The recipe for a facial scrub at home for dry, oily, combination skin (reviews)

Self-care is the alpha and omega lifestyle of any woman, the most unshakable rule that she always adheres to. It is simply impossible to preserve youth and beauty for a long time if you give up on yourself. First of all, of course, it is worth taking care of your own skin. It is exposed to the negative influence of natural factors (sun, wind), sensitively reacts to frequent stresses, and age-related changes that make themselves felt cannot be discarded. Each of us understands perfectly well: it is better to prevent a problem than to solve it. That is why preventive measures should not be forgotten. For example, our skin needs constant cleaning. Special lotions, foam is sometimes not enough. And here scrubs come to the rescue. They work miracles, if you do not neglect this tool. Have you decided to make a facial scrub at home? The recipe is best to borrow from friends or good friends. In addition, there are many folk recommendations telling about how to make this elixir of youth. By listening to them, you are sure to find your face scrub recipe at home, which will become your favorite.

face scrub recipe at home

Cosmetic educational program

The very word "scrub" came into the Russian language from the English vocabulary. There it sounds like a scrub. And it translates in the meaning of "scratch", "clean". As you can see, a very talking name. Scrub is a fairly popular cosmetic product in recent decades . It consists of a base and abrasive (exfoliating) particles. These 2 components honor the tasks assigned to them. Abrasives remove dead skin cells, excess sebum, dirt and makeup residues. The base softens and soothes the skin, protects it from inflammation. For this, special therapeutic ingredients (for example, herbal extracts) are often added to it.

A few words about the exfoliant

This overseas word in the cosmetics industry refers to the very abrasive particles that can cleanse our skin. In order for a self-prepared product to benefit, it is not enough to know the face scrub recipe at home. It is also necessary to master the various female tricks that ladies willingly share in their reviews.

So, as an exfoliant most often are:

  • Iodized or sea (black) salt. Both varieties well eliminate dead cells, and sea salt also increases their activity. Thus, the layers of the epidermis are updated much faster.
  • White or brown sugar. It is less abrasive than salt. The brown variety is considered the softest, so it is often used in the preparation of products for sensitive skin.
    home facial scrub for dry skin

However, this is not a complete list of exfoliants. You have the right to make any facial scrub at home. A recipe can contain a wide variety of abrasives. As they are allowed to use the grounds left over from the coffee, ground fruit bones, eggshells, oatmeal, bran, dry tea and many other ingredients. So, bran will be the salvation for oily skin, and coffee and oatmeal - for dry.

What to take as a basis?

The question is interesting. In industry, the basis of any scrub is oil. So, olive helps dry skin, almond reduces the negative effects of ultraviolet radiation, coconut prevents aging, avocado oil perfectly moisturizes the skin.

However, take any face scrub recipe at home. Other products can perform the functions of the base there: kefir, eggs, sour cream, whey, honey. Sour cream has a whitening effect, and honey and eggs nourish the skin, saturating with the necessary elements.

How do supplements help us?

In principle, these two components are enough to prepare an effective tool. But knowledgeable people leaving reviews are advised to add vegetables or fruits to them. With them, the effectiveness of using a home product increases several times, because they have a variety of useful properties.

facial scrub at home recipe
Judge for yourself:

  • Strawberries can perfectly lighten the skin.
  • Kiwi is able to improve complexion.
  • Cucumber will remove unnecessary puffiness and swelling under the eyes.
  • The tomato will save from ultraviolet radiation due to the lycopene contained in it.

It would seem that ordinary products that are frequent guests on our table, and how much benefit from them.

Beautician tips: rules for use

Have you found the long-awaited recipe and decided to make a facial scrub at home? Then as soon as possible start cooking and use the product, but do not dismiss the reviews of friends and acquaintances, as well as the recommendations of specialists. What should I look for?

  • Frequency of use. Do not use cooked scrub too often. In this case, the skin may become thinner, which will lead to dehydration and disruption of salt and water balance. As a result, there will be irritations, protection against all kinds of infections will weaken. Only once a week, it is recommended that ladies with dry skin use this cosmetic product. Those who are normal or oily should increase the number of procedures per week to two.
  • Skin type. If you are preparing a facial scrub at home for dry skin, take a more oily, nutritious foundation.
  • Diseases If you have inflammation on your skin, and you also suffer from rosacea, then it is better to abandon the use of scrubs. Even if they are cooked at home and consist of 100% natural, rather than synthetic, ingredients. In such cases, make friends with gels and foams so as not to aggravate the problem.
  • Application Methods. Be sure to prepare your skin. You can make a steam bath for the face. It is important that the pores open. A scrub is applied to a damp face, and then thoroughly washed off with warm water. Usually this procedure takes no more than 2 minutes.
    egg scrub recipe at home from eggs
  • Side effects. Home scrubs are absolutely safe and do not cause trouble. But if suddenly after the procedure the redness of the skin does not pass, and you feel a burning sensation, it is better not to use this kind in the future.

Cooking scrubs

Acting as the creator of a miracle cure, do not forget about simple rules.

  • Use plastic or glass containers with an airtight lid for cooking. This will increase the shelf life of the product.
  • The amount of exfoliant should exceed the base by 2 times. Otherwise, the tool will have no effect.
  • Such self-made cosmetics can be stored in the refrigerator for up to two weeks.

Facial scrub at home: recipes for dry skin

Have you decided to please yourself and make yourself a cosmetic masterpiece? Facial scrub at home for dry skin is not inferior to salon products, which are fabulously expensive. All you need is:

  1. Mix honey and milk (1 teaspoon each). And then add oatmeal and bananas (1 tablespoon each). See how simple it is.
    home facial scrub for combination skin
  2. You can make a cream scrub. Take a teaspoon of your face cream, mix with the same amount of semolina. Lightly cleanse the skin for several minutes. Wash yourself.

Facial scrub at home: recipes for oily skin

Oily skin can deliver its owners a lot of inconvenience. However, using home scrubs can solve this problem.

  1. Sea salt (a teaspoon) is mixed with the same amount of blue clay and low-fat kefir.
  2. Ripe berries (you can take strawberries, raspberries, strawberries) mash to a state of gruel. 1 tablespoon of the mass mixed with a teaspoon of clay. The scrub is ready. It is advisable to leave it on the face for a while (10 minutes), and then just rinse with water.

Recipes for combination skin

The mixed type forces women to buy 2 types of cosmetics at once, so that some areas do not dry out, and others do not moisturize even more.

facial scrub at home recipes for dry skin
Try to make a facial scrub at home for combination skin, and you will make your life much easier.

  1. Strawberry pulp should be mixed with honey (half a tablespoon) and add a similar amount of almond oil. Massage the skin (two minutes will be enough), leave the mass for some more time (five minutes), and then rinse off boldly.
  2. You can mix ground hercules (1 tablespoon) with honey and yolk (1 teaspoon each). Add a dessert spoon of baking soda. Apply the mixture to the skin, massage and then cleanse the face.

Does scrub need normal skin?

Even in the case when you do not have any special problems, do not neglect scrubs. After all, you need to clean your face in any case.

  1. There is one great recipe for facial scrub at home from eggs. In addition to exfoliating dead cells, he copes with another problem - removes ugly black dots. Make it very simple. It is enough to mix honey, eggs and salt in equal proportions. Massage your face for three minutes using this mixture, and then rinse with water without soap.
  2. An orange scrub is also suitable for normal skin. Ground orange peel (1 tablespoon) mixed with ground almonds (1 teaspoon). Dilute the dry mixture with warm water. Massage your face for three minutes.

Attention! Sensitive skin

With this type you need to be very careful. Abrasive particles can cause irritation and inflammation. Better use potato starch. It should be slightly moistened with warm water and wrapped in gauze. After this, you can begin to wipe the face with the received healing swab.

home facial scrub recipes reviews

Experts advise using scrubs with synthetic abrasives for sensitive skin. This is explained by the fact that such exfoliants cannot injure the skin.

As you can see, it is not difficult to prepare a face scrub at home. Recipes (reviews confirm their effectiveness) are very simple, and as a result you will get rid of oily sheen or peeling, open access to oxygen, remove dead cells.

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