Alkaline-free shampoo: all the advantages and disadvantages

Representatives of the fair sex dream of beautiful, healthy and well-groomed hair, but in order to achieve the desired effect, it is best to replace your shampoo with alkaline. Experts warn that too frequent use of care products with harmful substances leads to hair loss, slow their growth and irritation of the scalp.

Healthy hair


The main advantage of alkali-free shampoo is that it lacks preservatives and harmful substances. These shampoos are suitable for any type of scalp - both for oily and dry. They contain only natural organic substances, they do not have parabens, sulfates and silicone. Organic-based shampoos contribute to the natural maintenance of the acid-base balance of the scalp, as well as retain moisture inside the hair, which prevents the ends from being cut. Using organic products, you automatically saturate your hair with nutrients and trace elements. Moreover, your curls remain fresh for several days.

Organic Shampoos


One of the main disadvantages of alkaline-free shampoo is that it does not foam well. It is also necessary to remember that its daily use can lead to increased excretion of the sebaceous glands of the scalp. Do not wash your hair daily.

In addition, the tool is quickly consumed and poorly rinses styling products. If you use foams, wax and varnishes, you still have to resort to the usual shampoo. It should be noted that organic products are more expensive than usual.

Choosing an Organic Shampoo

First of all, when choosing an alkaline hair shampoo, be sure to pay attention to the composition. The label should not indicate substances such as sodium lauryl sulfate and ammonium lauryl sulfate. If you see these names, the shampoo is not organic, they try to deceive you.

The tool will make ringlets beautiful and well-groomed, especially if it contains various oils, such as argan, coconut, jojoba and so on. Such components perfectly nourish the scalp, make hair smoother, shiny and healthy.

In general, the more natural ingredients in a shampoo, the better for your hair. A huge number of alkaline shampoos are available on the market, so choosing one for yourself is not difficult. But take into account the lifestyle, especially your hair, the frequency of use of varnishes and gels and other nuances.

Beautiful hair

Worth it or not

Of course, many readers are interested in hearing reviews about alkaline-free shampoo. Customers praise these hair care products, as they really restore curls and nourish them with useful trace elements. Reviews of alkaline shampoos are not only positive, but also negative.

Not all customers were satisfied with this product. Some note that the condition of the hair has not changed or even worsened: the curls began to get dirty faster, dandruff appeared. Such buyers are convinced that in fact alkaline shampoos are useless and do not give any result, their popularity is only the result of high-profile advertising.

There are those who did not notice the difference between organic and inorganic. Such people do not understand why pay more for the same result.

Most well-known beauty bloggers have long switched to organic care products.

Organic shampoo is a great alternative to conventional remedies. True, such products cost more than conventional hair products. But experts advise using high-quality cosmetics from organic components, and do not regret spending money on it.

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