Starting from adolescence, many guys and girls are worried about the question of why acne appears and how to get rid of them? And this is not surprising, because today acne is a problem that almost everyone faces.
The main causes of acne are:
- Increased levels of androgens (male hormones) in the blood. Most often this happens in adolescence, when hormonal fluctuations reach their peak. Acne can also appear before menstruation in women for the same reason. Another possible reason why acne appears is improperly selected hormonal contraceptives or other medications;
- Fluid retention in the body and active sweating;
- Exacerbation of acne in the premenstrual period is due to swelling of the ducts of the sebaceous glands due to fluid retention. The same mechanism is responsible for exacerbation of the disease with active sweating;
- Hyperkeratosis is an excessive increase in the external stratum corneum of the skin. The reason may be a lack of vitamin A, an increase in hormone levels, a reaction to intoxication of the body, the use of improper caring products containing carcinogens, prolonged exposure to contaminated environments or contact with toxic substances. Hyperkeratosis can also be the result of constant friction of the affected areas on too tight or dirty clothes;
- Acne can appear due to infection in the skin layers, so after shaving acne appears.
- Gastrointestinal diseases and malnutrition;
- The use of comedogenic cosmetics - especially those that come in contact with the skin throughout the day (foundation, powder, improperly selected face cream);
- Excessive heat and humidity, as well as a polluted environment can also cause acne;
- Excessive use of harsh cleaning agents that provoke increased sebum secretion;
- Often, acne from smoking can appear, as well as other bad habits.
In order to fully answer the question "What causes acne", it should also be noted those products that provoke their appearance. These are coffee and drinks based on it (in particular, they are dangerous on an empty stomach), sweets and simple carbohydrates (buns, cakes, white bread and so on, especially those that include unnatural preservatives), animal fats and fatty dairy products ( cheeses), as well as pistachios, almonds and walnuts in large quantities.
Because of what acne appears on different parts of the face
- Pimples on the forehead indicate problems with the digestive tract and digestive problems. If they are located closer to the hairline, this indicates problems with the gallbladder.
- Acne on the nose most often occurs as a result of problems with the stomach or heart.
- Acne on the chin indicates problems in the endocrine sphere, as well as malnutrition. They can also occur due to the frequent abuse of coffee, strong tea, sodas and alcohol.
- Acne in the lips - this can be an indicator of constipation, indigestion, and other digestive problems. You should establish a diet and eat more fiber.
Treatment and finding out the cause of acne is a rather long and painstaking process. It is impossible to avoid them using cosmetic miracles - you will need an individual treatment prescribed by an experienced dermatologist and following all the recommendations in a complex, from the special requirements for the care of problem skin to special cleansing procedures and the transition to proper healthy nutrition.