Foot correction. Legs of different lengths. Crooked legs

One of the important components of an ideal figure is beautiful legs. However, nature did not reward everyone with good external data. Legs can also have a number of shortcomings, which is why women sometimes become constrained and closed. This problem is also of concern to men.

orthopedic correction of legs

The beauty of the figure and, in particular, the shape of the legs are also important for them. How to fix what is not given to us from birth? For this, modern medicine offers various methods of an operational and non-surgical nature.

Common problem

According to medical statistics, one person out of a thousand has a shortened leg. Moreover, the difference in the length of the lower extremities exceeds 2 cm. This condition, as a rule, is detected by chance. If the different lengths of the legs are congenital, then they usually are asymptomatic. This is the danger of this pathology.

Types of shortening

The reason for the difference in leg length may be:

- congenital;
- acquired.

In the first case, pathology makes itself felt at an early age, and then begins to gradually progress. If you suspect a problem, the approximate leg difference can be determined independently. The next step should be a specialist consultation.

Complications with different leg lengths

Pathology has extremely unpleasant consequences. She becomes the cause:

- back pain;
- misalignment of the pelvis ;
- the occurrence of deforming arthrosis and aseptic necrosis in the region of the hip joint;
- violations of statics and gait;
- the occurrence of concomitant injuries;
- Ergonomic disorders;
- muscle imbalance.

Manual therapy

What to do if a person needs foot correction? One way out of this situation is the use of manual therapy techniques. Specialists working in this field act gently but purposefully, making the efforts necessary to relax tense muscles.

different leg length

In addition, a person who needs a leg correction must perform special exercises and constantly improve his physical condition. Strong muscles will support the bones of the skeleton and allow you to straighten your back. In addition, swimming and horse riding, as well as training on special simulators, are recommended.

Special products

If one leg is shorter than the other, it is recommended to wear an orthopedic heel. They are also called compensatory insoles. Such products are selected individually and are made relatively quickly.

orthopedic heel pad
Orthopedic heel is designed to stabilize the position of the feet and spinal column, to stop flat feet and scoliosis, as well as to unload especially stressed sections of the spine.

If the difference in leg length is significant, then the patient needs arch support in addition to compensatory insoles. Only together they will unload the feet and spine, correct posture.

In order to get used to the insoles and arch supports, a person will need some time. So, slight discomfort brings discomfort to the patient only during the first seven days. After this period, the condition improves significantly. Orthopedic heel and arch support almost cease to be felt by a person. At the same time, it becomes much more comfortable for him to walk, and discomfort in the legs and back ceases to bother.

To correct the legs, heel pads made of latex and covered with leather are used. Such products not only reduce the load on the joints and heels. With their help, the correction of the functional and anatomical shortening of the lower extremities is performed within 8-12 millimeters.

However, it is worth remembering that in the event that pain in the spine and feet lasts more than seven days of using the product, you need to consult an orthopedist. The doctor will individually select the heels necessary for the patient.

Ilizarov's technique

In the 90s of the last century, orthopedic correction of legs began to be actively introduced. This is a set of various surgical techniques aimed at correcting acquired and congenital deformities of the lower and upper limbs of the human body. This area, which is also called anthropometric cosmetology, arose thanks to the development of the orthopedic surgeon G. A. Ilizarov. Correction of the length of the legs, according to this direction, is performed using an external fixation device.

foot shape
The technique also received another name - compression-distraction osteosynthesis. It is based on the law that was discovered and formulated by Ilizarov. It says that the tension that occurs when the bones, as well as the surrounding soft tissues are stretched, stimulate the processes of bone tissue regeneration and its growth.

Correction of the legs, made by this method, is carried out by cutting the bone. This manipulation is called osteotomy. If correction of the leg is necessary in the thigh area, then the femur is subject to dissection. Sometimes surgeons need to lengthen the lower leg. In this case, the tibia and fibula are subject to dissection. The bone edges formed as a result of such manipulations are not completely connected. Between them remains a gap of 1 mm. In this case, the leg is fixed using rods and knitting needles fixed in half rings or rings of the Ilizarov apparatus. Further, this whole structure is constantly stretched. The distance between the bones gradually increases to 1 mm over one day. Thus, the correction of the leg occurs. It lengthens due to the stretching of the bones. This process is called "distraction".

Sometimes this lengthening of the legs can be very painful. In such cases, the patient is prescribed analgesics. After a certain period, discomfort and pain are greatly reduced.

Bliskunov's technique

Sometimes a patient undergoes surgery using another method. This is Bliskunov’s technique, having a slightly different concept. According to this method, the apparatus with which the bone is stretched is implanted into the bone tissue. The entire subsequent process, as a rule, occurs at home. The fact is that on the outside of the legs, surgeons leave the ratchet mechanism. It is not difficult to regulate, which is what the patient does on his own.

Indications for surgery

The maximum result that can be obtained if leg correction is performed by surgery is an increase in the lower limb by 16 cm. In this case, the size of the lower leg and thigh changes differently. The results of such an operation lengthen them by 6 and 10 cm, respectively. However, the specific indicator will depend on the individual characteristics of the patient and the method of surgical intervention.

The need for surgery is assessed on the basis of medical and aesthetic indications, which include:

- disproportionality of the length of the lower extremities, taken in relation to the torso;
- the presence in the bone tissue of the legs of acquired or congenital defects that interfere with the normal movement of the patient;
- improper bone fusion after a fracture;
- various lengths of legs;
- a person’s desire to become higher.

Postoperative period

The process of lengthening the legs lasts from five to seven months. Only then can the installed device be removed. Then begins the period of fixation, which is necessary so that the deformation of the legs does not occur. At this time, the patient needs rest and a dosed volume of physical exercises that prevent muscle atrophy and joint disorders that may occur in the absence of motor activity. This recovery period lasts from four to six months.

When can a patient start sports? Serious loads are permissible only 4 months after the completion of the fixation period. But skating or rollerblading, actively dancing or jumping is possible only after a year.

Lower limb curvature

The correct shape of the legs is when they, when fully reduced, touch at four points, namely:

- in the middle of the thigh;
- in the knees;
- in the middle of the lower leg;
- in the heels.

foot correction
Any deviations from this rule indicate that the person has crooked legs. In this case, the nature of the curvature is:
- C-shaped, when only the heels touch;
- X-shaped, when only the legs touch.

In addition, the curvature of the legs is false, due to improper muscle development, as well as true, caused by deformation of the bones of the lower extremities.

Non-operational methods for troubleshooting

How to straighten crooked legs? In some cases, regular yoga or a set of exercises can help the patient. Properly selected clothes will also allow you to hide crooked legs.

Yoga classes allow you to tone the muscles, thoroughly strengthening them. A set of special exercises is designed to relax hard and strengthen soft tissue areas. Compression of the joints of the lower extremities will allow compression of special loads between them, for example, bricks.

Surgical intervention

With surgical methods for correcting the curvature of the legs, the patient cannot avoid a long period of rehabilitation. This is due to serious surgical intervention.

crooked legs
Patients are offered two types of surgery:

- plastic;
- orthopedic using the Ilizarov apparatus.

The first of them involves shin plastic. The main indication for it is true, false, X-shaped and C-shaped curvature. Krutoplatistics is carried out in case of lack of muscle tissue in the lower leg region caused by either past diseases or hereditary factors.

A device for correcting the curved legs of Ilizarov, which is also used to align the lower extremities, eliminates false and true curvature.

Compression distraction apparatus allows you to fix the bone fragments and put them in the correct position using stretching or compression. With this method, the patient is allowed to get out of bed after two to three days, using crutches or a walker to walk.

To make your fingers tiny

The beauty of the human body is affected not only by the shape of the lower extremities. The aesthetic appearance of the legs is spoiled by too long fingers, as well as damaged nails. The thumbs of the lower extremities, having an irregular shape, also look ugly. All this does not allow a person to choose comfortable and good shoes and causes pain and discomfort when walking.

In order to get rid of this problem, correction of the toes is proposed. To align them and reduce the length using surgical methods. The result of such an operation is to reduce the length of the fingers by 1.5-2 cm. This procedure is simple and is performed on an outpatient basis. All manipulations are performed under local anesthesia. But sometimes, at the request of the patient, general anesthesia is used. The essence of this intervention is the removal of a small amount of bone tissue and excess skin. At the end of the operation, the surgeon installs a pin, which plays the role of a retainer that promotes proper healing of the phalanx.

The rehabilitation period after such an intervention lasts almost a month, during which the patient is recommended to wear special shoes. Also, an orthopedic surgeon will advise the most optimal motor mode.

foot deformity
To give beauty to the feet on the fingers, nails can also be corrected. This is a prosthetics technique using special acrylates and gels.

Correction of the nail begins with a cast from it. After the impression is made, with the help of which a prosthesis is cut out of a special transparent plastic. An artificial nail is set on a pre-treated damaged area.

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