How to get rid of acne scars and make your face perfect again

We know how to get rid of acne scars, moreover, at home. We hope that some of our tips come in handy and you get the result.
But first of all, before starting the fight against acne marks, it is necessary to discuss the problem itself, or rather, the formation of these acne. When the body begins to fight the inflammatory course, granulation tissue begins to grow in the area of ​​the pimple at a rapid pace. Thus, the wound is reduced in size, and in this zone the number of collagen fibers and, accordingly, elastin begins to grow. Substitution of the epidermis with cells proceeds rather slowly.

Types of Scars
The following types of scars are available:
1. Atrophic - they look like a small rectangular or oval dimple. She usually has a flesh color. This type is divided into chipped, rounded, and rectangular scars.
2. Physiological - they are almost impossible to notice on the skin, they usually heal quite quickly.
3. Keloid - they are accompanied by itching and other unpleasant sensations similar to hypertrophic. They appear on the face quite rarely.
4. Hypertrophic - in the form of pink dense formations, and also have a convex shape. Appear as a result of a large amount of scar tissue.

Folk remedies that help get rid of scars
There are a huge number of possibilities and methods for eliminating and getting rid of scars, acne marks that are practiced in salons, but still it is best to use home remedies.
All the methods that we can offer you are based on natural ingredients that are used in everyday life. These ingredients are simple, as well as their use.

Recipes that will help you learn how to get rid of scars at home:
1. If you are tormented by the question: "how to get rid of acne scars," then pay attention to lemon juice. Treat the affected skin with lemon juice, or you can simply cut the lemon in half and gently rub it on your face. Everyone knows that the beneficial qualities of lemon help get rid of acne scars, as well as cleanse the skin.
2. Tomato juice. You should prepare juice from fresh tomatoes and treat them with damaged areas in the area of ​​scars. It also has a good effect on improving the function of skin pores.
3. Cucumbers. It is necessary to treat the skin with cucumber extract and wait 15 minutes. After that, rinse your face with water, preferably cold. This method has a very good effect when removing dark scars.
4. Almond oil. Light massaging of the skin using almond oil will help you to effectively and quickly eliminate scars.
5. A banana. You should prepare banana puree and treat with a mixture of scars. The mixture should remain on the skin for 7-10 minutes. Rinse thoroughly with cold water afterwards.
6. If you have not yet learned how to get rid of acne scars, then use sandalwood paste. Soak the sandalwood powder in the water all night. After this, it is necessary to apply the paste on the affected areas of the skin of the face and wait about 10 minutes to dry it properly. Rinse thoroughly with cool water afterwards. The same paste can be prepared in milk or in rose water.
7. Fenugreek seeds. Besides the fact that fenugreek seeds can be used in the treatment of various diseases, they are also effective in removing acne scars . Pour about 750 ml of water into the seeds of fenugreek. Boil for 5 minutes. After you should wait until the broth cools down. Wash your skin and other affected areas with the resulting solution. After a while you will see improvements. For the best effect, you must perform this operation at least 1-2 times a day.
8. Clay masks. You should take one tablespoon of clay and add warm water to it and bring it to a state so that it turns into slurry. In this mixture, you need to add a few drops of rosemary, how to mix and treat the damaged areas of the skin. Repeat this procedure several times a week for 2-3 months.
9. Parsley. Parsley should be cut and add 200 ml of boiling water. Within 30 minutes, it should be infused. After you need to pour it into ice molds. This broth should be used every day for 2-3 months (evening and morning).
10. Finally, apple cider vinegar is something that will help you to forget about the question: "how to get rid of scars after acne." It will only be necessary to dilute 1 tablespoon of vinegar into 3 tablespoons of water, wipe regularly, twice a day.

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