside. Then the stratum corneum begins to form, which is forbidden to tear off. A new epithelium is formed under it, and when its formation is completely over, the crust itself will disappear without causing pain to the victim.

burned a finger with boiling water what to do

III. Formed by prolonged exposure to high temperature. There is a necrosis of the skin - necrosis. It can be dry or wet. With dry tissue necrosis, the edges of the burns are clearly visible, the skin acquires a dark brown shade and becomes covered with a crust. Healing occurs by scarring. With wet tissue necrosis, redness, bloating is observed, sometimes blistering, swelling. When the growth layer is preserved, even in a small area, epithelization will occur.

IV. The worst degree of burns. Not only the upper layer of the skin is dead, but also subcutaneous fat, tendons, muscles and even bones. The lesion area is very extensive. A burn threatens not only the health, but also the life of the victim.

Burned with oil

If you burned your finger with oil, what should I do first? First you need to substitute the burn place under a stream of cold water, apply ice or make cool lotions.

burned a finger with steam what to do

As a result of these actions, you will not only feel relief, but also reduce the depth of the burn. Do not overexpose the cold, the optimal time for this procedure is 30 minutes. Then a sterile dressing should be applied, which will not exert excessive pressure on the burn site. Try to avoid wound infection. Do not lubricate the damaged tissue with vegetable oil and tear off the resulting bubble.

Perhaps the use of some folk remedies for the treatment of burns.

The most common method is to apply a dressing with aloe juice and its jelly-like flesh. Potato also copes well with burns. To do this, grate one tuber on a fine grater and put on gauze. Apply it to the damaged area of ​​the skin for no more than 10-15 minutes. You can use a cotton pad dipped in brewing black or green tea, and constantly change it, not allowing it to dry.

Burned by steam

If you burned your finger with steam, what should I do? First remove your finger from the steam source. Then hold under a stream of cold water and apply a sterile dressing. In case of a first-degree burn, it is recommended to use drugs that anesthetize the damaged area. They will contribute to healing.

burned a finger what to do at home

For burns of more severe degrees, the help of a doctor is required to separate the exfoliated epidermis and gently treat the skin around with an antiseptic. Ointment dressings are also used, which must be changed every 3-4 hours.

Burned a finger with boiling water. What to do?

There are a number of factors that affect the size and nature of a burn:

  • fluid temperature;
  • the volume of fluid and the area of ​​its distribution over the skin;
  • pressure at which contact with the skin occurs.

First of all, you should cool the damaged finger with running water, and then apply a compress with ice and treat the area around the wound with an antiseptic. In case of a first-degree burn, application of a spray is recommended, which will help speedy healing of the wound. In the second, a bandage is applied and a thick layer of petroleum jelly is applied. In case of deep burns, it is necessary to call an ambulance and follow the recommendations of the dispatcher before her arrival.

Bubble formed

What to do to the girl who burned her finger? What to do at home if a bubble forms?

As with any thermal burn, it is necessary to cool the affected area of ​​the skin for 20-30 minutes, then rinse with furacilin solution the entire area around the burn. The resulting blister cannot be cut or attempted to tear. If the bubble is small, then it does not need a puncture. It is enough to lubricate it with a special ointment. If the area of ​​the blister is large, or there are several, but of medium size, it is necessary to puncture with a disinfected needle to remove excess fluid under it. Then you should apply an ointment, which contains an antibiotic, and bandage your finger.


What if burned a finger is prohibited?

  • Lubricate the burned area with hydrogen peroxide.
  • Apply iodine or brilliant green directly to the burn.
  • Treat the area itself with alcohol.
  • Lubricate the affected area with vegetable oil.

It is advisable that your home medicine cabinet have special tools that will help anesthetize the burn and accelerate its healing: Panthenol, Levomekol, Solcoseryl, etc.

strongly burned a finger what to do

Thermal injuries vary in lesion area and degree. If the burnt portion is more than 10% of the skin, then the victim needs immediate hospitalization. For 1% of the skin, it is customary to consider a site the size of a human palm, and to determine the size of the burn, a patient’s brush is usually applied to the wound surface.

Burned by the fire

What to do if you burned a finger in a glove around a fire? First you need to extinguish the flame on the glove, and for this you need to block the access of oxygen to the fire. For example, immerse your hand in the ground, sand, water or snow. The remains of the glove must be carefully removed from the brush, while not tearing off the adhered tissue. Next, cool the burned area. After this, it is recommended to apply any anti-burn agent and apply a bandage. After carrying out all these measures, you must go to the hospital so that the doctor cleans the wound from tissue residues and rinses it. And what if the finger is burned, and there are no means and sterile gauze nearby? In such cases, after you have cooled the affected area, you need to apply a bandage made of clean clothes, a scarf, a scarf. This will prevent the infection from entering the wound. The main thing is to prevent panic in this situation. After all, this can harm the victim.

Burn finger baby

Many mothers faced situations when a child touched a hot pot, kettle or iron. But what if a little child burns a finger? The procedure should be exactly the same as in the case when an adult was injured. You can apply ointments that anesthetize the burn area to soothe the baby. Talk with him, do not raise the tone of voice.

burned a finger with oil what to do

Put a bandage so that the victim does not have access to the burn, calm and distract the child from what happened. In cases of severe tissue damage, consult a doctor immediately.


Now you know what to do if you burn your finger. We hope that our recommendations will help you. Be healthy!

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