Wide-leg squats: performance technique, efficiency, trainer tips

Being athletic and having a toned body is honorable and fashionable today. We can safely say that this is a hallmark of a successful, fully living person. At the same time, fitness enthusiasm and commitment to a healthy lifestyle have no gender or age restrictions.

A harmoniously developed body cannot be formed without elaboration of any part of it. And slender, voluminous legs are the standard of athleticism. Squats with a wide setting of legs are rightfully considered one of the main exercises for the muscles of the lower body. Read about the features of this exercise in this article.

Why bother shaking your legs?

Any girl who decides to seriously take up her body asks this question. If we recall the last decades of the XX century, one of the features of bodybuilders of that time was the emphasis on the development of the upper body and a condescending attitude to the development of leg muscles.

Fortunately, today the balance is restored. The vast majority of people who train are aware that it is impossible to have harmoniously developed muscles of the body if the legs are clearly behind, creating a visual feeling of disproportion.

In addition, the basic rule of strength training is known: if you want big biceps - shake your legs. Indeed, it is heavy approaches to large muscle groups that create the optimal hormonal background for anabolism in the body.

Wide-leg squats

Do I need to squat girls and women?

There is a well-established stereotypical idea that squats in general and with a barbell on the shoulders in particular are an exclusively male exercise. Of course, this statement is false. Moreover, wide-leg squats for girls are an ideal exercise for the muscles of the lower body.

As for men, in their arsenal of exercises, squats have long and firmly occupied one of the leading positions. This exercise is part of the Big Three, along with the deadlift and bench press. It allows you to increase the overall strength indicators and most favorably affects the male body, as it contributes to the secretion of the main male hormone - testosterone.

Squats in Smith

The main exercise for the lower body

Consider the factors that make squats one of the most effective exercises for shaping an athletically built figure. The main plus is that this movement is physiologically natural, and also allows you to use the maximum number of muscles, including the gluteus and inner thigh, which are traditionally problem areas of the body in women and often lagging behind men.

In addition to the obvious advantages for training target muscles, as mentioned above, squats provide the release of the main anabolic hormone testosterone into the bloodstream. He makes a real man out of a male person, with all his classic characteristics, including psychological and behavioral characteristics. This hormone is also essential for muscle growth and a decrease in subcutaneous fat. Thanks to him, a person has libido - sexual activity of both men and women is directly proportional to the optimal level of testosterone in the body.

Squats also intensify the production of growth hormone (growth hormone), which ensures the regeneration of all tissues consisting or having structures of connective tissue. First of all, these are ligaments, tendons, joints, blood vessels and skin.


Exercise technique

The classic version of squats with a barbell on the shoulders includes the position of the legs approximately the width of the shoulders and is performed as follows:

  1. We approach the bar of the bar and set it on the area of โ€‹โ€‹the upper part of the blades, hands hold the bar firmly with a closed grip.
  2. With a powerful upward movement, remove the bar from the racks and take one step back.
  3. We perform a squat to the level where the thigh becomes parallel to the floor (or you will feel that the lumbar deflection has begun to round).
  4. We make a powerful upward movement and get up due to the efforts of the legs, while preserving the natural bends of the spine and the straight position of the head throughout the entire amplitude (looking directly in front of you or slightly up).
  5. We perform squats (paragraphs 3 and 4) for the planned number of repetitions.
  6. After completing the final repetition, we take a step forward and, while maintaining the natural position of the head and spine, gradually set the bar on the racks.

Squats with a bar with a wide setting of the legs are performed according to the same algorithm, only after we took a step back in the second stage, we should put our legs at a distance greater than the width of the shoulders. The feet are turned with their socks outward so that the turning angle is approximately 45 degrees.

At the sixth stage of the described algorithm, before you take a step forward, you need to put your feet shoulder width apart.

Wide leg setting

General recommendations

The technique of the exercise is quite simple due to the fact that the movement itself is physiologically natural. But there are principles that must always be respected. We list them:

  • throughout the approach, the back should retain its natural bends;
  • the head should maintain a natural position: look straight ahead or slightly up;
  • breath holdings should not be allowed: on the move down - inhale, on the rise - a powerful exhale;
  • performing squats with a wide setting of the legs, the feet are turned with their socks outward so that the turning angle is approximately 45 degrees: the knee and foot should be in the same projection;
  • use the help of the insurer, crouching with heavy weights;
  • use an athletic belt.

Even squatting is not the first year, every time you discover something new. You need to carefully listen to your body. In case of discomfort, sensation of an overload of the lower back, knees or feet, it is better to stop and figure out what exactly it causes in the technique. Do not be shy to ask the coach to watch from the side how you are performing the movement and give your recommendations.

The optimal number of repetitions in one approach is considered to be a range from 10 to 15. The final approach should be considered the one after which the strength indicators significantly decrease, for example, you did 2-3 repetitions less than in the previous approach. Rest between sets should be from 1.5 to 10 minutes, focus on your sensations, pulse and respiratory rate.

To enhance the anabolic effect of the workout and reduce the likelihood of injury, you can include squats with wide legs in a short amplitude in your workout. If you are doing the exercise correctly, then you will feel a burning sensation in the muscles. The weight of the burden in this case can be significantly less than usual.

Dumbbell Plie Squats

Squat Analogs & Options

If for some reason you cannot squat or donโ€™t like this exercise, there are several alternatives that can help replace it.

  • Leg press. The best replacement for free weight squats. It is performed in a special simulator, where, lying with your back on the bench, you perform a leg press with weights. Suitable for people with back problems.
  • Squats in Smith with wide legs. Due to the lack of need to monitor the balance, the exercise allows you to accurately work out the muscles of the legs.
  • Squats Plie. Instead of a barbell on your shoulders, you hold with your two hands a dumbbell or weight that extends between your legs. Also, this exercise can be performed without burden.
Leg press


In the presence of back problems, exercises that exert a vertical load on the spine are contraindicated. It is also worth cautioning those with knee problems. It is advisable for you to exclude from your arsenal all exercises that can cause excessive pressure on the problem area. In such situations, it is necessary to consult a doctor before starting training, and in the gym to deal with the supervision of a trainer.

To summarize

If you follow the correct technique, fully recover between workouts and warm up, then when doing squats with a wide setting of the legs, the muscles will respond to the load very quickly. It does not matter what gender or age you are, the exercise we examined will suit everyone, provided there are no contraindications.

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