After pregnancy, the woman’s stomach becomes flabby and saggy. This phenomenon is due to the fact that muscle fibers were subjected to stretching, resulting in diastasis. Pathology, as a rule, appears due to weakening of connective tissue. How to remove diastasis without surgery? What exercises will help correct this cosmetic defect? About all this below.
Complete educational program for diastasis
Diastasis is a discrepancy between the rectus abdominis muscles. In other words, the right and left sides are separated relative to the center of the abdomen, the so-called “white line”, as a result of which a cavity forms in the peritoneum. What is abdominal diastasis and can it be detected independently? You can notice it a few weeks after birth. If abdominal exercises, massages and proper nutrition do not help, and the stomach remains convex, this is a clear signal of the separation of the abdominal muscles.
Causes of Diastasis
Diastasis can occur several months after the birth. This problem is often encountered by women in labor after a cesarean section. This is due to trauma to muscle aponeurosis. As a result, this negatively affects his contractility. During the period of gestation, the hormonal system of a woman undergoes serious changes. This adversely affects the condition of the connective tissue. Stretching the muscles contributes to the proper development of the fetus in the uterus.
After the baby is born, a natural strengthening of the connective tissue occurs, as a result of which the stomach takes its former shape. As a rule, this takes about six months. If during the rehabilitation period a woman will engage in intensive training, the connective tissue will not be able to contract. As a result, a phenomenon such as a divergence of the rectus abdominis muscles will occur. After giving birth, diastasis is risked by women in labor who are overweight and who do not pay attention to the abdominal muscles.
This cosmetic defect can manifest itself in different ways. Most women are not even aware of the occurrence of such a pathology. Diastasis after childbirth can develop over many years. Symptoms include:
- a feeling of heaviness in the stomach;
- constipation
- pain in the abdomen during exercise;
- increased gas formation.
Active workouts, weight lifting and long walking can lead to increased pain. With advanced diastasis, severe violations may occur:
- omission of internal organs;
- weakening of the muscles of the walls of the abdominal cavity;
- stretching tendon plates;
- violation of the contractility of connective tissue;
- weakening of the abdominal muscles.
Symptoms of abdominal diastasis after childbirth should not be ignored. This muscle pathology never goes away on its own, so you need to have time to find it and take action.
Is slight separation of the abdominal muscles after childbirth acceptable
What is abdominal diastasis after childbirth - a complication after pregnancy or a natural phenomenon that will disappear over time? During the period of gestation, the abdominal muscles are significantly stretched. It is impossible to prevent softening of the connective tissue between the muscles of the press. Over time, after childbirth, connective tissue and muscles will gain tone and elasticity.
If the problem itself is not solved, you need to take time to train and practice massages. In the case of advanced diastasis, the situation is somewhat different - classical exercises on the press do not solve this problem, so the lack of improvements suggests that more serious measures need to be taken. It is recommended to consult a doctor who will determine the degree of neglect of the disease and tell you how to get rid of diastasis.
Types and degrees of diastasis
Three degrees of severity of this disease are distinguished depending on the manifestations of diastasis. If you become familiar with them, it will be much easier to conduct an independent diagnosis.
Stages of the disease:
- The white line of the abdomen expands by 3-5 cm. The shape of the abdomen remains almost unchanged.
- The distance between the muscles reaches 5-10 cm. There is a noticeable clear change in the shape of the abdomen - it sticks out strongly, the skin in the middle is too loose. All this suggests that the abdominal suture was affected.
- The muscles of the abdomen are divided by 20 cm. The abdomen greatly sags. There is a high risk of umbilical hernia.
How to diagnose diastasis yourself
How to remove diastasis? First of all, you need to conduct an independent diagnosis and only then seek help from a doctor. To determine whether a woman has a divergence of abdominal muscles, you need to perform a series of the following actions:
- Lie on a flat surface.
- Bend your knees.
- Raise your head and forearms.
- Feel the line in the center of the abdomen with your hand. In this position, it will be possible to grope the line of muscles and the cavity between them. It will be located only above the navel, but also under it.
At the time of self-diagnosis, the following points must be taken into account:
- Does the pain occur when pressing in the joint area of the pubic bones.
- What sensations arise in the pelvic floor. If diastasis is triggered, gas may be released during depressions. In addition, uncontrolled urination is possible.
- In what condition are the borders along the middle of the abdomen. By palpation, you can determine if there is a soft gap or separation of the boundaries.
If after the test, there is the slightest suspicion of divergence of the abdominal muscles, you should consult a specialist who will tell you how to remove diastasis after cesarean or natural birth.
Running diastasis: what threatens
If you ignore the symptoms of diastasis and do not start to fight it, this is fraught with serious complications:
- omission of internal organs and violation of their work;
- curvature of the spine;
- the occurrence of back pain;
- indigestion.
In addition, against the background of advanced diastasis, a hernia may occur.
Diastasis treatment
If diastasis was found after childbirth, you should not leave this pathology unattended. The fact is that the expansion of the abdominal muscles does not by itself disappear, so a number of certain measures will have to be taken. In advanced cases, more radical methods will be required.
How to remove diastasis without surgery in the initial stages of its development? Corrective gymnastics will help to cope with this. If you regularly perform a series of exercises that are aimed at neutralizing muscle relaxation, you can improve the condition of the abdominal muscles and return the stomach to its former shape.
One of the effective exercises for diastasis, which also helps to cope with cellulite in the abdomen. Its implementation allows you to make the waist more pronounced. Before you begin the exercise, you need to lay a towel on the floor so that it is perpendicular to the body. It is necessary to take hold of its ends, after which stretch and cross your bent arms. At this point, it is important to tighten your waist with a towel. In total, you need to do 10-15 such repetitions.
"A hundred"
How to remove fat from the abdomen with diastasis? This exercise can cope with this task. You need to lie on a fitness mat and bend your knees. The feet should be firmly rested on the floor and placed parallel to each other. Place your hands at the seams, turn your palms down. On exhalation, you need to raise the head and upper body. In this position, you need to linger for a few seconds. In total, 10 such repetitions should be performed.
Leg curl
This exercise allows you to remove diastasis at home and tighten a flabby stomach. It is carried out in a prone position on a flat surface. The legs need to be bent and straightened alternately (10-20 repetitions on each leg).
Shoulder Bridge
To tighten the abdomen and remove the stretching of the muscles of the abdomen, you need to know how to remove diastasis at home with exercise. The “shoulder bridge” can cope with this task. It is necessary to lie down on the floor, place your hands along the body, feet shoulder width apart, bend your knees. It is necessary to exhale and raise the pelvis as high as possible and stay in this position for about 20-30 seconds, and then return to its previous position. To begin with, 5 repetitions will be enough, over time it needs to be brought up to 15-30 times.
Cat pose
Exercise also copes with the divergence of the muscles of the abdomen after childbirth. In addition, it can be used to correct posture. It is necessary to get on all fours, position your hands on one line, keep your back straight. You need to exhale, draw in your stomach and round your back. In this position, you need to linger for 5 seconds, then take a breath and straighten your back. In total, such movements should be done 10 times.
Pilates Ball Squats
To get rid of diastasis of the abdominal muscles, you need a special ball. You need to stand with your back to the wall and press the spine against it. You will have to grab the ball with your legs and do a squat so that the angle between the wall and legs is 90 °. At the lower point, you will have to linger for 30 seconds, and then take the IP. In total, you need to perform 10-15 repetitions.
Lying leg and pelvis while lying down
Exercise must be performed on a gymnastic mat. It is necessary to take a lying position and bend the legs at the knees. The back should be pressed to the floor. During inspiration, one leg needs to be raised; at the same moment, the upper body should be lifted. The same actions await the second leg. In total, 10-20 repetitions should be performed.
"Air steps"
Initially, at the time of the exercise, pain in the abdominal muscles may occur. How to remove diastasis at home with it? You need to lie on the floor and straighten your legs. Hands should be crossed behind the back of the head and inhaled. During inhalation, you need to raise your legs and begin to perform small steps with your feet in the air. As soon as the extreme point is reached, you need to return to the IP. In total, you need to perform 20 repetitions.
If you regularly perform a set of exercises from diastasis, you can quickly tighten the stomach and get rid of sagging in this area. All exercises are quite simple, but at the same time effective. You should not train on this complex daily. It is enough to devote time to classes at least three times a week and do it in a circle (3-4 approaches). How to quickly remove diastasis? In general, a full recovery may take several months. The exact timing depends on the degree of neglect of the pathology.
Diastasis: is it possible to twist the hoop
Torsion of a hoop with diastasis is possible only in the absence of serious gynecological diseases. The weight of the hula-hoop should not exceed 1-1.5 kg.
During work with the hoop, the oblique muscles of the abdomen are exposed to the load. You need to rotate the shell alternately (in different directions). If the skin is too sensitive or a massive hoop is used, bruises can form on the sides. In this case, you will have to stop classes. Engaged in using the hoop preferably every other day. You can include exercises in the overall complex or do it on separate days.
When to start classes
In order to quickly restore the stomach to its previous shape and overcome diastasis, it is important to pay attention to this cosmetic defect in time. Immediately after discharge from the hospital, you will have to refrain from doing the exercises. You need to resort to training after 1.5-3 months.
What exercises can not be done with diastasis
If muscle tension has been identified, you must remember that there are a number of exercises that are strictly prohibited:
- strap and push ups;
- asanas, which are aimed at stretching the muscles of the abdomen;
- twisting in a prone position;
- raising the torso with weight in the hands;
- classes on fitball;
- bike.
How to remove diastasis without surgery: bandage, massage, taping
In order to remove diastasis, in addition to exercises, you will have to resort to additional procedures:
- Taping. It implies the application of an adhesive-based cotton elastic band to the abdomen. A painless method by which you can quickly tighten the skin in the problem area. Using taping, you can provide support for damaged muscles, remove pain, eliminate stagnation in the problem area.
- Bandage. It supports muscles, strengthens the skin, and prevents sagging skin in the abdomen.
- Massage. Such a physiotherapeutic procedure should be resorted to only after the seam has completely healed (in the case of a cesarean section). Helps strengthen muscles, makes skin firm and taut.
Surgical intervention
If the disease has acquired a neglected form and it is impossible to remove diastasis at home, surgery will be required.
To date, two types of operations are practiced with divergence of the abdominal muscles:
- Tensile plastic. During the operation, a mesh endoprosthesis is used - a mesh of synthetic polymers. Fastens around the edges and completely covers the problem area. Thus, the connective tissue completely grows through the mesh, as a result of which an integral anatomical complex is formed. After some time, the structure is strengthened.
- Tension plastic. Such a design will require its own tissue, which is taken from the anterior abdominal wall. The operation is performed in an open way or through an endoscope.
Prevention of diastasis
In order not to encounter the question of how to get rid of diastasis in the future, you need to familiarize yourself with the preventive measure of this pathology. It is preferable to expose the abdominal muscles to regular loads even before pregnancy.
To prevent divergence of the abdominal muscles after childbirth, you must adhere to the following recommendations:
- If after childbirth you often have to carry it on your hands, you must definitely purchase a postpartum bandage. With it, you can provide muscle support and evenly distribute the load on the spine and back muscles.
- From weight lifting will have to abstain. If this becomes necessary, do not hold weighty objects on outstretched arms, you must always bend your elbows.
- It is important to monitor posture: it is unacceptable to bend in the lower back, the back should be straight.
- Do not sleep on your stomach. It is advisable to take a position on the side or on the back.
Diastasis: is it possible to plan a second pregnancy
If diastasis occurs after childbirth, measures must be taken to eliminate it and only then plan a subsequent pregnancy. If you ignore the problem, it will cause a hernia. Its pinching will lead to the fact that substances that pose a threat to the fetus begin to enter the body. Moreover, it will increase pain and discomfort in the lower back.
If the elimination of diastasis was carried out by surgical intervention, pregnancy can be planned no earlier than a year later.
A flabby stomach after childbirth gives a lot of discomfort to a newly minted mother. Not every woman can afford training when a baby is born. If after several months the abdomen does not return to its previous shape, most likely the problem is associated with diastasis. However, the divergence of the muscles of the press is not a sentence, the main thing is to detect this problem in time and know how to remove diastasis with exercises. If regular classes do not help, you should seek the advice of a specialist in a plastic surgery clinic. After a thorough examination, the doctor will tell you what type of surgical intervention is suitable. In any case, this cosmetic defect can be corrected.