Winter and summer fishing in the Minsk Sea

On the Internet there are quite a lot of reports about fishing in the Minsk Sea reservoir. If you believe everything published, the place here is absolutely fishy, ​​and the local inhabitants of the reservoir are tasty, pleasant, do not smell of mud, grow huge, and the hungry are always so that in a couple of hours you can catch enough for several months of lunch and dinner. However, as other wise people say, only fishermen can fantasize better than politicians. And the big question is which of them does this more often. However, today fishing in the Minsk Sea really looks like a promising pastime.

fishing in the minsk sea in winter

What is it about?

As can be seen from the reports, fishing in the Minsk Sea does not force one to invent and lie - photographs show that the catch is rich and the fish is really large. In addition, not so long ago, a huge amount of fish was launched into the reservoir. And all this for the sake of the fishermen! How can one not try his hand in the fight against cunning underwater inhabitants? By the way, fishing in the Minsk Sea is a separate topic of discussion in the VKontakte social network, and a large community is even dedicated to it.

fishing on the minsk sea

Another, having seen enough of the pictures, wonders: and where is such a magnificent sea of ​​fish that the school didn’t take at geography classes? Everything is simple: “Minsk Sea” is just a name that has taken root among the people, and the official name is “Zaslavskoe”. When they talk about fishing in the Minsk Sea, they mean a large reservoir, ten kilometers away from Minsk. You can get to it by leaving the city to the northwest. Some joke that it is such confusion with the names that provides excellent fishing in the Minsk Sea - just not everyone can find it.

Big, beautiful, rich

So, fishing in the Minsk Sea involves fishing in an artificial reservoir. In his country, he is the second largest, and the area is so large that the nickname was not accidentally coined. There is fish where to live and frolic, therefore fishing in the Minsk Sea is so rich in results. Still, the depth reaches eight meters, and the width of the reservoir stretched as much as four kilometers.

fishing in the minsk sea in summer

At present, fishing in the Minsk Sea in summer and the cold season in these parts are considered successful. This versatility is due to the abundance of fish species that live in the reservoir. Surely connoisseurs of bream and pike perch will be able to catch their favorite fish, roach and pike are found here, scammers and tench are represented in abundance. And so where without perches! This fish is a dime a dozen.

Frost and sun, wonderful day!

Fishing in the Minsk Sea in winter, at the beginning of spring promises rich catches, but only careful and skillful fishermen will be successful. The official spring season begins in April, but lovers for the sake of getting out of the house in cold weather can safely go to catch any month of the year. In November, December, in a word, from late autumn until April, while there is strong ice on the reservoir, you can drill holes and get a decent catch.

Winter fishing enthusiasts note that sometimes on the Minsk Sea on cold days you can’t catch anything at all. You can’t argue: this happens in any body of water. However, a little luck, and there is no doubt in a decent catch of pike perch, bream. Year-round, a large number of perch peck, although many do not appreciate them too much. And this, by the way, is also a fish, especially in the Minsk Sea it grows to a decent size - there is something to roam.

minsk sea in contact fishing

Spring is coming, spring is the way!

The spring season starts in mid-April. During this period, ice on the Belarusian reservoirs is dangerous, you just can’t catch fish. If you choose a good place, you can get a large amount of bleak. The fish is large, starving for the winter, therefore it responds to top dressing almost instantly if it was possible to choose a suitable area for fishing. Only a few hours - and already a dozen or two fishes at the disposal of a successful fisherman.

Experts say that a very good place for spring fishing is a dam near the yacht club. Here, in addition to bleak, you can get a decent amount of roach, trying to eat everything in the spring in the spring. Surprisingly easy and abundant fish are caught for pasta and barley. You can get a considerable parish on bloodworms.

Where else to go?

When experienced fishermen share information about the Minsk Sea, they are advised to try their hand at the territory from Laporovichi to Zagorje. Here the fish bites the most different, representatives of the underwater kingdom live in abundance. If you want to catch rudd, you should try to start from the Gulf of Rotom. Local reed thickets have long been chosen by this kind of fish. And for the most patient, this site has prepared a special reward: large bream, pike perch.

fishing on the minsk sea

Heat, beauty

In the warm summer season, the Minsk Sea collects a huge number of fishermen from all over the country. However, as people who spend constant free time here note, silence and tranquility usually reign here - there are a lot of places, the pond is huge, therefore fishermen, although they feel “their brother” next to them, having no desire to be in someone’s company, easily avoid this . But the fish cannot be avoided, especially if you have bloodworms and maggots with you: scammers peck at them. By weight, the fish reach half a kilogram. The largest will go to the patient and prudent fishermen, who took crackers and oatmeal with them as complementary foods.

fishing on the minsk sea today

You can catch a line on the territory of the so-called flooded garden. This area is suitable only for patient fishermen, but the reward promises to be large. Incidentally, rudd rubs abound here.

Carpenter is waiting

In the warm season you can get a few kilograms of roach in a short time near the Semsky Bridge. It is most convenient to catch it from the dam, and the nibble here is the best. However, purposefully looking for roach, you should pay attention to the boat station: not far from it there are concrete slabs from which this fish is caught very well.

With a boat, you can swim away. At a distance from the coastal strip, carp is abundant in abundance. It’s better to catch it in a dump. On average, the fish caught here weigh one and a half kilograms. You need to understand that it is during the warm season that the Minsk Sea will have the most competitors. However, not only them: the place is also popular among vacationers, so on the weekends you still have to look for a quiet backwater. As mentioned above, the width of the pond is four kilometers, so there is every chance to find a suitable location.

Important Features

Anyone can get to the Minsk Sea: admission is free, travel is open, no one needs to pay money. True, certain rules apply, non-compliance with which will lead to penalties. In particular, fishing under the water on the track is prohibited. The reservoir is not used as a fishing ground. But gas-powered boats do not cause any questions, you can safely come with your own watercraft in order to be able to move away from the coast to the desired distance, having absolute autonomy.

fishing report minsk sea

The Minsk Sea belongs to the category of lakes. Here, in addition to those mentioned above, catfish live, and there were a lot of pikes this year, next year, as promised, there will be more. This is due to the initiative to colonize several tons of this fish in a reservoir.

Geographic features

The Zaslavskoe reservoir covers an area of ​​31.1 km. The river Svisloch flows through the lake. The length of the reservoir reaches ten kilometers, the length of the coastline is 55 km. In total, there are a dozen islands in the reservoir.

We stock as we can

Last year, a rather large number of carps and crucians were released into the Minsk Sea. Most brought pike: in several batches, the weight of only one of them amounted to three tons. The event was organized at the initiative of the state community of fishers, hunters. Thousands and thousands of fish settled in the reservoir for the joy of people and for the benefit of nature. The event did not happen by chance; a scientific justification was even brought under it. After some time, in the spring, cupid, tench, and catfish were additionally delivered to the reservoir.

reports on fishing in the minskoye reservoir

However, the scientific justification is scientific, but the initiative arose at the request of fishing connoisseurs. To determine the most suitable reservoirs, surveys were even conducted to find out where people prefer to fish, and also evaluated potential areas by area - stocking up small reservoirs is unpromising.

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