Device for non-surgical correction of the nose shape "Rinocorrect". Reviews, instructions, cost

A new and effective device that can change the shape of the nose can be considered the Rinocorrect. This is an excellent alternative to rhinoplasty. Today we learn everything about the Rinocorrect device: reviews about it, wearing rules, advantages, cost. We will find out why on the Internet you can find completely opposite opinions about this device. And also we will understand how to distinguish an original from a fake, a good site from a fraudulent one. Further in the text, this device will be called a clip, clothespin, corrector, tongue.

rinocorrect reviews

Rhinoplasty - what is it?

To understand why it is better to give preference to the Rinocorrect clip, you need to find out how the operation to adjust the shape of the nose goes, as well as its cost. Rhinoplasty is a surgical intervention aimed at changing the size or shape of the organ of smell. This operation is not recommended for boys and girls under 16 years of age. But the Rinocorrect tool can be worn on these categories of persons.

Rhinoplasty, the cost of which for many people will be unbearable, can be carried out closed or open. In the first case, the surgeon makes incisions on the nasal mucosa, and then the scars will not be visible. And in the second case, a trace remains in the form of a broken line in the place where the nostrils are separated. This scar disappears over time.

Rhinoplasty is performed under general anesthesia. In the postoperative period, the patient should breathe with his mouth for some time, because gauze swabs will be in the nose for three days. Immediately after surgery, a plaster cast is applied to the person. After 2 weeks, she is removed. Edema begins to go away on the third day after rhinoplasty, and bruises disappear within two weeks.

rhinoplasty cost

The process of the final formation of a "new" nose after surgery can last from several months to a year. For some time, the olfactory organ may appear swollen, and the tip of the nose can react to a sharp change in temperature after an operation such as rhinoplasty. The cost of this method of surgical exposure to the organ of smell can range from 12 to 18 thousand rubles. The final price depends on the choice of the clinic, the qualifications of the doctor, as well as the characteristics of the body and the complexity of the work.

Given that rhinoplasty is far from a cheap method of nose correction, it is worth considering another method in which the olfactory organ will not succumb to surgical intervention.

rhino correct


“Rinocorrect” for the nose is a special device that looks like a clothespin. Made of pink orthogel. Suitable for both women and men. This nozzle gently acts on the nose, it is harmless and effective.

What are the advantages of the device?

According to the manufacturer, the Rinocorrect tongue has the following advantages:

  1. Excellent 100% result. After a month of active use of clothespins, a person will see the effect of this product.
  2. Easy to use. There is nothing easier than every day for 2 hours just putting a nose on your nose.
  3. Quality. Unlike other similar devices, this corrector will not cause a person inconvenience, such as rubbing the body of smell, its irritation.
  4. Painless manipulation. Correction of the nose will go unnoticed.
  5. Universality. Any family member can wear a tongue.
  6. A worthy replacement for surgery. The Rinocorrect nozzle for the nose will correct its shape, so the need for surgical intervention will disappear.
  7. Cheapness. The cost of this nozzle is several times lower than the price of rhinoplasty.

nose nose


The Rinocorrect spangle, the instruction to which is quite simple, is used like this:

  1. It is necessary to fix the clip so that the sides of the device rest on the wings of the nose, and also are slightly lower than its middle.
  2. A clothespin should be worn daily for at least 2 hours. The correction process will be lengthy, so you need to be patient. It usually takes up to 4 months to change the shape of the nose.

The crib is easy to clean, does not need special care. Gradually pressing on the cartilaginous tissue of the organ of smell, the clothespin changes its shape to 2 mm per month.

It turns out that after about 4 months the user will see the following results:

  • Elevated tip of the nose, which tends to fall due to age-related changes.
  • Restoration of symmetry.
  • Narrowing of the tip and wings of the organ of smell.
  • Visual reduction in the length of the nose.
  • Smoothing the hump on the bridge of the nose.
  • Complete restoration of the shape of the nose after injuries or fractures.

Price of fixture

A worthy replacement for such a procedure as rhinoplasty can be provided by the effective Rinocorrect tool. The price of a tongue can vary from 1100 to 1300 rubles. This device can only be purchased on the distributor's official website. In pharmacies or stores selling various medications, this crib is not sold.

rhinocorrect for nose

Caution, fake!

Very often, the Rinocorrect fixture, reviews of which can be found on various forums, is sold either at too high or at a lower price. In the first case, those sellers who want to profitably sell the device put an unreasonably high cost. They put an extra charge of 400, or even 500%. In the second case, when a clothespin is sold at a lower cost, we are talking about a fake. And in the first example, a person will not be insured against a fake money. How to protect yourself and from hundreds of sites selling this device, really choose the right one? To do this, a person must know how to distinguish a real device from a "lime" one:

  1. The original crib weighs no more than 50 grams. Fake fixtures are usually heavier.
  2. When wearing this device, nose correction takes place without any discomfort. But fake goods will rub, cause lacrimation.
  3. A quality certificate is always attached to the original product. But the fake product has no documents at all.
  4. The cost of this corrector is quite adequate - at the level of 1300 rubles. But the fake clip is sold at an overvalued cost (5000 rubles) or at an understated price (up to 500 rubles).

Positive user ratings

The Rinocorrect fixture receives various reviews. Some people praise him, while others, on the contrary, criticize him. Those users who came up with this device note that they never thought that some kind of nose pad could change its shape and length. Many people are delighted with the action of this corrector. Women, for example, boast of the results of home manipulations, posting various photos using the Rinocorrect tool (before and after the perfection procedure). Real photos of people who managed to change the shape of their nose with this Chinese device can be seen below.

nose correction

Negative user ratings

Unfortunately, the Rinocorrect device receives not only flattering reviews, but also disapproving. Some users were unsatisfied with the action of the tongue. The reasons for their indignation, frustration are:

  • Lack of effect.
  • Discomfort when wearing.

Let us examine these points in detail.

Lack of result

This nose nose, according to some users, has absolutely no effect. However, there is a “but”: many people wear this device incorrectly. They forget to wear it daily, wear as much as they want. But this is wrong. You must clearly follow the instructions and wear a nose corrector daily for at least 2 hours. And if a person does not follow these simple rules, then, naturally, there will be no talk of any effect.

Wearing discomfort

For some people, this nose pad causes discomfort. The olfactory organ of users itches, hurts, they want to remove this clothespin as soon as possible. Such unpleasant sensations can occur for one reason - if a person bought a fake product. In order not to become the next victim of scammers, you should carefully select the site where the original corrector should be sold. After all, when wearing this device, the user will not have any discomfort.

rinocorrect before and after

Choose a site where you can buy this product

In order for the Rinocorrect fixture to produce an excellent result, it is important to purchase it on the official Internet resource. But how to understand where the real site, and where the scammers?

  1. On "fake" resources, the seller will never indicate his actual or legal address, as well as contacts. On the official website, all this information will be provided to a potential buyer. In addition, there is even such a button as the “feedback form”. That is, a person visits the site, asks a question of interest in a special window. After some time, the company manager personally calls him back and answers his question. And already during a conversation a person can discuss with a company employee all the points regarding clothespins.
  2. Only one product is usually sold on fraudulent Internet resources, in our case it is a Rinocorrect nose clip. An official distributor sells many different products.
  3. Scammers will never be able to provide quality certificates for the goods. Or they can, but they will make all the papers fake. On this site all documents to the device are attached. And this is a prerequisite when buying a tongue.
  4. On fraudulent resources, enticing actions are often held. For example, if the corrector they had was at a price of 6 thousand rubles, then they pointedly cross out the old price and next indicate the new one. Moreover, it will be half lower, that is, 3 thousand rubles. But do not think that this is a happy occasion, and you really became lucky. These are all marketing scam moves . There will not be such grandiose discounts on this device. And the cost of the original corrector will be lower even after the scammers reduce the cost of their goods. After all, the price of a real tongue in reality will not exceed 1300 rubles.


From this article, you learned what the Rinocorrect device is, how to use this nose clip, what are its advantages. We realized that this is a great alternative to an expensive operation called rhinoplasty. True, in order for the device to be effective, it is necessary, firstly, to purchase it on a proven resource, and secondly, to use it according to the instructions. And then a person will get a beautiful, even, symmetrical nose.

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