Beehive Frame Design and Size

Technological development leaves no chance to maintain established traditions. Modernization in order to increase the volume and quality of manufactured products is becoming a key task for participants in industrial and agricultural enterprises. Nevertheless, there are exceptions - approaches to the technical organization of bee apiaries are still true to the concepts that have developed 100 years ago. The commitment to the developed standard sizes of the framework for beehives confirms this, although progress in this niche does not stand still.

beehive frame size

Frame Functions and Configurations

The value of the frame in the hive can be compared with the engine in the car. This is the core of the hull and the main field for the production of honey. The number of frames in the hive is usually calculated based on the overall design of the "house" and may vary. But the size of the frame for the hive is especially important, which determines the quality of the organization of labor of the bees themselves.

The surface of the frame must have a wax base in order for families to start producing honey. The quality and efficiency of this process is affected by the joints, the working area, the nuances of the care and maintenance of the hive.

By location, the frames are divided into vertical and horizontal - the so-called beds and risers. Features of the two configurations are the basis for calculating the number of frames and their parameters.

The value of the size in the hives

Sufficiency of space in the nests for the development of bee colonies is the main condition for the success of beekeeping. Correctly selected sizes of frames for hives make it possible to provide not only a margin of space at the current moment, but also leave space for further growth in pollen volumes and uterine wear. A close hive will not allow creating conditions for such development and can be effective only in special beekeeping farms.

frame sizes for beehives

Two types of bee house structures have already been noted. Sun loungers allow you to initially create the necessary reserve of space, while in the risers the reserve space is increased additionally. Depending on the size of the frame used for the hive, beekeepers transfer the brood to the store from 1 to 3 times, placing a new wax in the nests. To prevent an increase in swarm moods, such operations should be performed in a timely manner.

Optimal size

Of course, you can’t talk about general and common parameters for the design of the hive project, but a number of criteria for calculating the optimal data in specific cases is still worth noting. The initial information in order to determine the size of the frame for the hive is based on the following criteria:

  • brood number;
  • volume of planned honey;
  • volume of the planned bee bread;
  • a place to place young bees;
  • a platform for processing nectar.

In addition, the individual characteristics of the site where the apiary is located are taken into account. In some cases, the size of the frames for the hives varies due to the peculiarities of apiary maintenance. A common example is the approach to organizing the cleaning process - the presence of a removable bottom, for example, eliminates the need to remove the frames.

Dadan Blunt Standard

hive frame size

The listed selection criteria for size should not be considered as information for creating a beehive that is unique in parameters. In any case, the designs now used in professional and amateur apiaries have completely unified characteristics. Another thing is that the standards themselves are many.

The most popular is the Dadan-Blunt design, which determined the parameters of the hives for many years, and also became the basis for calculating other formats. Today, the size of the frame of the Dadan hive is also a starting point in search of the best solution for private apiaries. So, the length of the upper and lower trims is 435 mm, and the height is 300 mm. But it is important to consider that for the convenience of use and reliability of the design of the hive, an increase in the outside of the bar is possible. Here, every beekeeper selects the degree of build-up for his needs - usually 5-10 cm.

Size variations

In addition to differences in the principles of hive construction, each frame format involves several designs. But this often refers to the height of the strips, and their length remains the same - 435 mm. In relation to other indicators, deviations are rather risky - again, the experience with bees affects the experiment, which casts doubt on the experiments. This is the case when modern technology is inferior to the many years of experience of participants in economic activity. However, the introduction of new materials for the framework also should not be ruled out.

frame sizes of the Dadanov hive

The minimum allowable frame size for the hive is 145 mm in height. Such elements are called half-frames for the store and extension. By the way, the store is a place to collect ready-made honey. The average height is considered to be 230 mm. This format is extended to the components of multihull hives. The same standard of Dadan is considered optimal, corresponding to 300 mm - a full or nesting ordinary frame.

Multi-hive size

Along with the described size for multicase designs, other options are also used. Basically, they come from the Langstrot-Ruth model, on the basis of which a beehive with several buildings was designed. Moreover, only the configuration of the β€œbox” is standardized, while their number and installation methods may vary.

The length of the frame frame of the multi-hive hive is similar to the parameters of Dadan, but they differ in height. Usually used size is 230 mm. Combination of hives with different designs is also allowed - extensions, shops and frames, with competent information, can effectively plan a place for a further increase in the number of bee families.

multi-hive frame sizes

German size

In Germany, hives with non-standard parameters are common. This complicates the operation in Russian beekeeping farms, but the advantages of Western models are undeniable and compensate for all the attendant difficulties.

The classic size of the frames in German hives can be represented as a format of 370x233 mm. Such designs are easier to use, practically eliminated from technical flaws that affect the conditions for ensuring the life of bees, and also have a more civilian appearance. Among the minuses, the problems of introducing into domestic farms are again noted - it is necessary to modify the hives for honey extraction and wax. As a rule, beekeepers face similar difficulties when transferring families from the hives of the models of Ruth and Dadan is required.

Other sizes

The use of a certain size of the bee frame is due to the region in which the apiary is located. For this reason, technologists are developing new standards specifically for specific climatic conditions.

frame size in German hives

So, along with traditional formats, their versions with reduced or enlarged sizes appear. At the same time, the basis for the initial indicators is not only the size of the frame of the Dadanov hive, but also the Langstrot-Ruth format. Modifications include: Zander frame (width - 420 mm, and height - 220 mm), Goletz hive, (250x330 mm), as well as an increased standard size of Langstrot (448x232 mm).

In general, the global beekeeping industry is striving to unify the existing size of the framework, against which there is a rejection of additional functions in the hives. For example, constructions get rid of windows, openings for cleaning the bottom, barriers, preventing the bees from crawling upon examination, etc. There is an opposite trend, aimed at complicating the framework due to insulating materials for insulation.

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