Films about diving: an overview of the best

Cinema about diving under water has always attracted a lot of attention. Just imagine - the mysterious depths of the sea, full of secrets and dangers that allure different travelers, brave adventurers, reckless adventurers and curious scientists. And films about diving can be enjoyed by lovers of various genres, because diving into the depths of the sea is not only science fiction, thriller or action. A similar movie can also focus on drama, romance or documentary. In general, it is safe to say that every film about diving, surfers and divers can easily find their audience. Today we decided to bring together some of the best paintings in this category and tell our readers about them. Warning: after watching some films, an irresistible desire may appear to go somewhere to the ends of the earth and begin an independent study of the deep sea and oceanic expanses!

The Blue Abyss (Le grand bleu, 1988)

Films about diving

The first film directed by Luc Besson, shot in English. The plot tells the story of two reckless daredevils who are engaged in competitive diving under water without any special equipment. Such extreme diving is fraught with many dangers and easily takes the lives of those who are fortunate least fortunate. Despite this, the main characters continue to challenge the harsh elements and perform dangerous dives, competing with each other for time or depth. The once friendly competition of the two boys eventually develop into a tense struggle for the title of absolute champion.

The "Blue Abyss" was filmed based on the real stories of two athletes who managed to set several records in diving without special equipment.

Water Life (The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou, 2004)

Films about diving and divers

The next picture on our list of diving films today is a comedy from director Wes Anderson with Bill Murray in the title role. The film tells the difficult but fascinating life story of a character named Steve Zissou, who appeared due to the character and appearance of the famous Jacques-Yves Cousteau. Steve is both a tragic and comedic hero, behind his shoulders are years of extraordinary experience that are constantly overshadowed by the crisis of new and fresh ideas, and because of his age it seems that he will very soon have to say goodbye to his career at sea. "Aquatic life" is an excellent tragicomedy, seasoned with a generous share of the grotesque and elevated at some points to a phantasmagoria. And of course, fascinating sea depths play an important role in the film.

Fool's Gold (2008)

Even before Matthew McConaughey became one of the main Hollywood movie stars, he could often be seen in various romcoms and unpretentious adventure comedies. โ€œGold of Foolsโ€ is a mix of his early works, in which there was a place for action, and humor, and romantic sentimentality. This is also a very good film about diving and treasures, which gives its viewer an easy and truly summer adventure. The main character named Ben, in whose role McConaughey acts, is engaged in scuba diving, trying to find the sunken Spanish galleon. Helps him in this difficult matter, his wife Tess, which turned the charming Kate Hudson. Together, the couple will not only find sunken treasures and repulse these bandits, but also be able to find a way out of their personal family crisis.

The Open Sea (Open Water, 2003)

The best films about diving

Open Water is an American thriller based on a real story that happened with a young married couple named Lonergan. As befits the plot of any typical movie about diving, the main characters go to the ocean coast to have a good time and perform several underwater dives. Anticipating a romantic and exciting adventure, Susan and Daniel book a seat on a tourist boat that travels along the most beautiful and memorable routes. At first, the vacation goes like clockwork, but soon what is happening takes a completely unexpected turn. When the couple emerge after their dive and discover that the tourist boat has already sailed away, they realize that they are left alone with the ruthless elements. From this moment, a romantic trip turns into a real nightmare, escape from which is simply unrealistic.

The Military Diver (Men of Honor, 2000)

Films about diving and diving

Found on our list of films about diving place and real drama - a brilliant biographical work directed by George Tillman Men of Honor ("Military Diver"). The plot of the picture tells about Karl Brashire, the first black American who became an underwater specialist in the disposal of bombs and the rescue of sunken ships. Despite his disadvantage in society and the bias on the part of his associates, Brashira works tirelessly, volunteering to carry out the most dangerous missions. Over time, he manages to prove his right to be in military service, but fate presents him with another test, through which only a real hero can pass. The main roles in the film were played by Robert De Niro and Oscar-winning Cube Cuba Gooding.

The Abyss (1989)

List of movies about diving

One of the first works of James Cameron about his favorite expanses of water. The plot of the film begins with the crash of an American nuclear submarine, on board of which nuclear weapons were stored. The Fleet Ministry has to turn for help to submariners working at the nearest research station. As a result, a special team is sent to the crash site of the submarine, consisting of scientists and military intelligence officers, which will have to go down to the depths to conduct an investigation. Heroes must not only find out the cause of the tragedy, but also try to neutralize the nuclear warheads. It would seem that an ordinary mission turns into something unimaginable when the team is faced with the fact that it lives in the Abyss.

Sanctum (Sanctum, 2010)

Films about diving in caves are much smaller than films whose events take place in the open ocean or in the middle of any sea. Nevertheless, they are, and among them you can find very good work. One of the most successful films about diving and diving in the caves was "Sanctum" in 2010. In the story, professional divers become participants in a risky expedition that will take place in the largest cave system on Earth. However, the plans of the heroes are disturbed by a sudden raging tropical storm. After all communication ceases to work, and the escape routes are blocked, divers realize that their only escape is to go to the very depths of the underground caves. It is possible to get out of the stone trap only through the passage to the open sea - the main characters of the film "Sanctum" have to deal with it. Along the way, divers will have to face the insidious element of the raging underground waters, endure various hardships, whether it is a lack of provisions or air, and also go through personal panic and betrayal.

The Blue Abyss (47 Meters Down, 2016)

Films about surfers and diving

The "Blue Abyss" will surely appeal to all lovers of not only breathtaking scuba diving, but also scenarios of the "killer shark" type, which have been actively used in pop culture since the time of the first "Jaws". 47 Meters Down is not so much a film about diving and divers, but about that terrible and dangerous situation in which the two main characters found themselves during one of their dives. During their vacation on one of the Mexican beaches, the sisters Lisa and Kate decide to try the popular entertainment called shark diving. The girls are placed in a special cage, which is then lowered to a depth where large white sharks swim. At first, everything goes fine, and the heroines enjoy the attraction, but soon an accident occurs - the cell in which Lisa and Kate are located suddenly breaks down from the mounts and ends up on the ocean floor. Girls understand that if nothing is done, then they will surely die. Outside the cage, hungry sharks are already circling, and the oxygen supply is enough for only an hour - can Lisa and Kate get out of this nightmare alive?

The Shark Charmer (Dark Tide, 2011)

Films about diving and treasures

And ends our today's list of the best films about diving and underwater adventures, the film "Shark Caster" with Holly Berry in the title role. Kate Mathewson is a biologist and well-known documentary whose specialization is sharks. All her life, she not only studied them, but also engaged in free swimming side by side with the most famous predators - great white sharks. One day during another dive, Kate witnesses the tragic death of her mentor and good friend. After this incident, the girl decides to give up work under water and begins to conduct excursions. Kateโ€™s life takes a measured move until one day her ex-husband and part-time old partner appear on the horizon. After talking with him, the girl decides to challenge her inner demons and return to her entire life. Together with his ex-husband and a millionaire seeking extreme entertainment, Kate goes to one of the most dangerous places for any diver - Shark Alley.

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