How to apply makeup

Is it possible to change the appearance without plastic surgery? Easy! To do this, you need to know how to apply makeup or, in the language of makeup artists, how to sculpt a face. Previously, this knowledge was available only to masters of brushes and lipsticks, today any girl can try to transform, following simple tips. With a set of brushes, powder and foundation several

how to apply makeup
colors you can adjust the line of the cheekbones, make the nose thinner and visually narrow your face.

Make-up artists compare the face with a canvas on which a masterpiece will be drawn. Therefore, the main condition for proper sculpting is the foundation, that is, a perfectly even complexion. Therefore, before applying makeup, minor defects should be corrected using a concealer.

What is the makeup scheme? First of all, you will need 3 colors of the foundation - to match the skin, darker and lighter to create a play of shadows and highlights. All creams should belong to the same color range, for example, all with a pinkish or all with a golden hue. Glare must be applied to the chin, forehead, back of the nose and the area under the eyes.

How to apply makeup on cheekbones? Mentally draw a line from the corners

makeup scheme
lips to the upper edge of the ear and apply a dark tone exactly below this line, not forgetting the feathering. Draw the next line from the wings of the nose to the inner corners of the eyes and, finally, from the outer corners of the eyes to the temples. Remember that in order for the make-up to look natural, and not as an Indian war paint, the borders of the lines need to be shaded. Such a scheme of applying makeup will make the eyes more expressive, and the cheekbones more prominent.

How to apply makeup on the cheekbones? There are two methods that apply depending on the type of person. Horizontal stripes and circular strokes on the apples of the cheeks visually expand the face, while vertical and diagonal, on the contrary, narrow it. If you need to expand your face, apply blush on your cheeks in the shape of a small circle. If your task is to narrow your face, then the brush strokes should be diagonal, from ear to lips. The only condition is that the blush line should not be lower than the nose, as then the face will appear disproportionately elongated.

Do not forget about the forehead, otherwise the makeup will look like a mask. To make a forehead already, swipe with a wide brush with a bronzer along the hairline. Together with the shadows on the temples, this technique will narrow the forehead, and the hair will appear thicker. But if you have a low forehead, this is not worth it.

makeup technique
To make the chin line clearer, use foundation with a tone darker than the base or dark powder. Apply along the jawbone. To make the makeup look more natural, stretch the product on the neck, otherwise the face will look darker.

As for the nose, as already mentioned, a glare is applied to the back, and a darker tone is placed around the edges, which will thin the nose and make it more elegant. In any case, before applying makeup, you need to understand what effect we want to achieve and what to fix. It is important to remember that all women are individual, and what fits your girlfriend perfectly with a round face can ruin your image only because the blush was applied incorrectly. The technique of applying makeup described in the article, of course, is not easy, but having mastered it, you can change the appearance without plastic surgery.

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