Commit the impossible, or Quotes about the goal

Successful people always started with a dream. Dreaming of something impossible, unattainable, bright and eternal - this is the first step on the road to the realization of desires. The main thing is that the dream turns into a goal. As D. Leopardi said: “If a person has no goal, he will never find joy in any occupation.” Quotes about the goal prove how important its place in human life is and why it is needed.

To achieve the desired

Denis Waitley once said: "Most people do not achieve what they want only because they never set their goals in the first place." The psychologist and trainer knew for sure that without aspiration it is impossible to achieve the desired. You can aimlessly rush from side to side, but this will only make people lose time. In quotes about the goal of little-known authors, one can find the following expression: "The slowest person, if he has a goal, moves much faster than someone who wanders aimlessly." Therefore, one of the most important life tasks of man is the path to the realization of his desires.

quotes about the goal

The first steps

But in life, not everything happens as we would like ... Most of us simply go with the flow, being guided in decision-making by established norms and stereotypes. Seneca also spoke about this: “There are people who live without any purpose, pass in the world, like a blade of grass in a river: they do not go, they carry them.”

Belinsky once noticed that the main thing for a person is to find his place in life, this will make him what he should be. This, too, is the peculiar purpose of human existence. But even in order to go on a clearly defined course, you need to make a lot of effort, and quotes about the goal are a vivid example:

  • Honore de Balzac: "To reach the goal, you must first go."
  • Ralph Wald Emerson: "To hit the target, you need to mark above it."
  • Winston Churchill: “No need to fear the future. You need to look closely at him, but not be afraid. Yesterday I looked at the distant seashore and asked myself why the ship cuts the waves and goes where it needs to, because there are a lot of waves, but is it alone? Everything turned out to be much simpler: the ship has a goal, and the waves simply wander along the sea surface. "

quotes about goals in life

  • Arnold Schwarzenegger: “Start with the big and achieve even more. Never look into the past and go beyond your limits. "
  • Mohammed Ali: “Winners and champions are not in the gym. First, a person must believe in his dream, change from the inside and clearly present his success. ”

Quotes about the goal prove one thing: the first thing to do is change yourself from the inside out, believe in your dream and strive forward.

How are the goals achieved

In life, quotes about goals have a big impact on a person. In them you can find many tips and useful recommendations on how to achieve what you want:

  • Eleanor Roosevelt: "The future belongs to those who believe in their dreams."
  • Alexander of Macedon: “If this is not possible, then it must definitely be done.”
  • Haruki Murakami: “The main thing would be to set a goal, and the chain of trial and error itself will lead to the desired result.”
  • Juliusz Vontroba: "Faith helps a person discover in himself abilities that he did not even suspect."

quotes about goals in the lives of great people

  • Henry Ford: "If a person tells himself that he can or cannot, he is right in both cases."
  • Will Rogers: “If a person is on the way to his goal, but he is artlessly waiting, he will simply be crushed.”
  • Fedor Dostoevsky: “When a man stops at every step on his way to a goal to throw a stone at a dog barking at him, he will never see his final point.”

Law of Equal Exchange

Quotes about the purpose and meaning of life often resonate with each other. The goal - this is the meaning, the path that a person will follow in order to achieve the desired. A person must dream, set great goals and strive for their implementation. Only then will his activity be filled with meaning. Even in the lives of great people, quotes about goals had an impact on their achievement of a certain success. As Einstein once said: “The main task of the mind is to turn a miracle into something comprehensible.”

quotes about the purpose and meaning of life

On the way to the realization of cherished desires there are many obstacles. But do not turn away from your guiding star, looking through every step you take, you do not need to hope for easy ways and deny morality. In life, there is a law of equal exchange: if you want to get something, you must give something in return. This principle applies to goals: sooner or later, all efforts will be rewarded, and the impossible will turn into reality. Vivid examples are the achievements of Henry Ford, Marilyn Monroe, Jim Carrey and many other celebrities whose names are known even to the younger generation.

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