What language do the minions from the Despicable Me and Minions cartoons speak?

543 million dollars is the box office of the cartoon Despicable Me, which was released on July 15, 2010. The second part of the project, which was released 3 years later, collected almost twice as much - 935 million dollars. "Minions" - a cartoon that was released in 2015 after the stunning success of the dilogy. Unlike films about the villain Grue, part 3 is completely devoted to the minions, their history and adventures. What is such a stunning success? Of course, the plot and effects play an important role, but the main culprits of popularity were the minions - small yellow creatures that helped the main character Grew to become the biggest villain in the world and spoke an incomprehensible and funny language. What language do cartoon minions speak?

minions cartoon

Who are the minions

Minions - creatures of unknown origin - either robots, or aliens. Their creator is the artistic director of the cartoon - Eric Gillon. In the story, the minions are created from mutated DNA. Another version - they occurred as a result of the impact of weapons in the final series of the cartoon "Despicable Me: Pogrom of Minions". The director of the animation project, Pierre Soffin, claims that in total, according to the authors' plan, there are 899 minions. Outwardly, they look like a yolk from Kinder surprise with one or two eyes, wear glasses, are dressed in blue overalls with the Grew emblem and black gloves. Each of them has its own special hairstyle, and some do not have hair at all. They are impulsive, impatient and sincere, like children, which makes the viewer fall in love with them at first sight. And as babies, they can litter and cause a complete mess in a second, but, unlike children, they will come to the aid of the needy at any time.

minions in russian

What language do minions speak

Minions speak an incomprehensible language. It is this incomprehensibility that makes their speech funny and interesting. We can say that this is the main feature of the minions after their unusual appearance. So what language do minions speak? Their language is called the Banana Language, created by Pierre Soffin. He voiced the minions. According to the director, he wanted to create a language that would be understood by both adults and children, including the smallest. For the emotionality of words in the banana language, he used the menu of Indian and Chinese restaurants. But in the speech of the minions you can hear Spanish, Italian, Japanese, Indonesian and even Russian words. The director speaks some of these languages, and to create new words, he took words from these languages, which, although they did not fit in, they sounded melodic and corresponded to the situation. Soffin’s colleagues note that although the banana language is completely gibberish from the outside, it nevertheless has its own linguistic pattern and over time, viewers who watch all the films with minions can easily understand this language.

what language do minions speak

What are the words in the banana language

What language do minions speak? Inexplicable and very funny. To understand the chatter of these funny creatures, it’s worth learning a few words in banana language. A short dictionary from the cartoons “Despicable Me” and “Minions” in Russian, English and banana.

Hello! - Hello! -Bello!

Thank you! -Thanks! - Tank you!

Goodbye! - Until! - Poopaye!

Ugly! - Ugly! - Bananomina!

Fire! - Fire! - Bee do bee do bee do!

I swear! - I swear! - Underwear!

I hate you! - I hate you! - Tatata bala tu!

I love you - I love you! - Tulaliloo ti amo!

What? - What? - Po ka!

One - One - Hana.

Two - Two - Dul.

Three - Three - Sae.

For you - For you - Para tu.

Toy Toy - Baboi.

Chair - Chair - Chasy.

Apple - Apple - Bable.

Ice Cream - ice cream - Gelato.

minions in russian

What are some interesting facts about the cartoon?

As with many popular works of art, a number of interesting facts are associated with cartoons about minions.

  • All 899 minions were voiced by one person - director Pierre Soffin.
  • For the first time in Sandra Bullock’s entire acting career in this cartoon, she portrays a villain.
  • During the episode with a fairy tale for the night, the melody from the work "Peter and the Wolf" by Russian composer Sergei Prokofiev plays.
  • At the end of one of the cartoons, a minion named Stuart plays a solo piece by Edward van Halen's Eruption.

Of course, cartoons were not without kinolapy.

  • The decimal monetary system in England was adopted in 1971, and the events in the film take place in 1968. This blooper can be seen in the scene where the minions are trying to get into the Tower of London.
  • In the UK, American-style red fire hydrants were not used, but they are in the cartoon.

"Despicable Me" and "Minions" are cartoons that are pleasant to watch with the whole family in the evening or Sunday afternoon, and they certainly will not leave indifferent either adults or children.

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