Mesomorph, endomorph, ectomorph. Key features

According to Sheldon's theory, according to morphological characteristics , all people can be divided into three types: mesomorph, endomorph, ectomorph. This is one of the simplest and most comprehensive classifications of body types from existing ones. Sheldon makes an attempt not only to find criteria for describing the physical parameters of the body, but also to determine what temperament is behind this or that appearance. At first, this system of constitutional typology extended only to men, but then it began to be applied to women. Want to know who you are - mesomorph, endomorph, ectomorph? Then take a closer look at yourself and compare with the descriptions below.


mesomorph endomorph ectomorph
They have the slowest metabolism, well-developed internal organs, especially the digestive system. They quickly accumulate fat and part with it with difficulty. People of this type have a rounded and soft body, a short neck and a wide waist.

Endomorphs are friendly and good-natured, slow and cautious, moderately emotional and tolerant. They love physical comfort, eat well and relax. Such people have a good sense of humor, are sociable and not prone to irritability.


ectomorph mesomorph endomorph how to determine
This type is also called athletic. It is characterized by a proportional physique, medium height, broad shoulders, and muscularity. Owners of such a figure tend to gain weight, but they can quickly lose it. Mesomorphs easily build muscle and build up physical strength.

As for the characteristics of temperament, they are energetic, courageous, persistent, prone to risk, like rivalry and physical activity.


They are thin, sinewy and angular. They are characterized by long and thin limbs, often tall, short body, flat chest, narrow shoulders, minimal fat reserves and poorly developed muscles that are hard to build.

Ectomorphs love loneliness and solitude, internally clamped, shy, artistic, prone to mental activity. It is believed that they have the largest brain and well-developed nervous system.

Ectomorph, mesomorph, endomorph - how to determine?

In fact, most people have traits of all three types to varying degrees of manifestation. In its pure form, mesomorphs, endomorphs, ectomorphs are not so common, and division is very arbitrary. To more accurately find out your somatotype, you need to use the method developed by Sheldon, where each individual is described by three numbers from 1 to 7. Moreover, 1 corresponds to the minimum manifestation of signs of one type or another, and 7 to the maximum. That is, a pure endomorph is 711, a mesomorph is 171, an ectomorph is 117. A person with a harmonious physique has a description of 444. It is clear that combinations of 111 and 777 are impossible.

Mesomorph, endomorph, ectomorph and bodybuilding

Determination of belonging to one or another type is especially relevant in bodybuilding for the choice of training methods. After all, training for endomorph is absolutely not suitable for representatives of two other types.

Mesomorphs were especially lucky: athletes with such a physique are most likely to achieve outstanding results in bodybuilding. Endomorphs can quickly build muscle, but it's hard for them to get rid of excess fat and achieve good relief. Ectomorphs, who do not differ in either good strength indicators or muscle responsive to loads, will have the most difficulty. They will not be able to build up large volumes, however, due to the minimum amount of fat, their muscles will always be prominent.

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