Hypononychium - is it dangerous? What is hyponichia and is it necessary to fight it?

The word "hyponichy" to an ignorant person may seem strange, unpleasant and even frightening. It raises many questions. What it is? Is it dangerous? Is it worth it to fight hyponychia, and if so, how?

Looking ahead, let's say that hyponichia is a completely normal phenomenon. There is nothing to fear. But to know what it is, it is necessary for everyone who monitors the health of nails and works in the field of beauty.

The structure of the nail and the nail plate

Our nails are quite complicated. The following illustration will help to understand their structure.

nail structure

Inside the phalanx of the finger is a thin bone (1). The nail plate (3) grows from the root of the nail (4). Matrix (5) is a special zone responsible for growth. The nail ligament (7) is located under the nail bed. At this point, the nail tissue is spliced ​​with soft tissue. The posterior nail roller (9) limits the edges of the nail on which the eponychium (8) and the cuticle are located. On the sides there are also rollers, which are called so-called side. On the opposite side of eponic and cuticle is the free edge of the nail. Underneath is hyponychium (6) - a special skin fold, the shape and size of which each person has their own.

Why is hyponychia needed?

This fold is a kind of barrier that protects the nail from the penetration of foreign objects and moisture. If it weren’t, the free edge, clinging to something, could attract the entire nail bed. As a result, the nail plate would move away, causing pain. Hypononychia prevents such troubles by fusing with the skin of the finger on one side and directly with the nail on the other.

Why is hyponychia growing?

People who always cut their nails shortly probably don’t even know that this is hyponichia. Most often, this phenomenon is faced by lovers of long extended nails.

As the length grows, the skin under the free edge of the nail becomes more noticeable. Nail as if dragging her along.

what is hyponychia

This is one of the protective mechanisms of the human body. The longer the free edge, the higher the load on it. The greater the likelihood of a fracture of the nail plate. Hyponichia is a kind of insurance. Growing to the nail, it reduces the risk of scrapping.

If hyponychia interferes

We have already found out that this is a hyponychium, and we are convinced that it is not dangerous. Maybe you should not pay attention to him?

In fact, it can also cause trouble. For example, before the procedure for building artificial nails (if classic lower forms are used), hyponychia will interfere with the master. To get a good result, it’s important to follow the technology. And because of the overgrown folds, it can be problematic to establish the butt shape. In this case, the hyponychium can be gently moved with an orange stick, cut with a milling cutter or cut off with cuticles. This must be done before installing the form.

Some are annoyed by overgrown folds when some time has passed since the extension procedure. Hypononychus may look dilapidated, frayed. Upon contact with dyes, it is necessarily painted, but if you can wash off the color from other parts of the skin, it is not easy to get to hyponychia.

hyponychial causes

The problem is complicated by the fact that this area is very difficult to influence. If you think that hyponychia looks unaesthetic, you can get rid of it with the help of a milling cutter “bullet”, “flame” or any similar shape with a sharp tip. It is necessary to make a gash very carefully so as not to tear off the nail from the bed, not to chop off the free edge and not damage the decorative coating.

To protect yourself from excessive growth, you need to monitor the diet (it should have enough protein) and regularly treat the skin of the hands with nourishing and moisturizing agents.

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