Is the gripe good or bad?

In the dictionaries of Efremova and Ozhegov it is indicated that the censure is reproach, censure, accusation. In other interpretations, the information is the same.

The gripe is when someone is openly dissatisfied with you. And he can express his dissatisfaction in your face or file a report in writing. The latter occurs if you are a student, student, employee of the company. Then the complaints are usually made by the teacher, employee, senior or leader. And following a hierarchical social branch, they are quite entitled to make comments to you.

gripe is

The gripe is that

Accusation, dissatisfaction, corrections and comments to your address or to the address of your work. What is their purpose? First, the person who charges you is expecting something from you. If he did not like the completed assignment, he will want to improve it. Having made the changes, the person will show you what she wants to get or what she means. That is, the main focus of complaints is to correct the incorrect operation. But there is a second side to the coin. There are situations when a gripe is like an excuse to accuse you of something, to make it extreme in some simple or difficult situation. And here it is important to defend your position without losing face. But this is a completely different story ...

Examples of complaints

1. Your boss is not happy. You have been instructed to do the work. Perhaps the boss forgot to clarify the details, or you yourself misunderstood it. Get a gripe. This will force you to continue to be more attentive and to clarify in advance all the details of the work performed.

2. Wrong homework. The student wrote the control incorrectly or answered incorrectly at the blackboard. What the teacher calls out, they say: "Ay-yai-yay, as you could, Sidorov. After all, at the last lesson we examined this topic." To correct the situation and make the student learn better will help a gripe. This will help the guy to be more attentive in the next lesson.

gripe is that

3. Mom is unhappy. Parents do not always praise children. There are times when you should not indulge, but curse a little, pointing out to the children their obvious mistakes. The carrot and stick method works perfectly. And if praise is a motivation for new achievements, then a gripe is a โ€œbandwagonโ€ that a child can perceive with hostility. But at the same time, then he will definitely have an irresistible desire to earn praise. It is for the sake of living!

According to the result

As you can see, the gripe is not always bad. If the charge is unfair, try to prove the opposite. If you are wrong, this is the moment that will help you become better. You should always remember the phrase: "He who does nothing is not mistaken." And this is not about us.

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