"Capital Medical Clinic": address, services, cost of treatment, reviews

A multidisciplinary medical institution that provides various assistance to Muscovites and residents of other regions of Russia is called Stolichnaya Medical Clinic LLC. Today we find out where the hospital is located, what services it provides, what their cost is. We will also find out what people think about this institution and why some patients praise it and others criticize it.

Where is the hospital located?

The address of the metropolitan medical clinic: Sretenka, 9, Moscow, Russia.

metropolitan medical clinic

You can get to the institution by car or metro. If a person is riding his own transport, then the guidelines are as follows: get to the Garden Ring, there is a turn on ul. Pipe. Then there is a left turn on the lane. Pechatnikov. Near the hospital you can park a car (parking is paid).

If the patient takes the subway, then he can get to the clinic in the following ways:

  1. From the metro station Sretensky Boulevard: go to the Lukoil building, walk along Blvd. Sretensky to the crossroads. Go to the church on the transition, turn on the street. Sretenka. There, find house number 9, this will be the hospital.
  2. From the metro station Sukharevskaya. Go to the McDonald's cafe. Find on the street signs Sretenka, go on the right side until turning right on the lane. Pechatnikov. Walk to house number 9 (walk 10 minutes).
  3. From the metro station Trubnaya: go to the Coffee House cafe, go around the building on the right, cross the road. Climb the lane. Pechatnikov on the left side to the building located at the very end. This will be the clinic.

Areas of work

The main services of the clinic on the street Sretenka, 9:

  • Obstetrics.
  • Allergology.
  • Gynecology.
  • Dermatology.
  • Dietetology.
  • Cardiology.
  • Cosmetology.
  • Otorhinolaryngology.
  • Therapy.
  • Dentistry
  • Urology.
  • Surgery.
  • Endocrinology.
  • Traumatology.
  • Pediatrics.

How can I make an appointment?

There are two ways to do this:

  1. Call the reception.
  2. Make an appointment by leaving an application on the official website. To do this, enter the following patient data in the appropriate fields: name, phone number, email address, desired day and time of the visit. Also from the list you need to choose which particular doctor you want to go to: a nutritionist, cardiologist, cosmetologist, etc. If you wish, you can even write the name of the doctor below. After that, the request is sent, it is considered by the system managers. If they have questions to the applicant, they contact the person and specify the necessary information.
    registration of medical certificates

Outpatient Care Programs

In order for the cost of treatment in this clinic not to hit too much, the administration of the institution has developed special programs for regular patients. Having signed a contract for a year at this medical institution, a person can be served there on favorable terms.

Depending on the name of the program, the price may vary. So, under the Light program, a person will have to pay 14 thousand rubles. If this is "Standard", then you need to give 36 thousand rubles. The maximum cost of the program for VIP-clients is 90 thousand rubles.

Of course, it is advisable to draw up an agreement for any of the proposed programs. A person then receives such benefits:

  1. Save up to 50% on medical services. With a single treatment, the patient will have to pay several times more.
  2. Additional bonuses and gifts when you draw up an agreement for several people (for example, for the whole family at once).
  3. Treatment by qualified professionals. By the way, having any of the programs presented by the clinic, a person can always make an appointment with the doctor on priority conditions.

Issuance of documents for third parties

Making medical certificates is an event that specialists from the capital's clinic are also involved in. Employees of the institution issue such certificates:

  • Exchange card.
  • Sick leave.
  • Help for weapons.
  • Sanatorium-resort card.
  • Help for admission to study, work.
  • Medical book.
  • Help for the pool.
  • Exchange card for pregnancy.

The cost of certificates of this clinic is set in the following sizes:

  • The conclusion on the results of a professional examination, medical examination - 1.8 thousand rubles.
  • Issuance of a certificate to the sports section - 850 rubles.
  • A document for obtaining a ticket to the sanatorium - 370 rubles.
  • Help for people leaving for the camp - 600 rubles.
  • Vaccination certificate - 650 rubles.
  • Help for classes in the pool - 620 rubles.

clinic services

First treatment - then payment

Installment for treatment is another privilege of this hospital. You can break the payment into 3 or 6 months. In order to apply for an installment plan for treatment, you must:

  1. Contact the administrator of the official website, providing him with a scanned passport without fail.
  2. Get written consent from a financial company.
  3. After that, you can get the necessary medical services within the walls of the hospital, and pay for them in any way for 3 or 6 months.
  4. In this case, the patient will not overpay. Installments are divided into several payments without interest.


By concluding a pregnancy management contract with Stolichnaya Medical Clinic LLC, a woman is guaranteed to receive:

  1. Personal doctor for the entire time in an interesting position.
  2. A full package of necessary documentation: sick leave for pregnancy and child care, an exchange card.
  3. Qualitative preparation for childbirth and breastfeeding.
  4. The ability to timely screening.
  5. The right to be examined and consulted by a gynecologist, endocrinologist after childbirth, as well as a pediatrician and a neonatologist for the baby at home.

The advantage of the contractual relationship with LLC Stolichnaya Medical Clinic is that the contract will provide an individual medical service. A woman will not need to worry that she will be alone in a difficult situation. The treating doctor will always come to her help on time.

Make an appointment


In this Moscow clinic, you can undergo examinations and treatment of such women's problems as:

  • Cervical erosion.
  • Papilloma virus on the genitals.
  • Cervical dysplasia.
  • Infectious diseases that are transmitted through sexual contact.
  • Imbalance in hormonal balance.
  • Climax

In addition, the gynecological department provides the opportunity to establish a spiral to prevent unwanted pregnancy.

Injection cosmetology at the clinic

The metropolitan medical clinic is often visited by girls, women with requests to correct certain facial defects. In cosmetology rooms, specialists perform procedures such as:

  • Elimination of all types of wrinkles and grooves on the face.
  • Pulling the oval of the face.
  • Lip augmentation, cheekbones, correction of their shape.
  • The formation of the volume of the chin, tip of the nose, cheeks.
  • Elimination of asymmetry in facial features.
  • Providing elasticity, moisture to the skin.

Methods used in cosmetology rooms of the clinic:

  1. Biorevitalization is a special rejuvenation technique in which biologically active substances are injected under the skin.
  2. Plasmolifting - the patient’s plasma is introduced into the skin.
  3. Botox injections.

Surgical aid

LLC Stolichnaya Medical Clinic conducts operations in all areas: phlebology (vessels), proctology, gynecology, urology, orthopedics, and traumatology. Surgeons of this institution will help patients to get rid of:

  • Purulent inflammation.
  • Joint problems.
  • Varicose veins and asterisks on the legs.
  • Hemorrhoids.
  • Papillomas, genital warts.
  • Corns.


You can make an appointment with the ENT specialist at Stolichnaya Medical Clinic LLC in the presence of such complaints:

  • Nasal congestion, runny nose, pain in the area of ​​the organ of smell and forehead.
  • Cough, sore throat, sore, hoarseness.
  • Bleeding from the nose.
  • Hearing problems, ringing in the ears, noise in the head.
  • Discharge of green from the nose or ears.

If such symptoms are observed, then you should not wait, you need to urgently contact the clinic for help. Specialists of the institution will perform the necessary manipulations: they will process the mucous membranes of the ENT organs, develop special course programs (local applications, physiotherapeutic measures) that will not allow a deterioration in health.

cost of treatment

The cost of some services in the ENT department:

TitlePrice, rub.)
Nose drainage (flushing)1000
Removal of a foreign body from the organ of smell1000
Removal of papilloma in the nose5000
Washing tonsil lacunae: 1 procedure1500
Removal of cysts in tonsils1500
Elimination of sulfuric plugs in the ears with washing1080
Removal of ear polyps on one side10,000
Purging the auditory tube590


This Moscow clinic has the latest equipment for the diagnosis and treatment of eye problems such as:

  • Cataract.
  • Hyperopia, myopia, astigmatism.
  • Glaucoma.
  • Inflammatory diseases: keratitis, conjunctivitis, blepharitis.
  • Atrophy of the optic nerve.
  • Autoimmune diseases of the organ of vision: uveitis, iridocyclitis.
  • Viral eye diseases: herpes, chlamydia, toxoplasmosis, cytomegalovirus.

metropolitan medical clinic Sretenka 9

The cost of some ophthalmologic services of the clinic:

  • Reception of an oculist - from 1100 rubles.
  • Selection of points - from 890 rubles.
  • Gymnastics training for the eyes - 300 rubles.
  • Getting rid of abscess, barley - from 800 rubles.
  • Removal of a foreign body from the eye - from 950 rubles.
  • Rinsing and probing of the lacrimal passages - 1500 rubles.

Positive patient ratings

The institution “Capital Medical Clinic” receives different reviews from people: there are both flattering responses and disapproving. The positive points in this organization are as follows:

  1. Convenient location. You can easily get on the subway or in your own car.
  2. Nice atmosphere. Many people say that being in this clinic makes you feel at home.
  3. Lack of queues. Due to the fact that appointments are made mainly via the Internet, that is, patients are given a clear time and date of appointment with a specialist, you will never see crowds of displeased patients standing near the office.
  4. Respectful and attentive attitude of doctors. This clinic employs tactful, friendly doctors who will find an approach to any patient.
  5. Recording is done over the Internet. This is very convenient, because a person can not even leave the house to make an appointment with a doctor.
  6. There is an opportunity to get to the doctor on Sunday. This is convenient for those people who work 6 days a week. They can’t get out on Saturday, so Sunday is their only opportunity to get an appointment. And many people use it successfully.
  7. The level of service is on top.
  8. The cost of services is 20% lower than that of competitors located in the neighborhood.
  9. There is a real opportunity to save money by participating in medical promotions.
    installment plan for treatment

Negative Patient Ratings

Not always does this clinic receive commendable reviews. There is a small percentage of people who did not like the service at this facility. Negative opinions of patients are expressed in the following:

  1. Some women and men say that in this hospital they take a bunch of tests just to get more money from the patient.
  2. There are people who write on the forums that the treatment prescribed by a doctor does not always lead to positive results. Rather, on the contrary, health conditions may even worsen. This suggests that non-professionals work in the clinic.
  3. The clinic is not for poor people. Although the cost of services in this institution is lower than in neighboring ones, you still have to pay for the reception, consultation and treatment.


From this article you learned a lot of interesting information about the institution “Capital Medical Clinic”. Sretenka, 9 is the address of this organization, which is engaged in the diagnosis and treatment of many problems in humans. The clinic provides high-quality, even if paid, assistance in the treatment of many diseases. You can get help from a specialist at this institution by contacting him by signing up by phone or online.

You can judge the quality of the services provided only when you get an appointment. Reading the reviews of other patients about the clinic, you cannot build your own opinion about this organization. Only by visiting the institution and using its services, you can draw your own conclusion about its work.

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