Microlife compressor nebulizer: review, description, specifications and reviews

Microlife compressor nebulizer is a modern device designed for home inhalations. It is used to treat colds in children and adults. Inhalation is the fastest and easiest way to deliver the drug to the patient’s lungs. The device splits any medicine into microparticles and sprays it into the air. Such a device is much more effective than conventional inhalation.

Principle of operation

microlife nebulizer

In the Microlife Neb nebulizer, the liquid is split with a jet of air that is supplied under pressure. The principle of action, in many ways, is similar to an aerosol. The working gas is supplied from the compressor through a special hole. At the exit, a sharp decrease in pressure occurs, and the gas velocity increases. This leads to the suction of fluid from the tank.

Microlife nebulizer is universal, therefore it is ideal for most medicines. The user can select one of the operating modes and independently regulate the flow of medicine. This ensures optimal consumption of the drug, as well as targeted delivery of the drug to a specific organ of the respiratory system. Also, the device is equipped with a special valve system. During exhalation, the valve closes and the drug is stopped.

Device advantages

When using this device, there is no need for heating drugs. Since the device has small dimensions, it can be used in any convenient place. The manufacturer has developed such models that can work even from the cigarette lighter in the car. The device can be used by people of any age categories, even infants. The device can be used as a prevention of respiratory diseases.

Inhaler for adults and children

Microlife Nebulizer requires a small amount of medication to work effectively. The device has an affordable price, so it is widely popular. The nebulizer is effective not only in the treatment of flu, colds and coughs, but also in asthma, as well as allergies. The drug goes directly to the source of infection, so the disease can be cured in a short period of time. The manufacturer provides a guarantee for the device - 5 years, as well as warranty service for 10 years.

Device disadvantages

Microlife nebulizers are manufactured in Switzerland, so we can talk about their high quality and work efficiency. However, despite the advantages of this device, some users have identified some disadvantages. First of all, this is the noisy work of the nebulizer. Children are afraid of loud sound, so they may be afraid when using the device. Some users note that the air supply pipe is loose. Patients who have mastered the principle of the device can quickly deal with components on their own. However, some users say that the manual has a confusing and inadequate description, which prevents the full use of the Microlife compressor nebulizer.

The lineup

microlife inhaler

The company has developed several models of similar devices that have distinctive features:

  • Microlife Neb 10 nebulizer nebulizer. The device has a three-position nebulizer, so the medicine is delivered to the middle and upper respiratory tract, as well as to the lungs. This device is universal because it is used with all medicines. This device has a valve system that allows you to save drugs and not use them for nothing. A mask for an adult and a child is attached to the device, as well as a special nozzle for the nose.
  • Microlife NEB 50 nebulizer nebulizer . The device has less power than the previous compressor. It is used to treat colds. The device turns off automatically, so the user does not need to monitor overheating. The device can not be used with medicines that contain various oils, herbs and other large particles.
  • Microlife NEB 100 inhaler. The device is highly productive because it has a powerful compressor. As necessary, the inhaler can be moved and taken with you on the road. The device is compatible with all medications.

How to use

To obtain the maximum result from the procedures, users are not recommended to use expectorants before using it. In a sitting position, do not tilt the body forward, as this will hamper the access of beneficial substances to the body. When using the device, make sure that the camera is positioned vertically. Experts do not recommend carrying out lengthy procedures, so it is better to limit yourself to 10 minutes. Continued use of this appliance may result in dizziness.

Microlife Nebulizer

The procedure is carried out with a mask, which should fit snugly to the surface of the skin. This will achieve the best result from treatment. Users must ensure that no gases get into their eyes. Otherwise, it is recommended to rinse them immediately with running water. If inhalation is done by an adult, it is recommended to hold your breath for several seconds. The device is used only with those medications prescribed by the doctor. The maximum mark to which you can fill the reservoir with medicine is 5 milliliters. In order to dilute any medicine, saline should be used. After use, thoroughly clean the instrument chamber and dry it well. It is forbidden to disassemble the device, immerse in water and carry out other manipulations that are not provided for in the instructions.

Options and specifications

nebulizer equipment

The following accessories are included in the Microlife nebulizer kit: air hose, mouthpiece, nebulizer, baby mask, air filters and adult mask for inhalation. Each device comes with detailed instructions and a warranty card.

The device has the following technical parameters:

  • the mass of the nebulizer is 1.7 kg, including all components;
  • the possibility of operation at a temperature of 10 to 40 Β° C;
  • the device maintains a relative humidity of 10-95%;
  • the average air flow rate is 15 liters per minute;
  • power supply 50 Hz or 230 W;

The nebulizer belongs to the category of professional equipment, so it can be used for procedures in medical institutions.

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