Neil Caffrey from "White Collar": the truth about the actor

Fans of detective television series should be aware of the work of American production called "White Collar". The main character is the charming Neil Caffrey. Women love him, and he manages to get out of difficult situations.

TV Show Info

Neil Caffrey

The series "White Collar" was created by Jeff Easten, aired on American television from 2009 to 2014. During this time, six seasons were released, which included eighty-one episodes of forty-two minutes each. The place was filmed in New York.

The series, in which Neil Caffrey became the main character, belongs to the detective genre with elements of drama and crime.


Neil Caffrey photo

A thief and a crook named Neil Caffrey fall into the hands of the FBI. This happened after a three-year pursuit of agent Peter Burkom. The offender is sentenced to four years in prison, but four months before the end of his sentence Neil escapes. He wants to return his beloved, but again falls into the hands of Peter Burke.

Neil could go to jail again, so he offers the FBI his help in investigating crimes. Representatives of the bureau agree to this, but fix an electronic bracelet on their assistant, which restricts his movement. Neil begins working in the White Collar department with Burke, helping him solve crimes. Sometimes he faces a choice, but remains faithful to his partner and the FBI.

Throughout the first season, Neil seeks to reunite with Kate, but this is not destined to happen.

A photo of Neil Caffrey in a jacket and white shirt is placed on all the posters for the series. On one hand, he carefully corrects the cufflink, which testifies to his manners, and on the other hand he has handcuffs hanging, which indicates his criminal past.

main characters

Neil Caffrey and Sarah

Many viewers note in their comments that they are ready to revise the series because of the game of the main character, which attracts with its charisma.

Description of the main characters:

  • Neil Caffrey is a thief who could not even fulfill his desires in prison and escaped a few months before his release to see the girl. Only a successful case allowed him to receive conditional release and be hired as a consultant in the FBI. He has no education, but is well versed in art.
  • Peter Burke - a leading FBI agent, later becomes the head of one of the branches of the FBI. It was he who persuaded his leadership to take Neil to the post of consultant, although he arrested him twice. Peter has the nickname "Tie."
  • Mozzie is Neal's buddy fraudster. Since childhood, he was a gifted child. Often helps Neil and Peter in their investigations.
  • Elizabeth Burke - wife of Peter. Good attitude to her husband's assistant. Organizes celebrations. She is called "Mrs. Tie."
  • Diana Barrigan is an FBI agent.
  • June is the owner of the house Neal lives in, the widow of a con man.
  • Clinton Jones is an FBI agent.

Neil is a very charming man, he had many lovers. With all he had a difficult relationship. So, Neil Caffrey and Sarah continue to see each other. The girl works as an insurance investigator, she promises to help figure out what really happened to Kate.

Who played Neil Caffrey, the real name of the actor?

Matthew Staton Bomer was born on 10/11/1977 in a suburb of Houston. He received his primary education at Klein's school. In 2001, he completed his studies at Carnegie Mellon University with a bachelor of arts degree.

Upon graduation, young Matt moved to New York. At the beginning of his career, he worked in the theater until he got a small role in the TV series “All My Children”.

Neil Caffrey real name

From the personal life of the actor, little is known. In 2012, he confirmed that he lives with Simon Halls. Together they raise three children. Gemini gave birth to a surrogate mother. The actor has stated many times that he is happy in his personal life and does not want her to influence his image in the show.

Acting career began in 2001. During this time, Matt took part in the filming of twenty-two films. He played with such famous actors as Jodie Foster, Justin Timberlake, Matthew McConaughey, Colin Farrell, Russell Crowe, Will Smith, Ryan Gosling.

In 2014, the actor was awarded the Golden Globe Award for his supporting role in the movie Ordinary Heart. Matt worked with Jim Parsons and Julia Roberts. He played Felix Turner, living in New York in the eighties of the twentieth century.

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