Shelf life of a driver’s medical certificate. Passage of the driver's medical board

To obtain a driver’s license in Russia, you must not only successfully pass a theoretical and practical driving test, knowledge of traffic rules. You must also go through a medical commission. According to its results, a special document is issued to the future driver. But what is the expiration date of a driver’s medical certificate? Where can I get it? Which doctors should be examined? When might such a document be needed? We will answer all these questions in the article.

When is a document needed?

The limitation period for a medical certificate for a driver’s license in 2019 was reduced to one year. In what cases may it be required at present?

Here we can distinguish the following:

  • Passing qualification exams, obtaining the first driver’s document.
  • Obtaining (at the request of the car owner or a professional driver) a new category of rights.
  • Planned replacement of a citizen’s driver’s license. Under Russian law, it is strictly required every decade. It is after 10 years that the standard of validity of the WU issued to you expires as a standard.
  • Return driver's document after its deprivation. Only in those cases when the rights were withdrawn from the driver due to drunk driving.
  • Confirmation of the ability to drive a car for those citizens in whose driver’s documents there is a special hindrance "a medical certificate is required."
  • Early change of VU at the request of the car owner. But the certificate will be provided to the citizen only if he wants to get a new VU for a standard period of 10 years. If he does not provide medical certificates to the traffic police, the new document will be valid for the same period as the old one.

When is help not needed?

By 2019, there have been many changes in domestic legislation, which related specifically to medical documents for drivers. Today, such a certificate is no longer necessary in the following cases:

  • Obtaining an international driver's license.
  • Passing a technical inspection of your vehicle.
medical certificates for a driver’s license

Required Documentation

For how long a driver’s medical certificate is issued, we will determine in the next subheading. Now we will figure out what documents are needed to obtain this document.

According to Russian law, you need to provide the following:

  • ID document. As a rule, they are a civil passport.
  • For men, an additional certificate of registration or military ID.

Previously, photographs were required to obtain such a document. Today, this rule has been canceled. On the driver’s medical certificate of the new sample, a special field is not even provided for the photo.

Shelf life of a driver’s medical certificate

The answer to the most important question of the article. The validity period of a medical driver’s certificate in 2019 is usually 1 year from the date of issue.

Accordingly, paper can legitimately be used during this period. It will be valid even if you contact the traffic police on the last day of its relevance.

In exceptional cases, the period of validity of a medical certificate for a driver’s license may be less than 1 year. An outstanding opinion doctor should inform you of this.

But today the validity of a medical certificate for drivers cannot be more than 1 year! Recall that previously issued medical documents for car owners, drivers, valid for 2, and 3 years. In 2019, they no longer have power.

drivers medical board doctors

The procedure for obtaining a document

The standard validity period of a medical certificate for drivers is 1 year. We also give a general algorithm for obtaining such a document:

  1. You can contact any medical center in your city where medical commissions for drivers are held, both in the state and in the private. Both there and there the procedure will be paid. Only commission fees can be different.
  2. Medical specialists will open a medical card in your name. Let us draw your attention to the fact that if you want to get a medical certificate for several categories at once, you need to inform about it right away. And one more nuance. If in the near future you are going to open a new category of VU, then start filling out a certificate immediately on it. Otherwise, when you receive a new category, you will need to undergo a medical examination again.
  3. After the medical card is issued, you need to undergo an examination with all the specialists indicated in it. Each of the doctors makes the necessary information about your condition in this document.
  4. Next you need to contact the psychiatric and narcological dispensaries of your locality. In the first you visit a psychiatrist on duty, in the second - a psychiatrist-narcologist. According to the results of the examination, clinical conversation, specialists should enter the relevant information into your medical record.
  5. After visiting the dispensaries, you need to return back to the medical center and consult a general practitioner with a completed medical card.
  6. Based on the information in this card, a specialist will write you the required medical certificate to obtain a VU.

But which doctors do you need to see? In which dispensary? We will clarify this information.

for how long a medical driver’s certificate is issued

Reception at the dispensaries

If the main part of the medical commission you can go through both in a private and in a public clinic, then in the case of a narcological and psychiatric dispensary there is no such choice. According to Russian law, you need to come only to state or municipal institutions.

There is one more difficulty. You can contact the dispensary only at the place of your temporary registration or permanent registration. That is, it is impossible to visit a narcologist or psychiatrist for a given certificate in a city where you are not registered.

In some cases, representatives of private medical centers may offer you the services of "their" psychiatrists or narcologists. However, the conclusion of such specialists will not be valid. If on their basis you will be given a medical certificate, the traffic police will cancel it.

Medical professionals for A, B, M

What kind of doctors do I need for a driver’s medical board? It all depends on the category of WU that you seek to obtain.

So, if you are applying for A, A1, B, B1, BE, M, then to receive a medical certificate of a new sample, you need to make an appointment with these doctors:

  • General practitioner (or therapist).
  • Ophthalmologist.
  • Psychiatrist.
  • Expert in narcology.

In addition, you may additionally need to visit the following specialists:

  • In the direction from the therapist is a neurologist.
  • In the direction from the neurologist - the passage of electroencephalography.
  • in the direction from the narcologist - analysis of urine for the presence of psychoactive substances.
  • In the direction from the narcologist - a blood test for the quantitative and qualitative finding of carbohydrate-deficient transferrin.
validity period of a medical certificate

Medical specialists for C, D and other categories

As for the drivers who open VU in categories C, C1, CE, C1E, D, DE, D1, D1E, Tm, Tb, the list of doctors they must visit to get a medical certificate is much wider:

  • General practitioner (or therapist).
  • Psychiatrist.
  • Ophthalmologist.
  • Expert in narcology.
  • Otolaryngologist.
  • Neurologist.
  • The passage of electroencephalography.

In addition, in the direction from the narcologist, the following procedures can be additionally prescribed:

  • Analysis of urine for the presence of psychoactive substances in it.
  • A blood test for the presence of a carbohydrate-deficient transferrin in it.


We got acquainted with the expiration date of a medical certificate for a driver’s license. Now we will consider what contraindications indicated in this document do not allow driving.

Mental illness and behavior disorders:

  • Organic (with the inclusion of symptomatic) mental disorders.
  • Schizophrenia, as well as delusional, schizotypal disorders.
  • Mood disorders (the so-called affective).
  • Somatoform, neurotic (stress-related) disorders.
  • Disorders of behavior and personality in adulthood.
  • Mental retardation.
  • Disorders of behavior and psyche caused by the use of psychoactive substances and drugs.

Of the diseases of the nervous system, epilepsy is a contraindication.

Also contraindications to the issuance of VU are diseases associated with vision, the adnexa:

  • Achromatopsia.
  • Blindness in both eyes.

In addition, there are lists with indications for driving only certain vehicles, lists with diseases, disorders, injuries and pathologies that limit the management of a particular vehicle. All this is reflected in the Decree of the Russian Government "On the lists of medical indications, medical contraindications, medical restrictions on the management of the vehicle."

driver medical certificate

Document processing costs

How much will the driver's medical certificate cost? The total amount consists of the following costs:

  • Examination in a private medical center or state clinic.
  • Reception at the narcologist.
  • Reception at the psychiatrist.

Where to get a medical examination to replace a driver’s license? Decide what you can spend depending on the amount. In private medical centers, the procedure, of course, will be more expensive than in state ones. Depending on the region, you will end up spending 1,500-3,000 rubles.

expiration date of a driver’s medical certificate

Clearance time

We decided how much the expiration date of a driver’s medical certificate is. But drivers wonder how much time you need to spend on getting it. As practice shows, no more than half a day. Of course, it depends on where you go - to a private medical center or state medical institution, during the influx of patients or at a relatively quiet time of admission.

It will take 1-2 hours for all doctors to go through the medical center. In addition, for half an hour you have to spend in drug addiction and psychiatric dispensaries. Add to this time on the road between these medical facilities. Thus, in one day you will definitely cope with the passage of the driver’s medical board.

If you want to save time and try to get a certificate without going through doctors, then this threatens you with big troubles. A fake driver’s medical certificate will be canceled in the traffic police. Together with the WU issued on its basis.

expiration date of a medical certificate for a driver’s license

To summarize. A medical certificate, as before, is obligatory upon the first receipt of a VU, upon planned replacement of a certificate every 10 years, upon receipt of a new category and in their cases determined by law. The validity of this document in 2019 is 1 year. The certificate is given only on the basis of a medical examination. Each category of rights has its own list of doctors whose examination the driver must pass.

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