Regulation on certification of employees. Certifying commission

Certification work acts as one of the most important elements of personnel activities. The composition of employees undergoing periodic inspection is approved separately for each industry. Let us further consider in detail how certification work is carried out.

certification of employees

General information

Under the activity should be understood a periodic check of professional suitability for compliance with the position held by each employee in a certain category. The legislation does not establish an obligation for all, without exception, to carry out this procedure. Such provisions are absent in the Labor Code, and in other regulatory acts of a particular industry. Meanwhile, the legislation provides for mandatory verification of professional suitability for certain categories of employees. Their activities are regulated by special rules, which establish the procedure for certification of employees.

Mandatory check

The legislation provides for certification rules:

  1. Employees of organizations of certain economic sectors.
  2. Civil servants of the Russian Federation, employees of some federal, municipal and regional executive structures.
  3. Heads of unitary enterprises.

The first category includes employees whose activities relate to:

  1. Operational dispatch control in the energy sector.
  2. The movement of trains, shunting operations on railways.
  3. Ensuring the safety of navigation.
  4. Hazardous production facilities.
  5. Storage and destruction of chemical weapons.
  6. By air.
  7. Educational activities.
  8. Sources of ionizing radiation.
  9. Space infrastructure.

Library staff are also subject to mandatory certification. In all other cases, the procedure is voluntary.

Regulation on certification of employees

It is developed by those enterprises that carry out a suitability test on a voluntary basis. The specified document is compiled by the employer and personnel service of the organization. It should identify key issues for certification. Methods for assessing employees are developed taking into account the specifics of the enterprise, the qualifications of the staff and other management factors. The regulation on certification of employees should consist of sections reflecting all aspects related to the audit. Let's consider them separately.

certifying commission

Employee Categories

The provision on certification of employees should clearly determine which of the personnel is subject to aptitude test and which is not. First of all, the survey is carried out in relation to such category of employees as employees. They are those workers who are predominantly engaged in mental work. As a rule, their functions include leadership, approval, development of managerial decisions, preparation of any information. A group of employees engaged in manual labor is called employees. Their functions include the direct creation of material products, ensuring production activities. As a rule, they are not subject to certification. The selection of specific categories of employees to test for professional suitability is carried out by the personnel service, taking into account the characteristics of the enterprise.


The audit is not carried out in relation to employees:

  1. Being in the state for less than a year. This is due to the fact that they do not have the proper experience, and the conclusions that the certification commission will make will, accordingly, be biased.
  2. Pregnant employees. Even if there is a discrepancy, they cannot be dismissed, since the prohibition on this is established by Art. 261 shopping mall.
  3. Women with dependent children under three years of age and on maternity leave. Certification of these employees is carried out no earlier than 1 year after the end of the vacation period. The deadline is due to the fact that during the time of caring for a child a woman may lose her qualifications. As a reasonable period for its restoration, 1 year is taken. In addition, even if there is a discrepancy, the tenant will not be able to terminate the contract by virtue of Art. 81 p. 3 of the TC.


The list of employees not subject to verification may include employees:

  1. Carrying out professional activities on a part-time (internal) basis.
  2. With which contracts are concluded for 1-2 years.
  3. Retrained or advanced training. They are not subject to verification during the year from the date of completion of these activities.
  4. Young professionals. It is worth saying here that certification is not carried out in relation to these employees for the period of compulsory professional activity as directed by the university. Due to the fact that this practice is currently lacking, the inclusion of young specialists in the lists is at the discretion of the head of the enterprise.
    compliance with the position


The Regulation on the certification of employees must include the conditions for the inspection. First of all, you should determine its frequency. Currently, Regulation No. 267/470 of 10/05/1973 is in force, which establishes that the certification of engineering, managerial and other specialties is performed once every three to five years. Accordingly, this periodicity can be taken as a basis for the preparation of a local enterprise document. For example, the Regulation on certification of employees may establish a frequency of once every three or four years. It is allowed to determine the frequency of inspections. For example, no more than once every three years.

The timing

In the process of establishing the frequency, it is advisable to immediately determine the start and end dates of inspections. For example, in educational institutions, it can be tied to the moment when an order is issued to certify pedagogical workers or directly indicated in the order. It is important to determine the period during which the check will be performed. His organization determines independently, guided by the staffing, the composition of the certification commission, the level of qualifications of employees, etc. In practice, the minimum period for conducting an audit is 3-6 months. If the enterprise is large and it will be impossible to keep within this period, the procedure is carried out in stages. Employees who are subject to verification are distributed by year within the frequency range. If it is not possible to determine the exact dates for the certification, they can be established by direct orders of the head. This fact should be reflected in the local document governing the conditions for the audit.

Informing employees

The Regulation must include information about:

  1. Obligatory notification of an employee at least a month before the start of the audit about its timing and schedule.
  2. Familiarizing the employee with the characteristics presented to him. It is carried out not less than 7 days before certification.
    questions for certification

Other documents that the employee should be familiar with are indicated in the local act. If final certification is provided, it should be possible for an employee to study its results, up to and including obtaining the necessary copies.

Types of Verification

Certification can be carried out:

  1. Planned Such verification is carried out on time.
  2. Unscheduled. This certification is also called early.

An unscheduled check may be carried out in connection with:

  1. Nomination of an employee to a higher post upon his release by a previous employee.
  2. Significant miscalculations or omissions in professional activities, the commission of a disciplinary offense related to improper / poor performance of duties. Identified deficiencies in the activities of one employee may cause certification of employees of the entire unit.

The audit can be performed at the request of the employee himself, who wants to get another position or declare himself as a suitable candidate. Certification may also be initiated by the head of the enterprise or one of the employees of the management apparatus. For example, a check may be required for an employee who was hired a year ago and has not passed the survey due to the lack of the necessary experience and length of service at the time of its conduct.


They can be primary and secondary. In the Regulation it is advisable to indicate all the purposes for which certification is carried out. The main ones include:

  1. Assessment of employee performance.
  2. Establishing the qualifications of the position held by the employee.
  3. Identification of training deficiencies.
  4. Formation of a professional development plan for an employee.
    employee certification rules

Additional goals may include:

  1. Checking employee compatibility with the team. In this case, his ability to act in a team is clarified, his loyalty to the leadership and the organization as a whole is established.
  2. Checking motivation to carry out activities in the current position.
  3. Analysis of the prospects for professional development of the employee.

In addition, the Regulation may provide for general objectives:

  1. Improving the quality of personnel management, personnel efficiency.
  2. Strengthening employee responsibility and executive discipline.

In the local act, it is allowed to define special goals. They can be:

  1. Establishment of a list of posts and employees that are subject to reduction or dismissal.
  2. Improving the psychological atmosphere in the enterprise.

Inspection body

The local act should determine the scheme by which the certification commission will act. In particular, conditions are established on the basis of which there will be:

  • meetings of the inspection body;
  • to make decisions;
  • make recommendations to employees.
    order on certification of teachers

It must be noted that under Part 3 of Art. 81 of the Labor Code, it was established that in the event of an audit, the results of which may cause the termination of the labor contract, the final certification is carried out with the participation of representatives of the trade union. In this regard, the form of participation of members of the trade union should be determined in the local act. The verification of professional suitability in federal authorities is carried out by the Higher Attestation Commission. Its composition is formed of leading employees of leading departments and ministries. The Higher Attestation Commission, for example, is provided for in the judiciary. Its tasks include not only checking current employees, but also candidates for judges.


Inclusion in the certification committee of a trade union member is not mandatory in all cases. Its presence in the composition will depend on the objectives of the audit. If, as was said above, the certification is carried out to establish professional suitability and the employee may be dismissed based on its results , then the representative is required. In other cases, it is not strictly regulated. For example, it is not necessary that a representative be present during certification aimed at creating a reserve of employees, raising salary categories, etc.


Certification can be carried out in various ways. For example, it can be a direct check of the professional activity of an employee. In this case, authorized persons are present at the employee’s place of work. In addition, reviewers examine the documentation for correct design, timely reflection of information. Certification tests are provided for some categories of employees. They are necessary, for example, to those whose activities require the availability of special knowledge.

certification procedure for employees


In the Regulation, it is necessary to prescribe the wording of the conclusions that can be made after certification. Moreover, they should be clear and clearly indicating the result of the check. In practice, such wordings are used as corresponds / does not correspond to the position or conditionally corresponds. The last conclusion assumes the presence of certain recommendations for the manager regarding this employee. This interim assessment is of great practical importance. It allows you to influence the professional behavior of the employee. Other formulations, such as “good”, “certified”, and so on, often lead to internal disagreements with the employee, and in some cases to litigation.


In the Regulation, it is necessary to clearly define the list of papers that are drawn up during certification. In accordance with the decision of the body authorized to conduct the audit, taken at the end of the audit, a report is prepared. In it, the personnel service indicates the number of employees corresponding to their positions, as well as the number of professionally unsuitable for work. After that, proposals for specific employees are formulated. In accordance with the final documents, the director of the enterprise issues an order to conduct activities based on the results of certification. It prescribes the tasks for the personnel service, which must be solved in relation to specific employees, as well as the timing of their implementation and responsible persons. The effectiveness of the measures taken will be shown by the results of the following certification.

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