Yeast is ...? Meaning of the word “yeast”

Reading and understanding of the works of Russian classical literature is sometimes complicated by the fact that the text uses words that have come out of everyday life and unfamiliar to the ordinary reader. One such word is the name of an obsolete shake vehicle. The meaning of this word must be clarified and remembered, since it often appears in the most famous works of writers of the XIX century - I. S. Turgenev, N. V. Gogol, A. S. Pushkin and others.

this is shaking

The word “shudders” is actively used not only in classical literature, but also in the works of modern writers and writers of the twentieth century (V. Kataev, B. Vasiliev, etc.) to denote the corresponding subject or create a special flavor and artistic effect.

Etymology (origin) of the word

There is no single point of view regarding the origin of the obsolete word “shake”. It, according to M. Vasmer’s etymological dictionary , comes from the word “drogue” - a beam that connects the front and back of the cart. However, other options are possible: there is still the word “shake” in the Ukrainian language (used in the singular and means “wagon”), which is close in meaning and sound composition to the Russian word “shake”. There is a version that in the Ukrainian language the word came from Polish “darling” - “wagon”, in the same way the word could come into Russian.

Dictionary D. N. Ushakova

According to Ushakov’s explanatory dictionary, “shake” is a light wagon (one horse could handle the carriage) on four wheels. The word does not have a singular form, it is always used in the plural (cf. the word "sled"), it is obsolete, that is, it refers to a household item that has gone out of use.

Dictionary S. I. Ozhegova

Ozhegov's explanatory dictionary gives a slightly different meaning. Yeast is a lightweight open spring wagon. The word "spring" in this case indicates that the wheels of the crew are equipped with springs, or springs, providing a soft ride.

yeast value

Dictionary T. F. Efremova

A similar meaning is contained in the explanatory dictionary of Ephraim. According to him, a shake is a light crew on springs, designed for one or two passengers. The researcher also points out that the word is used only in the plural form.

Synonym dictionary

For a more accurate definition of the meaning of the word, you can refer to the dictionary of synonyms. Similar in meaning to "shake" are the words "caliber", "stroller", "crew".

Based on the values ​​presented in various linguistic dictionaries, we conclude that the carriage is a special type of stroller or carriage (along with a wagon, tarantass), designed to carry one or two people and characterized by a smooth ride.

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