Elizaveta Uvarova, actress: biography, personal life, filmography

Elizaveta Uvarova is a famous film and theater actress. In 1972, she received the title of People’s; she also has the title of Honored Artist. It is known that Elizaveta Alexandrovna starred in 30 films, played diverse roles in more than 40 performances.


Elizaveta Uvarova

Elizaveta Uvarova was born on November 23, 1902 in St. Petersburg. But there is another version of the birth of a famous and talented actress, which is not officially confirmed. So, it is believed that still the future actress was born in 1900 in a small village in Siberia. It is also indicated that her real name is Herzberg. The girl had no education and was illiterate. When her father brought her to St. Petersburg at the age of ten, new experiences led her to become ill.

War in the life of an actress

Elizaveta Aleksandrovna did not remain indifferent during the Civil War. She took part in hostilities as a sister of mercy.


After demobilization, she first went to study as a physician and philologist, but then suddenly she suddenly decided to also visit the Vaudeville theater-studio at the People’s House. At that time, this theater was headed by Alexander Kugel, who was known not only as a theater critic, but also as a journalist. At the same time, Uvarova Elizaveta Alexandrovna studied in the studio of Vladimir Karpov.

Debut performance

Uvarova, actress

In 1922, Elizaveta Uvarova, having graduated from a theatrical studio, performs for the first time on the stage. The role of Lisa in the play "The Eternal Husband" she perfectly played in the Petrograd Theater at the People’s House.

According to the plot of this performance, the viewer gets acquainted with two men. One unmarried, constantly engaged in love affairs. He leads an idle lifestyle. Another lives in a provincial town with his wife, and without her a signpost, she cannot do anything.

Theatrical career

Elizaveta Uvarova, films

Since 1922, for more than twenty years, Elizaveta Uvarova, an actress known and loved by the audience, has performed on the stage of the Leningrad Theater of the Young Spectator. It was here that she was able to show her unique acting talent, which allowed her to play diverse and ostentatious roles. So, the talented actress Uvarova played Chanterelle, Cinderella and even the Evil Sorceress.

It is known that the title of Honored Artist Elizabeth Alexandrovna received at the age of 37 years.

In 1945, she decides to change her life and goes to work in the Comedy Theater of the city of Leningrad. At that time it was the most popular theater. Despite the fact that the actress Uvarova was already 43 years old, she was accepted into the troupe of Nikolai Akimov, and she immediately became one of the leading actresses of this theater.

In the Comedy Theater, the talented actress Elizaveta Uvarova played different roles in the performances. So, among the roles she played, one can distinguish such as Margaret in the production of “We Are Not Angels,” Amanda in the play “Cart with Apples” and others. Only on the stage of this theater she performed more than 40 roles.

Cinematic career

Uvarova Elizaveta Aleksandrovna

The first debut in the movie of Elizaveta Uvarova, films of which viewers are still watching with great pleasure, took place in 1938, when she starred in the film "Man with a Gun" directed by Sergei Yutkevich. In this film, which tells about how revolutionary events took place and how the main character, trying to find boiling water in Smolny, met by chance with Lenin, the famous actress Uvarova played the role of an engraftment.

The very next year, Elizabeth Alexandrovna played the mother of Duska in the film "Member of the Government" directed by Alexander Zarha and Joseph Heifits. In the 50s, she successfully plays small episodic roles, among which most often the actress Uvarova was offered the roles of a cleaning lady, a nurse, and neighbors.

In 1964, Elizabeth Alexandrovna was offered to play a major lead role. In the film “Through the Cemetery”, directed by Viktor Turov, she portrayed Sofia Kazimirovna. This film tells how Belarusian partisans, wanting to blow up the German echelons, begin to make explosives. But then soldiers suddenly appear.

In 1966, the actress Uvarova played in four films at once. So, in the film “Don't Forget ... Lugovaya Station” by directors Nikita Kurikhin and Leonid Menakero, she talentedly plays the role of Olga Vladimirovna, who was the wife of an old musician. And in the film "I come from childhood" directed by Victor Turov - a teacher of German. She teaches at boys who are waiting for the return of their loved ones from the war and dream that the war will end soon.

In the film "Boy and Girl" directed by Julia Faytova, she plays a small role as a nurse in the hospital, and in the film "Damn with a Briefcase" - Pavlovna. All her heroines are feminine, not protected externally, but with strong will and spirit, always independent and fair.

Elizabeth Alexandrovna played not only serious and characteristic roles. In her cinematic piggy bank there are films for children. Especially a lot of them became in the last years of the life of the great actress. So, in 1969, she played the role of Kikimora in the film "Merry Magic" directed by Boris Ritsarev. The main character in the field found a magical weed that will help to spell Vasilisa the Beautiful. And Katya, together with the library cleaner Akulina Ivanovna, goes on a long journey.

In 1974, in the film "Ivan da Marya" directed by Boris Ritsarev, actress Uvarova talentedly played the nanny Fedotievna. This fairy tale film tells how the unlucky king Eustigneus the Thirteenth met with the soldier Ivan, who was in his service.

The last film of the outstanding actress Uvarova was the film "The Mustached Nanny" directed by Vladimir Grammatikov, which was released in theaters in 1977. This film tells about a man who constantly committed misconduct and was registered in the children's room of the police. He was given the last chance and hired as a nanny in kindergarten. Arina Rodionovna worked there, which was played by Elizabeth Alexandrovna.

Educational activities

Elizaveta Uvarova, biography

In the 30s, Elizaveta Uvarova, whose biography was described in this article, became not only a teacher at the Theater Institute, but also received the title of Associate Professor. It is known that she tried her hand and as a director. So, Elizaveta Alexandrovna staged performances at the collective farm theater.

An educated and wise, talented actress Uvarova knew several languages, and she learned French on her own. Since 1950, Elizaveta Alexandrovna began to teach at the Theater Institute of Performing Arts and worked there until her death.

Personal life

Elizaveta Uvarova, personal life

Uvarova was married twice. Her first official husband was Eugene Gakkel. The second husband, already in the post-war period, was the famous actor Boris Chirkov, with whom she lived in a civil marriage. It is known that the talented actress did not have children.

There are two versions of how Elizabeth Uvarova died, whose personal life has always been known to the public. So, one of the reasons is called the operation, which she underwent heavily. It was known that Elizaveta Alexandrovna suffered from oncology and she needed to undergo this operation. But she did not feel better, so on August 24, 1977 she died.

The second version is considered to be fatigue after rehearsal. Allegedly, the director Roman Viktyuk made the actress Uvarova, who was already over 70, dance for several hours in a row. This exhausted Elizabeth Alexandrovna so much that she died right on stage.

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