Can I wash my face with laundry soap: effectiveness, side effects, reviews

The benefits and versatility of ordinary household soap are not in doubt. It is used not only for washing things, but also as an excellent therapeutic agent for inflammatory processes, as a disinfectant, and in many other cases. Laundry soap is very good to wash your hair or clean household utensils. But few people know the cosmetic properties of this simple natural product. In this article we will try to comprehensively cover the question of what is the use of laundry soap for a person.

The composition and useful properties of soap

Facial Acne Soap

Laundry soap was widely used not only by our mothers, but also by grandmothers and great-grandmothers, and even earlier. It has not lost its relevance even now, while the household market is completely saturated with a wide variety of washing and hygiene products. The undoubted advantage of ordinary laundry soap is that it is an absolutely natural hypoallergenic product. It is made from environmentally friendly animal fats and vegetable oils, therefore it is absolutely harmless to humans. Laundry soap is even recommended for washing clothes and diapers of newborns.

The composition of this product is very simple - sodium or potassium salts and fatty acids. According to state and industry standards, laundry soap is produced in three types - depending on the content of fats - 65%, 70%, 72%. Soap 65% is made by the direct method of soap making - all components are mixed, and the resulting viscous substance is cut into standard bars after it cools. The soap is very high quality, but has a slight fat content. Two other species are obtained in an indirect way, in which the initial adhesive substance is subjected to saline treatment. During this operation, the base appears in the substance - the soap core, and in the lower layer the soap lye settles.

For cosmetic purposes, it is better to use soap with a higher content of fatty acids, since they perfectly eliminate germs and bacteria. When choosing a soap bar, you should pay attention to the density of the product - a uniform and solid soap foams much better. Today one has to hear a lot about how successfully household soap is used for a person; girls often leave feedback on its use. Is this really so, or a product intended for household needs cannot be used for cosmetic procedures on delicate facial skin? Let us further consider whether there is any benefit for a person from the use of laundry soap and what it consists of.

Washing with household soap - good or bad?

Hearing the praises in the direction of the amazing effect of using this product for face care, one wonders - is it possible to wash your face with laundry soap? After all, this tool is purely household and no useful substances inherent in effective cosmetics, it is completely absent. How can a remedy more than two-thirds consisting of fatty acids and one-third of the ruts be useful? There is great doubt that it can bring laundry soap for the face, even if it did not cause harm. After all, the skin on the face is much more tender and sensitive than on the body, and it is quite easy to damage it. Is it worth the risk and put experiments on the face?

In order to understand whether it is possible to wash your face with household soap, we consider each of its individual components through the prism of harmfulness to the face. Now there are a lot of laudatory reviews about the properties of soaps that help to effectively relieve facial skin from eternal problems - oily sheen, wrinkles and acne. But there are many opponents warning gullible girls and women about the harmful effects of soap components on the skin of the face. Where is the truth, where is the lie, we will not understand, we note only one thing - the truth is in the middle. And whether it is necessary to listen to these or other distributors of information - everyone will decide for himself after reading this article.

So, can I wash my face with laundry soap? We look for the answer in the chemical properties inherent in each of the constituent elements of laundry soap.

laundry soap

Animal fats help the skin cells function normally, forming a strong protective film on the face. It is even able to withstand the effects of ultraviolet rays. For thin, dry and damaged skin, this film is a real salvation. But for those who have oily skin, it is better not to use laundry soap for the face. Soap fats can clog pores even more with greasy plugs and provide an unaesthetic greasy shine on the face.

Sodium is an alkaline element. It is very caustic and can destroy the structure of skin cells. And this is undoubtedly very harmful to the skin of the face - it becomes dull, gray, thin. But such an effect is possible only after the use of large doses of sodium and for a rather long time. The amount of sodium that is in the bar of laundry soap does not pose a serious threat to the condition of the skin on the face.

Water is a useful ingredient that is required in the structure of soap. Water, despite a rather modest amount, perfectly moisturizes the skin and neutralizes harmful components.

Already modern manufacturers began to add kaolin to soap. It is white clay and emollients alkali. The properties of white (porcelain) clay include good hydration, providing quick regeneration of damaged skin areas, normalization of sebaceous secretions from glands. It does not have negative properties, but it is not used in every type of soap.

Fatty acids - it is precisely because of their antioxidant regenerative properties that the various wounds on the face heal quickly and get rid of acne. These acids are also responsible for timely cell renewal, which rejuvenates the skin and smoothes out wrinkles that have appeared.

Alkaline compounds have the bad reputation that they destroy structural bonds in the cell. It is alkalis that ascribe the lion's share of the damage and harm that household soap does to face skin. And this is true, alkali dries the skin, but it can not radically affect the deterioration of its condition, because its share in the bar of soap is simply negligible. Such an amount of alkali does not harm, rather, it benefits the skin - it expands the pores and opens a direct path to the cells for nutrients. It will take a very long time and often wash your face with laundry soap in order to feel this negative effect of alkali. In addition, the effect of alkali can be neutralized by rinsing the face with herbal infusion, which closes the pores and restores damaged cells.

The pH ratio, which ideally should be 5 or 6, but not higher than 7, in household soap is quite high - 11, and sometimes even 12 units. At this pH level, wash and masks dry the skin and cause peeling. In some cases, microcracks may appear. But all this is balanced by the positive properties of other ingredients. All together has a powerful disinfectant and antibacterial effect on the skin of the face and delights beauties with its high degree of effectiveness.

In this situation, you can no longer doubt whether it is possible to wash your face with laundry soap. The answer is obvious and logically justified - it is possible and necessary. True, as in any business, here, too, one should not abuse the constant use of soap for washing, but use it in safe doses that give maximum benefit to skin cells on the face.

wash your face with acne soap

What is the benefit for face washing with this soap?

Having established that laundry soap as a face care product can really be beneficial, we give a list of its positive manifestations. Regular and correct use helps:

  • to cleanse the face, because laundry soap helps to acne on the face;
  • relieve inflammation and disinfect cuts or scratches;
  • lighten and make less visible scars, stretch marks, scars;
  • get rid of fine wrinkles;
  • to make an effective peeling, opening the pores and performing their deep cleaning from organic pollution;
  • eliminate skin lesions;
  • moisturize the skin well;
  • bleach from age spots.

Side Effects of Soap

If you often and uncontrollably wash your face with laundry soap for acne or other unaesthetic rashes, then various side effects may occur. Regular use does not mean at all that it needs to be done daily and on several approaches per day. Such frequent washing of the face will damage not only when using household soap, but even the most delicate cosmetic product, because it will destroy the protective fat layer and allow microorganisms and infections access to the delicate skin of the face.

Abusing soap to achieve a better result, you can get the exact opposite effect and, instead of using it, greatly harm your skin. Due to improper use of laundry soap, the following side effects can occur:

anti-wrinkle laundry soap
  • draining and dehydration;
  • the appearance of cracks and intense peeling;
  • mass rashes;
  • inflammation and suppuration of injuries;
  • painful skin irritation;
  • the appearance of rosacea mesh;
  • allergic rash and intolerable itching;
  • serious exacerbations of diseases of the dermis.

In order to avoid these problems and troubles, one should carefully consider the recommendations of specialists on the correct use of soap for various purposes.

How to wash correctly with such soap

Can I wash my face with laundry soap

The presence of alkali in the laundry soap makes it possible to dissolve well the dirt ingrained in the pores, while disinfecting them. But before using this tool, you need to check your skin for the absence of allergic reactions to the products that make up the soap. To do this, lather a small area of ​​the face and wait five minutes. If redness does not appear, laundry soap can be used to cleanse the face. But you don’t need to use soap for washing every day for the joys of lack of allergy - according to cosmetologists, washing will be optimal no more than twice a week. After each wash, you should lubricate the skin with a normal baby cream. The effect of this will be stunning, much better than even from professional cosmetics.

How to carry out the washing procedure? This is not just ordinary washing, but therapeutic, and it passes according to this algorithm:

  • wash procedure in the evening, an hour before going to bed, when removing makeup;
  • first you need to cleanse your face and moisturize well;
  • then foam the soap on the palms very abundantly;
  • gently apply to the face without touching the eyes and lips;
  • rinse with plenty of water and let it dry, without wiping, so that it softens the negative effect of alkali;
  • after the skin has dried - after about 20 minutes - lubricate with a moisturizing or nourishing cream.

If a small area of ​​skin with a local problem is exposed to soap - a pimple or a pigment spot, then soap foam is applied only to this place for 5-7 minutes and removed with a cotton swab.

You can apply such a wash for 1.5-2 months, then it is recommended to take a long break of 3-4 weeks. It should be noted that the method of using household soap is different when used to get rid of various problems. For example, most often girls are concerned about the question of how to wash your face with soap for acne. More on this later in the article.

wash your face with laundry soap

Using Acne Soap

At the present stage of development of society, the problem of acne is quite acute. How can I apply laundry soap for acne on my face? Pimple is essentially a fat plug that clogs the skin follicle and becomes inflamed there. With the help of laundry soap, this problem can be easily solved, since it breaks up the blockage and restores the normal functioning of the sebaceous glands. This method is much more convenient and effective than squeezing, because it not only effectively solves the problem, but also disinfects the skin.

To properly wash your face with soap for acne, you need to know how to make a special remedy for acne. To do this, mix the planed soap with water and beat into the foam with a soft brush. Mix a tablespoon of foam with a teaspoon of fine extra salt and apply this mixture to a cleanly washed face in problem areas. The mask should be kept on your face for half an hour. She can significantly pinch and this indicates an effective treatment. Shake off the dried salt and wash your face with hot, and then rinse with cold water. To get rid of acne, this procedure should be done 2-3 times a day for 2-3 weeks.

Using soap to clean

It is very useful to clean your face with laundry soap, which is effectively provided by a mixture of soap and soda. Beat the soap shavings into a foam with water, dissolve soda in warm water and pour it into soapy foam. Apply for five minutes. For deep peeling at home, use soapy foam with 10 g of ground coffee. There you need to add a few drops of peppermint oil and gently rub your face skin for 3-5 minutes, then rinse the mixture and grease with a moisturizer.

Using soap to rejuvenate your face

Facial soap for wrinkles helps a lot. For this mask you need to mix a soap solution and diluted pressed yeast. Apply this composition to the face with light massage movements and stand for 20 minutes. Instead of yeast, you can use chicken protein or oatmeal. Such a mask helps to narrow the pores and tint the skin, which regenerates and rejuvenates it.

Using soap masks to eliminate skin defects on the face, it should be remembered that people with naturally dry skin need to be extremely careful. If discomfort appears, the procedure should be discontinued. But even if the sensations are normal, you do not need to allow longer contact with soap than once a week.

Can I wash my face with laundry soap. Reviews of girls

anti-wrinkle laundry soap

Studying the opinion of girls on this issue, we can note the numerous laudatory comments on one or another application of laundry soap. Some ladies share their enthusiastic impressions about using this simple and effective tool. Someone used expensive cosmetic preparations for a long time and did not see any special changes, and after even a short use of laundry soap, he got excellently clean and delicate skin. To some, a soap mask helped to remove annoying acne or ugly pigmentation on the face.

Many girls note that after washing with such a tool acne disappears without a trace, and the skin of the face ceases to be irritated and peel off. Some girls, after meeting with household soap, are firmly convinced that cosmetologists are specially silent about such exceptional properties of it in order to sell more of their expensive products. Girls say that from washing with household soap the skin becomes cleaner and softer, it tightens and becomes very elastic. But for this, in their opinion, it is necessary not to forget to apply a moisturizing or nourishing cream after the procedure.


Having received information about the beneficial properties of laundry soap, everyone can now decide whether to wash it or not. But if you use this tool, you should carefully follow the rules of use and pay attention to the warnings of specialists.

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