ENT doctor in Kazan: addresses, contact information, qualifications, patient reviews

Which ENT doctors in Kazan are the best - both in terms of qualifications and competency and attitude towards their patients? The best answer to this question is known to patients who leave online reviews about the specialists they like. It is on the basis of information from such comments that the list of the best ENT doctors in Kazan has been compiled, presented below.

Reshetnikov N.N.

Nikolay Reshetnikov

The list of the best ENT doctors in Kazan is opened by Nikolai Nikolaevich Reshetnikov, a specialist with truly brilliant qualifications: PhD, doctor of the highest category, has been working in otorhinolaryngology for 16 years. And what kind of epithets do patients not award Nikolai Nikolaevich in their comments - “a doctor from God”, “the best of the best”, “professional with a capital letter”. This is not surprising, because, judging by the words of these people, competent doctor’s therapy helped them in cases where other specialists insisted on surgery, saying that there was no other way.

You can make an appointment with Laura Reshetnikov, as well as find out his contact information at 138 Republican Clinical Hospital on Orenburg Tract.

Mukhamadiev R.A.

Ruslan Mukhamadiev

A very good ENT specialist is Ruslan Azatovich Muhamadiev, a specialist of the highest category with 13 years of experience. He works with both adults and children, also practicing ENT surgery. Judging by the reviews, people from all nearby cities come to the operation for Ruslan Azatovich, and everyone is more than happy with the result. They write that the doctor works neatly, competently, and does not jeopardize the continued health of his clients. Separately, the ability of Ruslan Azatovich to provide moral support both before and after the operation is noted.

ENT doctor Muhamadiev is ready to receive his patients at the Central City Hospital No. 18 on Mavlyutova Street, 2.

Kotnikov D.V.

Dmitry Kotnikov

The adult and pediatric otolaryngologist Dmitry Valerievich Kotnikov has the highest category and 20 years of experience. In their reviews, many patients write that for the first time in their life they encountered such an interested doctor as Dmitry Valerievich. He should never be asked again - he will repeat it several times until he is convinced that the person has no questions, carefully, patiently and in detail, will explain every little thing and nuance, so that the patient can only clearly follow all the instructions of Dmitry Valerievich and wait for recovery.

This is where this ENT doctor takes in Kazan:

  • Clinic "Your Health" on Dostoevsky Street, 52.
  • Medical center "Impulse-Angio" on the street Bigicheva, 28A.
  • The branch of this medical center on Dzerzhinsky street, 16.

Nugumanov A.A.

Ayrat Nugumanov

Ayrat Azatovich Nugumanov has been a candidate of otorhinolaryngological sciences, an ENT specialist of the highest category, as well as an audiologist for 22 years. Based on the information in the comments, we can conclude that Ayrat Azatovich is a specialist who sincerely loves his job and struggles for it. They write that the specialist is not involved in money-laundering - he does everything for the benefit of the patient, never insists on anything, but he is ready to explain his every word with full detail and absolute knowledge of the matter, which, unfortunately, many doctors do not.

In Kazan, at the Korl clinic, the ENT doctor Nugumanov is always ready to consult his patients. Clinic address: Daurskaya street, 12.

Gaysina A.N.

Alfia Gaysina

For nineteen years, he works in otorhinolaryngology and audiology as a specialist of the first category Alfiya Nailevna Gaysina. Judging by the comments, those patients who once accidentally made an appointment with Alfiya Nailevna are now not going to change their permanent ENT doctor. They write that she does not waste time in vain - she puts the diagnosis in a few minutes, always the most accurate (confirmed by analyzes), the treatment begins as quickly as possible and helps her patients in the shortest possible time.

In Kazan, ENT doctor Gaysina works and takes in the Republican Clinical Hospital on Orenburg tract, 138. Here, in the registry, you can find any contact information about Alfiya Nailevna.

Naumova E. Yu.

Elena Naumova

Many praise in reviews and recommend on the forums of the otolaryngologist of the highest category Elena Yuryevna Naumova, who works with adults and children 23 years old. Satisfied with the treatment of Elena Yuryevna, patients write in her reviews that she is a very fragile, sincere woman and at the same time strong, competent and very intelligent. No matter what Elena Yurievna does, she always sees that she knows what, why, and how. And it can easily explain its purpose. Therefore, patients easily trust her and, following all the recommendations, expect a speedy recovery.

At the hospital number 12 in Kazan, in the ENT department, the doctor Naumova not only conducts her appointment and provides inpatient treatment services, but also is the head. Hospital Address: 7 Lechebnaya Street.

Sarukhanova I.S.

Irina Sarukhanova

Irina Sergeevna Sarukhanova is an otolaryngologist of the highest category who has been successfully conducting medical practice for 14 years. Based on the reviews, in the work of Irina Sergeevna, patients most of all like her modernity, the presence in the office of all the latest hardware achievements of medicine and full possession of them. They write that she always knows how to choose treatment from the new generation of drugs and painlessly carries out any procedures that incomparably accelerate the healing process, compared with treatment in old-fashioned clinics.

The ENT doctor Sarukhanova is ready to help her patients at the SunLuna Clinic (SL) at 37 Pavlyukhina Street. All contact details of Irina Sergeevna can be found in the registry of this clinic.

Mosikhin S. B.

Sergey Mosikhin

Judging by the numerous good reviews, one cannot ignore the ENT doctor of Kazan Sergey Borisovich Mosikhin, a professor of medicine and a specialist of the highest level of qualification with 28 years of experience. This doctor practices both therapy and surgery, judging by comments from the Internet, equally successfully. They write that he works “smartly”, he does all the manipulations deftly, quickly, painlessly, with absolute knowledge of the matter and orientation in the process. They also write about a constant positive mood and an excellent, appropriate sense of humor that accompany Sergei Borisovich in their work.

You can make an appointment or find out personal contacts of the ENT specialist Mosikhin in the "Family Health" clinic on Vosstaniya Street 38/51.

Yagudin R.K.

Ramil Yagudin

The list of the best ENT doctors in Kazan is completed by Ramil Kamilevich Yagudin, Ph.D., specialist of the highest category and ENT surgeon who has been working in the profession for more than 20 years. In the comments, patients mostly talk about operations that, judging by their words, Ramil Kamilevich performs brilliantly. He prepares his clients for surgery in great detail, explaining in advance what they need to do during the rehabilitation period, and supports them morally throughout the treatment.

You can seek advice and treatment from the otorhinolaryngologist Yagudin in Hospital No. 12 on Lechebnaya Street, 7, as well as in the clinic of KSMA on Galeeva Street, 6.

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