Team game and its types

Any person, regardless of his age and profession, loves to play. Team play is ideal for team building; it develops the ability to trust and support others. It is suitable for corporate outdoor recreation, as well as for a children's holiday in the open air.

As a rule, team play involves dynamic and gambling competitions, in which a large number of people participate. The main advantage of this type of relaxation over others is that everyone can get their portion of pleasure. Here, one not only feels that everyone belongs to a single whole, that is, to a team, but with the help of such games you can demonstrate your leadership and creative qualities wonderfully.

team play

Tasks can be anything, but the main thing here is the items without which the game will become impossible. Skittles, balls, bags, ropes and so on. Team games in nature involve, as a rule, the participation of all team members at once. Sometimes one player is given the main role leading, and the rest help him achieve victory.

One of the most popular games for adults is the black box. It contains ten different objects. The participant must run to him, often overcoming some obstacles, and to the touch to determine what fell into his hands. The winner is the team that guessed a larger number of items in a short time.

team games in nature

Another interesting team fun is the dress up game. It will require socks, stockings, mittens and gloves. The participant is covered with a blindfold, and gloves are put on his hands. The main thing is to be in time for a certain time, being in gloves, to put on as many socks as possible. In this case, stockings do not count.

Children's team games

What games can entertain children in nature? For example, offer to bring water in a spoon faster than the opponent! It is necessary to put two chairs from each other at a distance of about three meters. On one of them put a glass of water. Players must scoop up water with a spoon and carry it in an empty glass, standing on the second chair. The winner is the one who has more water at the end of the game.

Another good team game using a spoon is the ball in the spoon. A regular tennis ball is needed. The child, holding a spoon with him in his mouth, should be able to run to the object without dropping the ball, and return back. Then the next team member does the same.

children's team games

One of the oldest Russian pastimes is jumping in the bag. It is also ideal for children. You need ordinary potato bags, and if the children are small, you can use pillowcases. The goal of the team is to jump to a certain object, go back and pass the baton to the next child. The main thing here is speed.

An interesting team game is a test for the related. If the team has 8 people, then each will require four ropes. The two participants are connected in this way: they are placed facing each other, different hands (the left of one and the right of the other) and legs are connected. The main thing is to run to the finish line and return back to pass the baton to the next connected “couple”.

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