What does the professional competence of the teacher include?

At present, education and its modernization is given great importance. At the same time, the professionalism of teachers is very important. After all, it must be remembered that the result of the educational process largely depends on the personality of the teacher. Therefore, the professional competence of the teacher is an important property on which the quality of training depends. A teacher is one of the most significant figures in shaping a child’s personality.

The concept of "competence" is understood, first of all, the ability of people to work effectively in any, and especially changing conditions. The term "professionalism" reflects the degree of mastery of the structure of professional activity, according to the standards existing in society and the requirements. To obtain it, you need not only desires and abilities, but also a willingness to continuous learning.

The professional competence of the teacher also includes the implementation in the activities of the teacher of his values. The last concept needs to be explained in more detail. So, by “value” in this case we mean the phenomena of the world that are significant for the individual, which correspond to his moral principles, ideals, goals. Therefore, for the teacher, his adoption of the pupil as a person, the search for constructive solutions to conflicts, situations arising in the educational process should be of great importance.

It is believed that the professional competence of the teacher can be of several types. So, special means the ability to own their activities at the highest level. Personal competence involves self-development and self-expression. An individual species is characterized by owning methods of self-realization. All these aspects of professionalism are very important in the activities of the teacher. It must be remembered that the personality of the teacher is an example for the students with whom he works, especially in elementary school. Therefore, the teacher should be characterized, first of all, as a comprehensively developed personality with a rich inner world, well versed in various techniques and always ready to learn new things.

Other professional qualities of a teacher are poise and goodwill towards their pupils. The teacher, moreover, must be resourceful and sufficiently erudite. After all, teachers can be perplexed by a non-standard question both by schoolchildren and students. A teacher who is lost and cannot clearly explain anything to the students often loses his authority.

The professional competence of the teacher is not so much a skill of execution as the ability to organize their activities, correctly set goals, anticipate what you want to get in the process of work. There is no doubt that in the end, a return must be obtained, which is manifested in the high results of training and education of schoolchildren. Since the basis of the teacher’s activity is action, it consists of several components. This is the motivational link (setting goals and objectives), performing (implementation) and control and evaluation part. Effective professional activity is the full implementation of all components. Moreover, at all stages, the teacher implements certain functions.

The professional competence of the teacher is an important point that must be controlled in the educational process. After all, only a teacher who not only has excellent knowledge of the material, but is constantly open to new knowledge, has high moral qualities, is able to educate a new personality who can become a worthy member of society.

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