Discount system - an effective marketing tool

Today, the discount system is quite successfully used by some stores. Given the existence of fierce competition, only the store in which such a system was introduced first in comparison with others has an advantage.

In particular, the accumulative system of discounts can be a powerful incentive to achieve the active sale of goods of various assortments and the formation, which is important, of a wide range of regular customers. Customers with the receipt of cards have the opportunity of cumulative interest, thanks to which they will prefer to go shopping in this particular store for the maximum discount. When opening a new store, the discount system should become one of the priority areas of marketing. The operation of such a system requires some automation of the trading process, and this is an additional cost for the owners of the trading network. However, one cannot do without well-established automation.

The use of the funded system is associated with the issuance of discount cards, which are standard-size plastic cards, which contain, in addition to advertising information, a bar code (information necessary for computer accounting). Barcode provides high speed customer service.

The system of discounts of an accumulative nature is determined by the policy of the store, which is formed in the corresponding program and presented in the form of a table containing the percentage of the discount and the amount of the beginning of the discount.

The discount policy is individual for each store individually. Its formation is influenced by various factors. For example, the scale of the city, the location of the store and the mentality of the population.

The discount system of discounts is associated with the presence of a contradiction, which consists in the following. So, from the position of the owner of the store, there is an opinion that with an increase in the number of issued cards, the number of customers will increase. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account the fact that with the issuance of cards to everyone, they lose their buying value. And therefore, the main task of managers is to find a compromise between the value of cards for the client and their number.

The discount system of discounts has existed for a long time and has established itself as an excellent tool to attract customers. Such a system focuses specifically on consumers with average and above average income, since it is this category of buyers that is able to evaluate various discount programs.

The discount system can achieve the highest efficiency if it works through cards not in one store, but in an entire trading network. With such a scheme, such an option would be quite convenient: filling out the questionnaires is carried out in each individual store, and then they are transferred to the central office, where they are entered into the general database of the distribution network. Thanks to the exchange of information through computer networks, a common database is available in any store (even in various cities), and the buyer can take advantage of his discount wherever it is convenient.

Based on the foregoing, we can conclude that the discount system is of great importance for marketing and is becoming a certain standard in modern trading. And already something unprecedented is the lack of discounts. Indeed, it is the discount system that allows you to form a circle of regular customers and stimulates an increase in the volume of purchases. In addition, a spectacularly designed discount card can serve as additional advertising for the store.

Proper maintenance of the customer base together with the accumulative system of discounts allows you to establish not only regular work with customers, but also to revive sales, which will lead to high and stable profits.

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