Serbia flag. History and Modernity

The flag is, along with the emblem, one of the symbols of the state and statehood. Each country recognized (and not recognized) by the world community has a similar attribute. The flag of Serbia is no exception. It should be noted that the symbolism of the state of Serbia was affirmed in the difficult conditions of the struggle for national independence, aggression by neighboring states, and attempts to oppress the dignity and rights of the country's population.

flag of serbia


At this historical moment, it is a rectangular in shape of its cloth, consisting of three stripes arranged horizontally and equally. Above is a red stripe, below is white, in the middle is blue. And at a distance of one third of the length from the edge of the shaft there is an image of the Serbian coat of arms, which is a two-headed eagle under the crown. By the way, both colors and the coat of arms offhand immediately remind traditionally Russian ones. And for social and public use it is also allowed, as one of the options, the flag of Serbia without a coat of arms. These attributes were finally adopted by the Serbian parliament in August 2004.

Serbia flag: history

Over the centuries, the appearance of the symbol has changed several times. Serbian king Stefan Vladislav (from the Nemanichi dynasty), who ruled in 1234-1243, is believed to have first approved the flag of Serbia (published in a source from 1281). The description of the attribute located in the treasury of Stefan Vladislav is given: equivalent red and blue stripe. However, scientists still do not know for certain how the colors on the flag were located, so they traditionally believe that it is horizontal. In 1835, a white stripe becomes the bottom, complementing the image, and the flag finally becomes similar to the Russian one.

flag of serbia and montenegro

During the Great Patriotic War, the white stripe moves to the middle. In the center of the flag is a five-pointed star. After the war (Serbia as part of Yugoslavia), the star remains, and the white stripe again moves down. The traditional tricolor is also preserved. The flag of Serbia and Montenegro (their state union since 2003) - the same three stripes, but already without an asterisk. In 2006, Montenegro declares its independence (as a result of a referendum). The state of Serbia and Montenegro is breaking up. And already in June 2006, the new flag of Serbia (photo below) first flutters before the UN as a symbol of a new state, replacing the flag of Serbia and Montenegro.

Serbia flag photo

The origin of the attribute according to Boris Tadich

Now, the ex-president of Serbia, in an interview with Russian television channels, put forward a kind of “popular” version of the origin of the national flag. He claimed that once upon a time the Serbs took the original Russian flag as a basis, and after that they turned it over, after which they proclaimed the symbol of the Kingdom of Serbia. This confirms once again the idea of ​​cultural and spiritual unity of the Slavic peoples: Russians and Serbs, the community of the Russian World. Indeed, the Russians greatly helped the Serbs in their struggle for independence in many wars. And, despite the somewhat unscientific nature of such an alleged variant of the origin of the flag, this version probably has every right to exist!

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