Replacing a driver’s license in connection with a loss: procedure, necessary documents

The loss of WU for many car owners is not only an unpleasant, but even a tragic accident. After all, the driver loses a convenient, and sometimes irreplaceable means of transportation, which for many is a source of income. But, as in any situation, there is no need to get upset and panic. We offer you step-by-step instructions for replacing a driver’s license due to a loss. Let’s figure out what needs to be done, which documents to collect, which authorities to contact, how much the recovery procedure will cost.

Missing or stolen?

The first steps in the loss of a driver’s license, no matter how corny, but to make sure that it really disappeared. Restore the events in your head - where you could leave, forget the WU, whether you passed it on to someone, or sent it for photocopying. Check your purse, car, apartment and even your own pockets. As a rule, often missing things are found in the most unexpected places.

You are sure that your rights are lost. What to do? We recommend that you take the following steps:

  1. Post a message about the loss of identity in local media, on social networks. You can print and paste paper announcements near the site of the alleged loss. It will be useful to offer a monetary reward for the find. As practice shows, this sometimes helps.
  2. If you suspect that the rights have been stolen, be sure to contact the police, file an application. However, you should not hope that the police will definitely find the WU. The percentage of document returns in case of theft is quite low.


So where to start restoration of rights in case of loss? Faced with a problem, car owners believe that it’s better not to hesitate - to begin the procedure in the traffic police as soon as possible.

But there are also some difficulties. For example, a new document will be issued to the driver, but police officers will find it old. What to do in this case? The new WU will be considered valid. According to Art. 32.6 and Art. 32.7 of the Code of Administrative Offenses, the first driver’s document will lose its validity. The car owner must remember to submit it to the REP. Thereafter, the certificate will be destroyed.

It is important to remember the following:

  • Driving a car with invalid rights is equivalent to driving without rights. Accordingly, a penalty of 5,000-15,000 rubles is imposed for him.
  • The same amount should be paid by the car owner who lost his WU and continued to drive the car without contacting the traffic police for a duplicate or temporary WU.
lost a driver's license how to restore Russia

Procedure Algorithm

How does a driver license change in connection with a loss? The procedure for the car owner includes the following:

  1. Filling out the relevant application for the restoration of the rights of theft or loss. It needs to describe in detail the circumstances of the incident.
  2. After applying for the loss of a driver’s license, you need to pay two types of state duty at once - for issuing a temporary VU to you and for issuing a new document.
  3. Getting a temporary driver’s license. It is provided to the car owner for the period of inspection of the car owner on the basis of the traffic police for unpaid fines, deprivation of rights. For what period is it issued? According to the regulations in Art. 41 of the Rules for passing qualification exams and issuing a VU, the period of such verification is a maximum of 30 days from the date of application. Note that in exceptional cases it can be extended up to two months. Temporary rights (according to the data in the order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation No. 720 of 2002) must contain the following information: personal data of the driver, name of the traffic police department where the document was issued, dates of issue and expiration, names of vehicle categories with which this driver has the right to manage.
  4. If a car owner has lost a driver’s license, how to restore in Russia? Then it remains only to wait for the term for its verification on the basis of the traffic police.
  5. Obtaining a new identity.
lost rights what to do

Important features of the procedure

We continue to disassemble the replacement driver’s license in connection with the loss. Many car owners are concerned about whether they are required to again pass all the relying exams on knowledge of traffic rules and driving? No, this is not necessary. An exam is required only in the only case - if the validity of the lost WU has expired.

If the driver received a temporary document when restoring his rights in the event of the loss of VU, and then, during the period of validity, he changed his place of residence, moved to another settlement, was sent on a business trip or to study for more than 3 months, then different rules apply. A new WU must be issued to him before the expiration of the standard monthly period. But the car owner must be ready to present documentation confirming his long absence.

Speaking about the replacement of a driver’s license in connection with the loss, it is important to note that similar documents of other states are not being restored on the territory of the Russian Federation. What does it mean? If a foreigner has lost in Russia the VU obtained in another country, then he can restore it only upon returning to that state.

As an alternative, get a Russian driver’s license on common standard grounds. To do this, you need to pass a theoretical (for knowledge of traffic rules) and practical (driving on the site and in the city) exam, pass the necessary medical commission. This opportunity is open to foreign citizens who have temporary registration in the Russian Federation.

restoration of rights in case of loss

Where to apply to citizens of the Russian Federation?

To answer, you need to refer to the Decree of the Russian Government No. 1097 (2014). Car owners with Russian citizenship have the right to apply to any of the traffic police departments throughout the country to recover lost, stolen driver’s documents. The place of their registration (registration) does not matter.

For example, if a resident of Novosibirsk went on vacation to Sochi in his car and lost in the southern city of VU, then he has every right to contact the local traffic police unit. There they must accept a statement from him and issue a provisional certificate.

In the event that a Russian citizen has lost his WU issued in the Russian Federation abroad, he must contact the local police station. They will draw up an appropriate protocol, certificate. Documents must be certified by signatures of responsible persons, official seals.

Recovering a document will only be possible upon returning to the homeland. The basis for the replacement will be the certificate, the protocol that was issued abroad at the police station.

Where do foreigners go?

For foreign citizens, the procedure for reinstating a higher education institution in the Russian Federation is somewhat different. If a driver’s document is lost, they can only contact the traffic police unit at the place of their temporary registration.

We draw attention to the fact that in many Russian regions an application is submitted. appeal to the traffic police is automated. In particular, you can make an appointment while at home, online. And then just come to the traffic police department at the appointed time.

Getting documentation: two options for events

Above, we considered that in response to a statement about the loss, theft of a military vehicle, payment of a state duty, the driver receives a temporary document from the traffic police for the period of checking it at the department’s base. But, as practice shows, events can develop in two ways:

  1. Issuance of a temporary WU. The car owner fills out an application, pays a fee, transfers the necessary paper. He is given a temporary document that can be used for up to two months - until the receipt of new rights.
  2. Without issuing a temporary document. If the personnel of the registration unit of MREO is not too busy, then the car owner is checked on the basis of the traffic police on the day he submits the paper about the loss of rights. Thus, with a successful combination of circumstances, a new WU can be acquired after several hours.

What is the difference between the new document?

Are new rights different from old, lost? The difference is insignificant - in the field "Special marks" in the new WU there will be an inscription "Duplicate".

The last sample of the document (2011) is issued with the following contents:

  • Personal information: F. I. O., date of birth of the driver.
  • Place and date of issue.
  • Categories and subcategories of vehicles that the owner of the VU can manage.
  • The expiration date of the document.
  • Security signs: marking barcodes, inscriptions with luminescent paint, contour microtext.

Such a document is issued to the car owner necessarily against receipt. Information about the replacement of VU will be entered in the registration documents of MREO and the traffic police.

statement about the loss of a driver’s license

Required Documentation

What documents are needed when losing a driver’s license? We turn to paragraph 30 of the Rules for the issuance of certificates. The car owner must provide the following to the traffic police unit:

  • The corresponding application for the provision of a new WU instead of the lost one.
  • Receipt of payment of all applicable state fees - for a temporary and for a new certificate.
  • Photos on the right - 3x4 cm.
  • ID document.
  • For foreign drivers: in addition, you must present a document proving the availability of temporary registration.

Note that a photo on the rights does not have to be taken in advance. In the traffic police units, the photographing procedure is carried out right on the spot. After you submit the documents, the employee must issue a receipt in return for their receipt.

Do I need help with the loss of a driver’s license? No matter how your rights are lost, the requirement to submit additional documents not included in this list is illegal.

photo on the right

Is failure possible?

Is it possible to refuse to accept documents for the replacement of VU? Legally - only if the car owner made the statement incorrectly: with grammatical errors, corrections, made information that is untrue. Remember that a refusal to accept documentation must be issued by an MREO employee in writing.

What about the medical certificate? Currently, it is not required, according to the provisions of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 65 (2016). A medical examination should be done only when replacing the VU due to the expiration of the document.

Is it possible to restore WU in the absence of any document from the list? In particular, passports? Indeed, often with a certificate a person loses other documents. Unfortunately not. Moreover, the passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation cannot be replaced with other identification documents. Neither a military card, nor a passport. If there is no passport in hand, you will be issued a legal refusal.

how much does it cost to restore a driver’s license after loss

Procedure cost

How much does it cost to restore a driver’s license after loss? The answer is indicated in paragraph 43. Part 1 and Art. 333.33 of the Russian Tax Code.

The amount consists of two components:

  • Duty for temporary WU. Today - 800 rubles. But if you are issued a new certificate on the day you contact the traffic police, such a waste will not be necessary.
  • Duty for a new WU. If you get a new generation driver’s license with a built-in chip (introduced since August 2018), you need to pay 3000 rubles. If the document is the same as before, without a chip - 2000 rubles.

We remind you that it is possible to save. If you pay the fee on the State Services portal, you are entitled to a 30% discount.


The validity period of the new VU will be exactly the same as that of the lost, stolen. For example, if the old VU was valid until December 2019, then the new one will also be valid until December 2019. Even if you received it in March 2019, in December you need to undergo a replacement of rights for the next 10 years.

Do I need help with the loss of a driver’s license

Now you know what actions need to be taken if you have lost a high school in the Russian Federation, abroad, if this document has been stolen. You should rather contact any nearby traffic police unit, fill out an application, give the necessary documents, pay a fee. You will be given first a temporary document, and then a new WU.

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