The practice of qigong for beginners includes a large number of different factors. This work with the spine, psychological aspects, proper breathing and even energy management.
What does qigong mean?
Very often you can hear a variety of questions that relate to the benefits of such art. Those people who heard about its wonderful effect and became interested in it, first of all want to understand what qigong is for beginners.
It is impossible to quickly understand what qigong is. And the whole thing is that the system is multifaceted. This art combines both breathing exercises and a set of wellness exercises. There is also a battle qigong. But in this review we will talk about what it is - qigong for beginners.
What are the benefits of a set of exercises?
What is the use of such a system? Almost every person can be attracted by what is closest to him. For some, an important issue is recovery, for someone - physical fitness and endurance. But most qigong practitioners see the system as the basis for that knowledge with which it would be possible to solve specific life problems.
Health Benefits Prerequisite
One cannot but notice the fact that the main goal that the qigong complex for beginners carries in itself is the health benefits. And this is not even disputed, since art is viewed from the perspective of a system that includes a whole range of bodily practices in which most of the attention is paid to the physical state. The person who decided to devote his life to qigong will be able to develop not only flexibility. He will be able to develop his stamina and physical strength.
A healthy spine is the key to success
The practice of qigong for beginners pays a lot of attention to working with the spine. His condition plays a very important role in all kinds of practices and directions. To perform many exercises, you need to not only feel the spine, but also be able to rely on it. In Taoist ideas, this part of the body acts as a kind of physical expression of the human axis. It is a kind of support for the implementation of any activity, both physical and energetic. Anyone who began to practice qigong can be completely sure that this will positively affect the condition of the spine. Naturally, this is possible only with the right approach to the whole system as a whole.
In medicine, the spine is given a large share of attention. Many people know that the bulk of chronic diseases are directly related to this “detail” of the body. For example, due to
displacement of the vertebrae , pinching of the nerves that control a particular organ can occur.
At the very beginning, there are disruptions in activities that are simply not paid attention to. After some time, these minor problems lead to quite serious diseases, which can often be very difficult to cure.
However, qigong can bring impressive results. It will not only allow you to start the countdown, but also restore your original health.
Do not forget about breathing
Qigong gymnastics for beginners focuses on proper breathing. Therefore, it is very important to immediately familiarize yourself with the breathing exercises that are available.
But even without focusing on this issue, it can be noted that when practicing the "breathing qigong" complex, practitioners will automatically begin to set up proper breathing with their stomachs. Not so long ago, even medicine began to recognize the benefits of this method.
Why is it necessary to breathe correctly?
It has been determined that by performing breathing exercises that are practiced in qigong, ventilation is improved. In addition, there is a massage of absolutely all the organs that are in the abdominal cavity. Performing breathing exercises with the stomach, a person removes part of the load from the heart.
Already only the above factors indicate that qigong is of great benefit. But if this is not enough for you, then it’s worth moving on to the psychological benefits of such a system.
Qigong aims to work with human psychology
It is no secret to anyone that through working with the body you can deal with most of the psychological problems. And working with
muscle clamps, which is part of qigong classes for beginners, is the simplest example of this.
Constant stresses, strong emotions, nerves - all this affects the physical condition of a person. Quite often, such problems are manifested by muscle contractions, such as a flattened muscle or even a whole group. Emotions that are suppressed by a person (due to some unresolved situations) are also displayed on human physics. Even in situations where people simply do not notice a moment of stress, subliminal suppression of emotions is still taking place.
Ways to solve psychological problems
All of the above problems can be resolved in a variety of ways. And going to a psychiatrist is the most difficult option for solving any problems. Naturally, people are not able to always cope with psychological aspects. They just don’t know how to do it. In addition, psychological trauma can be inflicted deep in childhood. But qigong gymnastics for beginners will allow you to cope with psychological problems by simply relaxing your muscle clamp.
Naturally, it is rather difficult to believe in what is said above. And this is because people in modern conditions do not always feel that there is a rather close connection between the body and consciousness. But those who practice classes with their body are able to safely say that the restructuring of the body leads to changes in consciousness. A person simply changes his attitude towards life. Those moments that seemingly have long been forgotten begin to emerge in memory. And this factor allows us to comprehend in a new way those problems that a person has encountered before.
Can analyze old problems
A variety of situations can turn around so that people easily and simply solve those problems that once had long haunted. And this aspect is the best confirmation that qigong is a very effective means of solving psychological problems. This is due to the fact that this system appeared a very long time ago and for the entire time of its existence has managed to develop itself and improve.
It should be noted that the qigong lessons are structured in such a way that each person can harmoniously develop absolutely all bodily aspects. It has long been known that in the physical state of a person is embedded in his psychology. Everyone has the opportunity to look at flexible and mobile people. However, it is not yet known whether they have internal support.
Man must develop harmoniously
In the life of such people, absolutely all actions have this feature: diverse ideas, the ability to quickly switch from one activity to another, etc. However, all this is rather poorly assembled into a single whole.
Sometimes a different type of people can meet. They have great physical strength, slightly slow movements and a consciousness that is slow and solid. But the huge muscles of such people block the energy flows. Therefore, consciousness is again incapable of solving some particularly difficult tasks that they themselves created.
Sometimes you can see a person who is experiencing some discomfort in contact with others. This situation indicates the closeness of this type of people. They are too careful. And this is only a small part of the problems that can arise.
But with the right choice of qigong practice, the classes in which are quite diverse, you can work with each individual problem. All exercises are structured in such a way that a person can easily evaluate not only his strengths, but also analyze the weaknesses.
An example is the comparison of qigong exercises with dumbbells. The second type of exercise has a narrow focus, since there is a development of only one muscle group. And in a situation where muscle tissue is not a strong part of the body, you will not only get overdeveloped muscles, but also finally crush your weak features. For example, flexibility.
That is why there is a danger of those activities that have a narrow specificity. Based on all of the above, we can say that qigong is very useful for beginners. With the help of practice, it will be possible to harmoniously, and most importantly, comprehensively work with the development of your consciousness.
Work with the energy component
Speaking about such practices as wellness qigong, one cannot but note its energetic aspect. The human body should be viewed from the perspective of a vessel for energy. It is required to form a single whole. In this case, it is necessary to restore the connection between the individual parts of the body and to clear those channels along which energy moves. If a person does everything right, then the energy will not only not be lost, it will begin to accumulate. And this factor entails an excellent mood, excellent health and well-being.
At the moment when it is possible to collect all the available energy, it is necessary to begin to improve the work associated with its circulation. In this case, you need to correctly "build" the position of the body. In other words, at this stage, work should be done to systematize the available energy component.
Essential Practice Requirements
You should refrain from eating about an hour before the start of the complex exercises. But even after finishing for an hour, it is better not to eat food. Take a shower after at least 20 minutes after practicing qigong.
Are the exercises over? Then for half an hour it is better not to read books and not watch TV. Classes should begin and end by taking a sitting position and covering your eyes. But do not confuse this with meditation. You will need to relax not only your body, but also your consciousness, to get out of your head absolutely all thoughts and those worries that arise in everyday life.
Qigong practice is best done twice a day. This approach will help to achieve better results. You can do exercises at almost any time of the day. If you are thinking about morning classes, then the best result can be achieved between 5 and 8 hours. In the evening, it is best to start classes in the period from 18.00 to 21.00.
Dressing should be easy and free. It is advisable to make a choice in favor of such clothes that you will no longer use anywhere except for classes. This approach will allow you to almost instantly tune into a certain wave. Most of your attention will need to be given to shoes. It should fit and have a wide sole.
If it is possible to conduct classes on the street, then it is worth using it in full. Just take into account the moment that the wind should not blow. Also, it is best to abandon outdoor activities in the winter. The best place for qigong is a quiet park. If you yourself are reluctant to engage in, then your choice should be made in favor of a traditional school.
Things to Know When Practicing Qigong
It is advisable to familiarize yourself with the requirements that apply to those who wish to practice qigong.
- Beginner exercises are required to be carried out, focusing on a specific point. In this case, do not put too much effort. Everything should happen naturally. In the beginning, difficulties may arise. But over time, everything will turn out easily and naturally.
- Breathing during exercise should be even. Regardless of your chosen set of exercises, certain requirements are always imposed on the respiratory process. In most cases, they relate to ways to restore natural breathing and energy. The next exercise should only be started if breathing is fully restored.
- Not only the body, but also the consciousness should be completely relaxed. You must be at rest.
- Rest and implementation of the training complex must be alternated.
- The sequence and systematic nature of qigong exercises should be observed. This requirement is mandatory, and it is always presented to those wishing to engage in practice. Do not immediately choose those exercises that are too complex. Begin your practice with the simplest. Show patience and perseverance. Only in this case, classes will bring the necessary benefits to your entire body.
- The choice is best made in favor of traditional schools. Classes should be conducted only under the guidance of a professional instructor. Otherwise, various deviations may occur. Accordingly, achieving something in such situations will be quite difficult.
- Do not waste your energy. It, on the contrary, must be accumulated. Saving any plan is beneficial for you. It is necessary to develop habits that are completely healthy. Otherwise, practicing qigong will be useless. It will only be a waste of time, money and effort.
How to make a choice of school and leader?
Exercises of such a system have gained wide popularity. At the moment, there are a huge number of schools in which they will help to make a qigong complex for beginners. In Moscow, in St. Petersburg, in Volgograd and in many other cities of Russia there are similar institutions. In addition, there are many different books on this topic. But in connection with this, one problem arises - how to make the right choice among such a huge stream of information. Several recommendations should be considered that will help you find the right qigong practice for beginners.
Books that focus on this topic will certainly benefit. But practice requires an experienced, and most importantly, a competent teacher. The goals of the qigong complex should fully correspond to the tasks that you need to solve. For example, if you want to get rid of diseases, then you should not make a choice in favor of the practice called “Iron Shirt”. It presents an opportunity to develop body superpowers only in completely healthy people.
It is necessary to make a choice in favor of the teacher who is able to tell the story of the origin of his practice and name the teachers who founded the school. Both the system and the teacher should evoke only positive emotions, as well as the desire to achieve the goal with qigong.
What movements in practice are basic in qigong?
Exercises, of which there are many, can be very diverse. It is worth giving an example of the basic movements of qigong. Despite their simplicity, they are very effective. You can master them yourself, without a professional mentor.
It is necessary to take a starting position. Legs should be shoulder width apart. Hands should be lowered along the body. Keep your back straight. It takes a deep breath with your nose. In this case, the hands should rise up through the sides. On exhalation, without changing the position of the spine, you need to bend over. Do not bend your knees. Everything needs to be done smoothly. The tilt should be completed at the moment when the fingers touch the floor. When straightening the body, you need to take a breath and bring your hands to your stomach. The palms should be directed upwards. Without stopping, we begin to raise our arms from the abdomen in such a way as if you want to support the sky. At the same time, a full exhalation should be performed. Taking a breath, hands should be crossed in front of you. On exhalation, they will need to be parted to the sides.
Taking a deep breath, hands should be lowered, crossing them again at the level of the abdomen. The palms should be pointing up. Turning them down, hands should be lowered, while exhaling. All movements are performed non-stop, smoothly. Repeat them about 4 times. The body should not strain. Keep your back straight. It is necessary to carefully monitor breathing, which should correspond to movements. Inhalation is required through the nose, and exhale through the mouth. Similar beginner qigong lessons must be completed before each workout.
The essence of qigong practice
Qigong is inherently very similar to sportsmanship. Only in contrast to other sports, this practice focuses on working with energy. It is from her that the level of power parameters will depend.
Do not be afraid of the phrase "qigong for beginners", thinking that there will be no effect from such practice. It's not like that at all. , , . , , - , . . , , , . , . , .
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