How to cleanse the blood

Man cannot live in isolation from the external environment. And the effect of the latter on the body cannot but affect health. If you notice that you often suffer from colds, undergo infectious diseases, and feel dizzy, then most likely this way the body signals a bad blood condition. How to purify the blood and what is it for? The fact is that any disease involves the presence in the body of a toxic component (toxic substances in the tissues).

Blood purification significantly speeds up the treatment of many diseases, and it is also useful to periodically carry out for preventive purposes.

How to cleanse blood with folk remedies?

This approach is based on the use of herbal preparations containing blood-purifying components. These include, first of all, yarrow, dioica nettle, celandine, sorrel, burdock, dandelion, winterhawk. One of the most effective recipes for a cleansing broth is this: mix two teaspoons of Echinacea herb and burdock root with six cups of boiling water, boil the mixture for about 10 minutes over low heat. Add two teaspoons of dried nettle and boil again. Pour two more tablespoons of elderberry, mint and meadow clover into the broth. Insist the solution for 10 minutes, strain. Take a broth warm half a cup three times a day (you can with honey).

Natural remedies for blood purification are red fruits and vegetables, which must be included in the daily diet. Of particular value in this aspect is red cabbage, beets, cherries, strawberries, red grapes, cranberries.

How to cleanse the blood of toxins?

Toxins are waste products of the body that interfere with its normal functioning: dead cells, decay products, harmful substances, and waste products from microorganisms.

You can get rid of them with the help of special sorbents. This method must be chosen in agreement with the attending physician.

The same can be done using natural remedies. The infusion of calendula flowers is able to penetrate into all cells through the lymphatic system, removing dangerous substances from the body. To prepare the infusion, you need to take a dry collection of marigolds (two tablespoons), pour into boiling water (liter), insist for 20 minutes and take one hundred grams a day on an empty stomach.

Also, the removal of toxins from the blood helps to cope with the use of vitamin-containing easily digestible foods. It is necessary to completely give up smoking, alcohol and fast food. You can use therapeutic fasting (if you have no contraindications) with plenty of drinks rich in useful components (juices, herbal infusions, etc.)

How to cleanse blood of cholesterol?

Excessive cholesterol increases blood viscosity, which can cause blood clots. Therefore, you need to occasionally carry out procedures to remove unnecessary cholesterol from the blood. To do this, you need vitamin complexes, fish oil, folic acid, red wine, honey, walnuts, garlic, carrot and beet juice, apple cider vinegar, olive oil.

To determine the level of cholesterol, you need to pass an analysis. In addition to taking medications prescribed by your doctor, you need to follow a special diet. Fatty foods, all fried foods of animal origin, become prohibited. Also for a while you need to abandon dairy products and eggs. Emphasis should be on greens, fruits, vegetables, seaweed, nuts and legumes. To maintain a balance of nutrients in the body, take fish oil, folic acid and vitamins. Sometimes indulge yourself with 100 ml of red wine, which dilutes the blood well. Eat chopped walnuts with honey, drink carrot and beetroot juice. Eat garlic, it perfectly removes cholesterol from the blood.

There is also medical laser blood purification. This is a special procedure using quantum therapy. Through the optical waveguide, the blood is exposed to the photons of the laser, which effectively clean it, accelerating the treatment of most diseases. The procedure improves immunity, accelerates wound healing, and removes sources of inflammation in the body. Laser cleaning of blood helps not only to free it from harmful substances, but also to dilate blood vessels, relieve spasms, tone the thyroid gland, adrenal glands, ovaries, improve the lung system and gastrointestinal tract, and help get rid of pain syndromes.

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