Charolais, breed of cows: characteristic (photo)

Cows on farms are bred mainly for milk. But sometimes farms also contain beef cattle. Such cattle usually gains very large weight and is characterized by early maturity. There are not so many breeds of such cows as dairy. But the owners of farms and farmers have a choice in this regard. For example, a breed of Charolais cows is considered very productive.

When and where was bred

The birthplace of this precocious, deserving good reviews from farmers breed is France. For the first time such animals began to be bred in this country in the province of Charolais. Hence the name of the breed.

Charolais cattle

One of the traditions of French culinary is to use only lean beef for preparing various kinds of dishes. Accordingly, the selection of beef cattle in this country is mainly aimed at increasing the muscle mass of livestock with a small amount of fat.

It was in this way that the popular Charolais breed was bred in France. Contain such cows in this country began in the XIX century. Subsequently, the Charolais breed spread widely around the world. Today, such cows are raised in almost all countries of the world where meat farming is well developed.

In Russia, traditionally they contain mainly only dairy cattle. In our country, Charolais cattle are not very widespread. Large farmers do not breed such cows. But they contain many private traders.

How much does a calf

Such cattle deserved good reviews from domestic owners of farmsteads. But Charolais in Russia, as already mentioned, is not a very common breed. Private traders have the opportunity to buy such a calf. But there is young Charolais in our country, unfortunately, quite expensive. The price for a calf is in most cases at least 30 thousand rubles. The cost of pedigree bulls of this breed can reach up to 90-100 thousand rubles.

In addition, since there are no charolais in Russia, the owner of the compound always runs the risk of acquiring a half-breed. Perhaps such a bull in the future will gain a lot of weight. But still it will not be a charolae.


Of course, like any other beef cattle, Charolais cows and bulls are distinguished primarily by their large size and weight. The chest circumference behind the shoulder blades in these animals can reach 200-210 cm. The bones of cattle of this breed are very powerful and strong.

Record holder charolais

Also distinguishing features of Charolais cattle are:

  • powerful wide lower back;
  • rectangular case;
  • Strong musculature, especially on the chest and hips;
  • small flat head;
  • thick short limbs;
  • big eyes.

In most cases, Charolais cows are horned. However, sometimes hornless individuals can also be found in the herd. The color of such cows is usually light cream. Such cattle looks quite unusual. Photos of Charolais cows presented in this article demonstrate this clearly. Charolais' light color is complemented by a soft pink nose and wax horns and hooves.

Charolais Calf

The growth of a cow of this breed can reach up to 165 cm at the withers. But in the Russian climate, this figure for Charolais usually still does not exceed 145 cm. The body length of the bulls of this breed can reach 190-220 cm. For queens, this figure is 165-182 cm.

Productivity Characteristics of Charolais Cows

At birth, such calves can weigh 30-65 kg. That is, young animals of this breed are born very large. Because of this, Charolais cows often have difficult births. In many cases, such cows even have a cesarean section.

Twins in Charolais cows are rarely born - in only 3% of cases. But the calves of this breed gain weight very quickly. In just one day, their body weight can increase by 850-2270 g. Adult bulls of this breed weigh 900-1650 kg, cows - 500-1500 kg.

The rapid weight gain of Charolais calves is due, among other things, to the fact that the uterus of this breed is notable for its good milk yield. Lactation in Charolais cows lasts about 205-290 days. During this period, they produce up to 1300-4700 liters of milk.

Such cattle are kept for slaughter on farms for at least 2 years. The fact is that Charolais gobies up to 18 months of weight gain relatively slowly. After 1.5 years, their early maturity indicators are greatly increased. Until the age of 2 years, the weight of this cattle increases very intensively.

Charolais cows

Among the advantages of cows of this breed, among other things, include a high life expectancy. In the past, Charolais bulls were also used as draft animals. Such animals could serve faithfully on farms until the age of 15.

The main advantages of the breed

Very often, meat cattle in order to obtain good indicators of productivity in terms of weight gain have to feed expensive concentrates in large quantities. With a breed of Charolais cows, things are a little different. One of the undoubted advantages of such bull-calves is that they can gain a lot of weight on roughage - on hay and grass.

The advantages of this breed, in comparison with some others, include very tasty, juicy marble meat. Fat in cattle Charolais, like many other French gobies, is usually low in fat. The output of muscle mass in the carcass of cattle of this breed in most cases is at least 80%.

The ability to quickly acclimatize in almost any corner of the planet is what distinguishes these cows, among other things. The description of the Charolais breed given above allows us to judge it as one of the best meat to date. Indeed, such bulls can be considered perhaps the largest in the world. At the same time, cattle of this breed can be raised in almost any country - both in the southern and northern ones. In cold climates, the cattle of this breed are overgrown with dense hair.

Charolais at the exhibition

The advantages of this breed, many farmers include the possibility of successful crossbreeding with other cattle. In terms of productivity, half-breed calves from these cows are often in no way inferior to their parents.

Character Features

The characteristics of Charolais cattle, therefore, are simply excellent. The benefits of this cattle are also farmers calm. Judging by the reviews, even large herds of such cattle are very easy to manage. Charolais uterus, as many farmers note, very well care for offspring. There are practically no such attacks of calves in a herd of cows.

Are there any disadvantages?

Of course, the disadvantages of the breed of Charolais cows, like any other, are also available. In addition to severe calving, the disadvantage of this cattle is that calves often show defects. It can be, for example:

  • bifurcation of the shoulder blades;
  • soft uneven back;
  • roof-shaped sacrum;
  • hypertrophy of the posterior third of the trunk.

Care Features

In the content of cattle, Charolais is considered unpretentious. The diets for this livestock on farms are usually developed as cheap as possible. Concentrates are given to these cows, but most often in small quantities.

Charolais in the pasture

Despite the fact that these cows do not tolerate cold, in the Russian climate it is desirable to keep them in heated sheds. Thick wool, which such cows are covered in the winter, does not give them a cold. But there is practically no fat in such cattle in carcasses. And therefore, in severe frosts, it can still freeze. In addition, with prolonged maintenance at temperatures below zero degrees, frostbite of the udder may occur in sharola cows.

Of course, you can keep such cattle in the cold regions of Russia, for example, by the stall method. But most of all, these cows are suitable for breeding in the central regions of the country, as well as in the south of the Russian Federation.

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