Hormones are extraordinary biologically active substances that affect not only the state of health, but also the secret world of man. Nature has done so that in the woman’s body immediately after conception, special pregnancy hormones are stimulated - estradiol and progesterone, which not only help the fetus to fully form, but also awaken the woman’s maternal feeling.
Why you need to monitor hormone levels
At the stage of expectation of the baby, cardinal changes occur throughout the female body (in particular, this refers to the hormonal background). Changes are taking place throughout the endocrine system. The body of the expectant mother, completely rebuilding, creates an environment for bearing, as well as the natural development of the baby, already from the initial stage of pregnancy it begins to prepare for childbirth.
Absolutely all hormonal indicators of the body of the future mother in labor play an important role - they are the main factors in the correct formation of the fetus. And in this regard, progesterone and estradiol are necessarily controlled by a gynecologist with the help of additional tests that a woman needs to pass at least twice during pregnancy: 1st trimester (10-12 weeks) and 2nd trimester (16-18 weeks).
Pregnancy hormones
Hormonal examinations without fail contain tests for estradiol and progesterone levels. Such studies should be carried out as often as possible and not postpone the visit to your doctor, who will direct to the delivery of these tests. Just they are the most important in the development of the baby, contributing to the normal course of pregnancy. And that's why they are called the main hormones of gestation.
This is a hormone of the reproductive system, which is of direct importance in the formation of secondary sexual characteristics of women. Estradiol and progesterone "monitor" the work of the entire reproductive system. With production disorders in the female body of estradiol, full-term gestation is almost impossible. In addition, this hormone performs the main function in the natural formation of the child's genitals at the puberty stage.
Estradiol is produced, as a rule, by the ovaries and, to a lesser extent, by the layer of the adrenal glands. During pregnancy, the saturation of this hormone increases significantly within the physiological norm. Permissible concentrations of estradiol in the follicular phase vary from 97.5 to 592 mol / L, in the luteal phase - from 120 to 738 mol / L, during menopause they decrease to 14.9 mol / L. In the male body, estradiol and progesterone are also contained, but in small quantities.
An increased content of estradiol is found in such painful conditions as:
- follicular ovarian cysts;
- estrogen-secreting and granulosa cell tumors;
- tumors that secrete the hormone of pregnancy (chorionic gonadotropin) ;
- cirrhosis of the liver;
- obesity;
- gynecomastia (in men).
Saturation of estradiol with hypogonadism (in the male ) of any genesis is reduced. As with progesterone, an analysis for the detection of this hormone in the blood should be carried out on a day strictly prescribed by the doctor.
It is considered a steroid hormone produced by the female ovaries, to a much lesser extent the layer of the adrenal glands and at the stage of pregnancy - the placenta. Of course, without progesterone, the natural change and activity of the female body are excluded. The main purpose of the hormone is to regulate the menstrual cycle and guarantee the successful bearing of the fetus. Donate blood for progesterone and estradiol it is necessary clearly on the day for which the gynecologist appoints.
Depending on the phase of the menstrual cycle, the concentration of progesterone in the female body may be as follows:
- in folliculin - from 0.4 to 5.4 nmol / l;
- in luteal - from 3.3 to 71.3 nmol / l;
- before ovulation - from 1.23 to 18.7 nmol / l;
- at the beginning of pregnancy (4-12 weeks) - from 35.6 to 136 nmol / l.
In addition to finding a woman in an “interesting” position, the saturation of progesterone can increase in diseases such as:
- adrenal tumors;
- cystic drift;
- uterine chorionepithelioma;
- congenital adrenal hyperplasia.
A decrease in progesterone levels is detected if a woman may have a miscarriage. Even with endocrinopathies (with a lack of the luteal phase) and galactorrhea-amenorrhea syndrome. In both the first and second cases, progesterone and estradiol are significantly reduced.
This is primarily the male hormone (androgen), which is responsible for the formation of secondary sexual characteristics in the male gender and establishes reproductive activity. Testosterone preserves spermatogenesis, affects the development of muscle mass and bone growth, activates erythropoiesis. The natural concentration of this hormone in the body of a man is in the range from 11 to 33.5 nmol / L. In the female body, testosterone is available in a much smaller volume - from 0.2 to 2.7 nmol / L.
The increased content of such a hormone in the body may depend on the following pathologies:
- testosterone-producing testicular neoplasms;
- endogenous corticism;
- secondary dysplasia of the adrenal layer.
Increased testosterone saturation (if you do not take the hormone progesterone and estradiol) in the female body is often observed with virilizing ovarian tumors and their polycystic.
The concentration of this hormone can decrease with:
- liver failure;
- cryptorchidism;
- Down syndrome;
- initial and repeated hypogonadism;
- uremia.
It is important to know that the unnatural introduction of testosterone into the body can adversely affect the healthy state of the male reproductive system.
The consequences of hormonal failure
The decrease in the number of reproductive hormones in the female and male body affects not only the reproductive function, but also the appearance. Excessive production of testosterone in a woman's body leads to excessive hair growth in areas that are uncharacteristic for her and the formation of acne.
An increase in the concentration of female hormone in a man’s body leads to the formation of secondary sexual characteristics by a female species, for example, breast swelling (gynecomastia). In addition, doctors see the hormonal cause as the main factor in the disorder of sexual orientation.
What norms can hormones have
For a normal female body, it is natural to produce prolactin, progesterone, estradiol to a sufficient extent. And when they talk about such a hormone as estradiol, the norm for a woman should be this:
- in the follicular phase - from 57 to 227 pg / ml;
- in luteinizing - from 77 to 226 pg / ml;
- in pre-ovulatory - from 127 to 475 pg / ml.
The older the woman, the less estradiol gives the test results. When menopause arrives, the female hormone rate is approximately 19.6-83 pg / ml.
In women and men, reduced estradiol can be detected if there are such phenomena:
- Genital inflammation.
- Vegetarianism.
- Smoking.
- Endocrine disorders.
- Violations of the pituitary gland.
- Increased prolactin levels.
- Active physical activity.
- Taking medications (also various contraceptives) without prescribing a doctor.
Increased estradiol
In women, usually the causes are such manifestations as:
- alopecia (hair loss);
- irritability;
- acne;
- excess weight;
- low temperature of the extremities;
- too much fatigue;
- swelling;
- insomnia;
- violations in the digestive tract;
- inconsistent periods;
- pain in the mammary glands.
Increased progesterone and estradiol during examination in a woman may indicate an increased production of thyroid hormones, malignant tumors and the initial stage of the formation of endometriosis in the ovaries.
Low estradiol
Female is diagnosed if blood discharge does not appear for 6 months, the mammary glands and uterus are reduced, and the skin becomes dry. Conception in such a situation cannot happen. Estradiol and progesterone can also be lowered in the early stages of pregnancy.
Norms of Progesterone
Such a hormone responsible for the favorable course of pregnancy should normally be in the follicular phase of 0.2-3.07 ng / ml, in the luteal phase - 0.32-20.6 ng / ml. During an “interesting” situation, a woman's progesterone level is determined by the trimester. Usually in the first trimester, the hormone ranges from 19-53 ng / ml, in the second - 24-81.2 ng / ml, and in the third - 62-3135 ng / ml. Probable factors for an increase in progesterone may be ovarian neoplasms, diabetes mellitus and corpus luteum cyst. And the demotion itself may indicate infertility.
Low progesterone (and estradiol too) is called luteal insufficiency and does not make it possible to become pregnant, and even more so to bear the fetus. Another indicator of luteal inferiority is a short menstrual cycle. With reduced saturation of progesterone in the blood, unpleasant sensations appear in the mammary glands and an excess of male sex hormones. The second reason can provoke the appearance of acne, fluctuations in blood pressure, as well as the appearance of pigmentation of the skin.
On a note
All actions taking place in the human body are closely interconnected, and therefore, the restructuring of the level of one or two hormones affects the other indicators, too. And so that a gynecologist can evaluate the general hormonal background of a woman, she needs to do tests for all types of hormones. And it would be better if such visits to the specialist are systematic to control the general and hormonal state of the patient’s health.
Indeed, an important factor for any woman is their norm. Estradiol, progesterone are the most important hormones responsible for the proper functioning of the entire reproductive system.