Turbid urine - an occasion for immediate medical advice

It is no secret that for most patients, especially men, an inattentive attitude to their own health is characteristic. According to statistics, only one out of ten representatives of the strong half of humanity will immediately turn for medical advice if they find turbid urine when urinating. There are many reasons for this state of affairs - employment at work, frequent stress and overwork, but men forget that this symptom may indicate inflammatory and infectious diseases of the urinary system and genital tract, malignant and benign neoplasms, injuries, and pathologies of blood and lymph vessels.

The appearance of turbid urine is a visible symptom of trouble

In any case, turbid urine, which appeared even as a single symptom, indicates a clear disadvantage in the body of a man. The most common cause of this symptom is inflammation in the lower urinary tract and infections that are sexually transmitted (sexually transmitted diseases).

In the first case, murky urine in men appears against the background of complete well-being and the patient cannot recall the predisposing (provoking) factors that preceded the onset of this symptom. In the second case, the patient may recall that some time before the appearance of visible turbidity in his urine, he had unprotected sexual intercourse - almost all sexually transmitted diseases have a latent incubation period of various durations.

For sexually transmitted infections, it is characteristic that even in the absence of adequate therapy, cloudy urine may disappear for a while, but under the influence of any provoking factor (hypothermia, malnutrition, alcohol abuse), this symptom will reappear. The disappearance of such a complaint from the patient does not indicate recovery - the disease simply goes into the chronic stage and its destructive effect on the body continues, which often leads to the development of early and late complications.

What to do when detecting clouding in the urine

Nevertheless, when answering the question - why is urine cloudy, it should be noted that such a symptom can appear briefly with urinary diathesis, urolithiasis, and with injuries of almost any part of the urethra. But at the same time, other pathological impurities usually appear in the urine, most often - blood and mucus. In any case, to clarify the diagnosis, a consultation with a qualified urologist, venereologist or andrologist is mandatory - the appearance of any changes in the color, smell and transparency of urine indicates a developing dysfunction in the body. The doctor will definitely conduct an examination, as well as recommend the necessary laboratory and instrumental examination.

The first analysis that will need to be done if the turbid urine is detected for the first time is a clinical urine test, but the doctor must explain to the patient the rules for preparing and collecting biological material for the study. In preparation for the collection of the analysis, it is necessary to conduct a toilet of the external genital organs and collect only an average portion of urine for examination. If changes are detected, the doctor may recommend a urine test according to Nechiporenko, according to Addis-Kakovsky, a clinical blood test, and other diagnostic tests.

After performing a set of initial examinations, the doctor will either be able to diagnose the patient and prescribe treatment, which will help eliminate a symptom such as turbid urine, or refer the man to an in-depth examination in specialized medical centers.

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