John Arren in the movie Game of Thrones

John Arren was Lord of the Eagle's Nest and the right hand of King Robert. Little is known about his youth and mature years. It is known that the lord was a very authoritative person. His pupils Eddard Stark and Robert Baratheon treated him with the deepest respect, spoke warmly about the mentor and revered him as a father.

john arren

How did it all start?

The story says that once King Eiris suspected John's foster children of the death of his nephew, so he insisted that Arren surrender his wards to him. But John did not do this.

Moreover, he rebelled against the ruler, although not all standard-bearers supported his decision. To begin with, John Arren had to storm the port of the Valley in order to persuade residents to his side. Then he went to the Riverlands, where he married with the daughter of Lord Hoster - Lisa Tully.

Subsequently, his ward, Robert Baratheon, came to power and invited the teacher to become the right hand, that is, the second person in the state after the king, with his right hand. It should be noted that John Arren was more a political leader than a military leader. He used psychological manipulation techniques to achieve his goal.

Eagle's Nest

Events in the movie "Game of Thrones"

The picture takes place on the fictional continent of Vestoros. King Robert Baratheon, who rules over the Seven Kingdoms, raises an army to fight against the famous Targaryen clan. Events occur after the strange death of John Arren.

King Robert calls on Eddard Stark to sort out the causes of the tragedy. We remind you that he, too, was a pupil of the deceased. Eddard is a decent man with iron principles, calling himself the Lord of the North. Arriving in the capital, Stark is ready to unravel the mysterious tangle.

It turned out that John Arren ruled with Robert for almost 15 years, until his death. The results of the reign of King Robert can hardly be called successful, since he often indulged in drunkenness and debauchery. The state treasury gained debts. Arren controlled a lot. He tried to fight the bribes and requisitions that reigned in Westoros, while the king turned a blind eye to this.

who killed John Arren

Personal life

The Lord's eagle's nest could not be happy without children's voices. However, Lisa, the wife of John, did not immediately fulfill her female destiny. Only after several miscarriages, Lisa gave the spouse an heir. However, the boy was born painful, which complicated the relationship of the spouses.

John Arren's huge mistake was that he helped make Liza’s protege, Petir Bailish, a dizzying career. Later it became known that he was not only in an intimate relationship with his wife Arren, but also intrigued in the county of Eagle's Nest.

Who killed John Arren?

So, the first to be suspected is Lisa's lover. Events in Westoros itself were not easy. All clans and tribes were drawn into political strife and power struggles, all of which led to a civil war.

The giant ice wall that protected the kingdom was one of the old and reliable structures that could protect people from the attacks of wild tribes. Taking advantage of the confusion, Petir Beilish persuades Lisa to poison her husband. According to eyewitnesses, this happened after the knightly tournament, vividly described in the film "Game of Thrones."

game of thrones john arren

John Arren was about to read the book after the meal, when he suddenly became seized with a sharp malaise. At first, the physician Pitzel decided that John had an upset stomach, since he ate too much at dinner and washed down with ice wine.

But the symptoms showed that it was poisoning. John first suffered a fever, and then called his wife and son to bless him. Finally, the doctor gave the patient milk with poppy seeds, hoping that the death of Arena would not be so painful.

Foreboding of death

Clan Starkov found out about the death of John’s right hand from a letter from his wife Lisa Arren, who hinted that Queen Cersei was involved, because Arren knew about her relationship with her brother and could detect this incest before Robert. In addition, John studied the origin of the king’s children and later came to the conclusion that Tommen, Joffrey and Mircella were born from the Queen’s lover.

It is fair to believe that Sovereign Cersei had good reason for killing John Arren. When Eddard Stark came close to investigating the death of his mentor, he received a clear answer from the doctor - the death came from a poison called "Tears of a Fox." At the same time, he transparently hinted that recently John Arren knew too much and asked unnecessary questions about the royal family.

The film clearly describes the dual situation. The main suspect was his wife Lisa, who could get rid of John because of her lover. Could Petir Bailish act in the interests of the queen when he persuaded Lisa to poison her husband, or was guided by personal ambitions?

Arren himself was aware of the threat. His close friend Varis repeatedly offered his right hand to hire a taster, but John proudly refused, considering it unworthy of a man. Most likely, Arren did not expect danger from the woman.

Sir John Standing


The role of the brave right hand was played by the English actor from the famous dynasty of artists - Sir John Standing, known for the films "Heritage", "A Man Who Knew Too Little". Director Martin said that Standing is a real theater and film veteran, a descendant of the acting dynasty, and it was an incredible honor for him to get the latter's consent to the role of John Arren.

At first glance, the plot of “Game of Thrones” suggests that the film tells of sorcery and magic. In fact, this is a picture of ordinary human vices presented to the viewer in an original style. The genre of the film is fantasy. It has no stamps and incredible special effects. All characters are individual and multifaceted, which distinguishes the film from other series.

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