Deep squat: execution technique

In terms of performance, deep squatting is a technically challenging exercise. Here the load is given by a barbell on the upper back and, in addition, on the body. The muscles of the lower body also feel tension from above. The stand helps to evenly distribute the weight throughout the body. This load requires experience and physical preparation. For beginners, doing a deep squat is not recommended due to possible muscle strain.

squat for a girl

Load utility

Performing the exercise helps not only increase the amplitude of the movement, but also engage the lower back and all the leg muscles in the work. Power load is used to increase the endurance of the muscles of the legs and gain muscle mass. A deep squat helps to develop buttock muscles, so exercise is often included in the girls training program.

The maximum load goes to the quadriceps, the gluteal muscles and the back of the hips also work. If you combine this with additional pancakes on the bar, you get a good study of the back muscles and the tension of the entire muscle atlas.

They do not perform the load on speed, because quality and maximum muscle tension are important here. Deep squat can be included in any training program, because here the load affects different parts of the body.

load for men


Although each load is responsible for the benefits of certain muscle groups, it is better to perform some exercises at a high level of training and with an understanding of the technique. Squat is suitable for athletes who do weightlifting. A deep squat with a barbell is included in their competitive programs and this is considered a basic exercise, indicating the level of training.

Powerlifters perform the load to increase the overall performance in strength training. Although the load is not included in the competition plan, the systematic execution and alternation of exercises with other loads helps to create and maintain the right muscle tone.

execution with support

For weight gain in quadriceps, bodybuilders are advised to perform the load. If endurance increases in the process, then other exercises for pumping leg muscles can be added to the load, since this is a key indicator of strength. The choice of the number of squats and repetitions depends on what goals the athlete sets himself.

Often the girls do the load for the gluteal muscles, but with frequent exercise, the leg muscles can also be pumped. Perform the exercise is better no more than once a week.

Cons Cons

With weak stretching and flexibility in the hip joint, it is not necessary to carry out the load, it can be traumatic. Also, if there is no idea of ​​the technique, in the process you can seriously harm the body.

Heavy squats with a bar create a big load not only on individual muscle groups, but also on the entire musculoskeletal system. As a result, stretch marks and tendon ruptures occur. Of course, the usefulness of the exercise is great, but without preliminary preparation and increasing endurance, it is not worth doing it.

Choosing too much weight makes it difficult to comply with the technique, violation of which leads to bad consequences. With active squatting of a deep type, knee joints are loaded, which can also lead to problems.

execution item

Possible danger lies in squatting and bending your knees at an acute angle. If without weight you can do it without problems, then the additional load leads to painful sensations and injuries. Special sports equipment does not always help to solve the problem. Therefore, without a certain level of endurance, it is better not to fulfill the load.

Avoidance of flaws

Any problem can be solved if you prepare for this. In the case of the deep squat technique, you need to strengthen the muscles as much as possible, doing a load with light weight, until they are able to support the knees so that the squat does not cause pain.

Therefore, athletes for several months actively hone the technique and work with a small load before the process of increasing it begins. If an athlete has been injured before, then you should not engage further without consulting a doctor.

elbow position

It is also important to evaluate the strength of the body. Experts recommend performing squats under the supervision of a trainer so that stretch marks of soft tissues do not happen and kneecaps are not damaged. You do not need to immediately take a lot of weight, the main thing here is quality and technique.

Right grip

The technique of doing deep squats begins with the preparation of the place. The bar with the selected weight must be installed on the supports, having previously adjusted them to the level necessary for normal lifting.

Bending your knees, you need to sit under the barbell, clasping her arms tightly. The stance should be tight - the legs are slightly wider than the shoulders. Stops in this position are located strictly under the bar. Shoulders and elbows are pulled to the body to create additional support and support the body.

The position is considered correct for lifting the bar. The bar is positioned on the shoulders as securely as possible. Tension should be felt on the back and slightly below the back. If it becomes hard at the knees or the legs begin to tremble, then you need to choose less weight.

Much depends on the grip. In the squat, it should be wide so that the elbows normally rest against the body. This will help to correctly distribute the load among muscle groups and at the same time will not create unnecessary stress on the legs. It is imperative to carry out the load in the weightlifting belt to additionally support the muscle corset.

load fulfillment

How to do it right

Performing a deep squat for girls and men does not differ in terms of technology, but the difference is manifested in weight and the number of approaches. For men, the load can be performed more often to pump over the muscles of the legs, it is advisable for girls to do the exercise once a week for the gluteal muscles.

The execution technique for men consists of the correct grip and setting of the neck on the shoulders. The squat process is as follows. After removing the barbell from the support, place your feet shoulder-width apart and without raising your arms (elbows remain in the same position) begin to perform a squat. Do this gradually, pulling the case back.

If there is no experience in such an exercise, you can do the load in Smith's simulator, the supports will help not to fall back. In the process, the back should be straight and the lower back should be motionless.

Reaching the bottom point will be when the biceps touch the calves. After that, maximize muscle tension and gradually return to the starting position (the maximum point of relaxation is the straightened knees). Continue as many times as needed. The technique of performing a deep squat for girls is the same, it is absolutely no different.

Errors and shortcomings

Novice athletes want to quickly take a big load. If the body is not yet prepared, then this will have to be abandoned. Otherwise, the body may not cope with this and an overload will result.

Attention is drawn to the number of approaches. You can not do more than three so that the muscles do not break. Some athletes begin the exercise without a training approach, which serves as a warming element. This leads to rapid fatigue.

You can not perform the load too quickly, this negatively affects the cardiovascular system. Be sure to take breaks.

Expert Advice

Before starting the exercise, it is important to warm up the muscles and perform a cardio load. Muscles should be in good shape. In the process, you must always monitor your breathing. This will help you feel better and work in your chosen rhythm.

In order for muscle growth to be stable, it is necessary to take sports vitamins and special nutrition elements. This will help increase stamina and enhance muscle regeneration after exertion.

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