This disease is characterized by attacks of shortness of breath or suffocation. If you are sick with this disorder, then you need to learn as much as possible about your disease in order to prevent attacks, because this disease is dangerous and can lead to death by suffocation if help is not provided on time.
Why does bronchial asthma develop?
The causes of bronchial asthma are associated with allergic reactions to dust, smoke, smelling substances, etc. Often attacks occur as a result of exposure to allergens against the background of physical exertion, colds, stress. Slagging of the body, parasites or chronic infections in the upper respiratory tract provoke a violation, and bronchial asthma develops.
Symptoms of a Dangerous Disease
Often the onset of a disease is a coughing attack, accompanied by difficulty in breathing (expiratory dyspnea). A small amount of sputum of a vitreous nature can go away (asthmatic bronchitis). As a rule, an attack occurs at night and causes an early awakening. The patient complains of suffocation with a feeling of lack of air for breathing. Sometimes breathing is wheezing, audible from a distance. Dyspnea may vary in intensity.
Bronchial asthma, the symptoms of which are always accompanied by a short breath and labored, slow and convulsive exhalation, sometimes with an exacerbation, are characterized by an increase in the frequency of attacks. The patient sits on the bed, hands resting on the edge - this position facilitates breathing due to the participation of auxiliary muscles. The chest maintains a state of inspiration, its mobility is very limited. Possible cyanosis of the mucosa and lips.
The most characteristic signs are increased breathing, the appearance of various wheezing (dry), prolonged expiration.
In this case, the patient is looking for a body position in which breathing can be facilitated. The face is covered with sweat and acquires a bluish tint. In emotional terms, the patient has a strong sense of fear.
If the patient has bronchial asthma, the causes of provoking seizures must be constantly monitored. Those who suffer from a frequent recurrence of seizures, over time, develop severe emphysema, respiratory failure, pulmonary heart.
Sometimes an asthma attack is very similar to an attack of a heart disease, for example, atherosclerotic cardiosclerosis. But the difference between a heart attack and an attack that causes bronchial asthma are symptoms characteristic only of the cores. In such cases, signs of bronchospasm appear in combination with heart failure along the pulmonary circulation against the background of congestive pulmonary events. The previous shortness of breath during minor physical exertion and not pronounced bronchospasm suggests that this condition is not associated with asthma, especially if there are irregularities in the study of the heart on an electrocardiogram (ECG) and moist rales are noted in the lungs.
Asthma treatment
First of all, you need to stop the attack. For this, adrenaline, ephedrine in combination with atropine are used. Medicines are generally often used in the form of aerosols.
For the elderly, adrenaline is not advisable, especially if diseases of the cardiovascular system are diagnosed.
Narcotic substances are contraindicated in patients with bronchial asthma. Symptoms in the form of suffocation can be aggravated, because drugs inhibit the respiratory function of the body (affect the respiratory center) and lung ventilation deteriorates.
Treatment should be aimed at eliminating the cause of the disease, and not only at stopping attacks. Fighting allergies and climate change has brought recovery to many asthmatics. You should also pay attention to the work of the liver - perhaps because of a violation of its function, you suffer from an allergy that causes painful attacks.