Where to call when the car was evacuated? Recommendations, step by step instructions

Every year in large cities, the problem with the park is becoming more urgent. Very often, drivers simply have nowhere to park their car, so they are forced to leave it in a prohibited place. Having returned for their vehicle, they do not find it in place. At the same time, many fall into a stupor and do not know what to do in a similar situation. And this is not surprising, because such a surprise to anyone will lead to confusion. To prevent this from happening, let's figure out where to call and what to do if the car was evacuated.

general information

where to call when the car was evacuated

According to the rules of the road, leave the vehicle only in authorized places. But very often parking lots are completely full and impossible to put on them. Therefore, each driver must know where to call when the car was evacuated. A detailed answer to this question will be given below, but first, let's figure out in which places you should not park. Traffic regulations prohibit leaving the vehicle in the following places:

  • roadside;
  • crosswalk;
  • near pavement parking;
  • sidewalk.

At the same time, it is completely optional to completely call on the sidewalk or pedestrian zebra. Parking will be considered illegal even if one front or rear wheel is located in this area of ​​the road section. If you often do this, then you should definitely know what to do if you evacuated the car. After all, sooner or later you simply will not find your car, leaving it unattended for several hours.

Can they take the transport to the penalty parking from the yard?

So what do you need to know about this? Despite the fact that there are roads in the territories adjacent to residential buildings, drivers can violate the rights of pedestrians here too. The most common case is parking on the sidewalks and paths that people walk on. As a result, mothers with prams or old people are forced to go around cars, which increases the likelihood of an accident. If the residents of the houses report the offense to the appropriate authorities, the vehicle will be taken to a parking lot. Having no idea where to call, if the car was evacuated, to find it, and even more so pick up will be very problematic. Therefore, you must either respect pedestrians and follow the rules of the road, or be well versed in the law.

When is parking allowed?

what to do if the car was evacuated

Let's dwell on this in more detail. For violation of traffic rules, it is possible not only to arrest the car, but also a monetary penalty and even deprivation of a driver’s license, so it is best to comply with them. As for parking, it is allowed in the following situations:

  • in places marked with the corresponding signs;
  • on the side of the road with a race on the sidewalk with one-way traffic.

In addition to this, it is also important to correctly position the vehicle in relation to the race. As a rule, in places with permitted parking, special signs are installed that display the desired position. If this requirement is not met, then it will not be surprising that the relevant services evacuated the car. Where to call when this happened? You will learn the answer to this question later.

Punishment for improper parking

So what to expect? As noted above, a stop in the wrong place is an administrative offense for which punishment is assumed. The legislation provides for the following:

  • pecuniary punishment;
  • car evacuation.

These situations are registered in the Code of Administrative Offenses, therefore, they cannot be challenged in court, as is the case with some other violations. The punishment is determined depending on where and how the car was parked. But in most cases, drivers are simply fined. What size can it be, we will talk further.

How much is parking in the wrong place?

what to do if evacuated car step by step instructions

This aspect should be given special significance. Unfortunately for motorists, the legislation does not have a fixed fine for such a violation, so everything remains at the discretion of the inspector who drew up the protocol. How much does improper parking cost and where to call when evacuating a vehicle? We will talk about the appeal a little later, but on the cost you need to dwell in more detail. Amounts may be as follows:

  • Stop on the sidewalk or at a distance closer than 5 m to it - 1000 r.
  • The same violation in Moscow and St. Petersburg - 3000 p.
  • Movement on the sidewalk - 2000 p.
  • Movement or stop on the footpath - 2000 p.

In addition to the indicated amounts, the offender will also have to pay the costs of evacuating the car and its hourly storage in the penalty parking lot, as well as indemnify for damage if it was caused to other road users. Thus, in order to minimize the fine, the vehicle owner must pick it up as soon as possible. To do this, he must know where to call if the car was evacuated in Moscow or any other city of the Russian Federation.

Non-standard situations

where to call and what to do if the car was evacuated

What you need to know about this? Any vehicle can be placed in a parking lot not only in case of improper parking, but also if it is considered abandoned. This is possible in one of the following cases:

  • wrecked cars that cannot be repaired;
  • understaffed vehicles;
  • cars without license plates.

These are just the main reasons why vehicles can be considered abandoned and evacuated. Each region has a different approach to this issue, so this list can be significantly expanded depending on which city you are in. For example, in Moscow and St. Petersburg, the most stringent laws apply, so their residents are much more likely to find themselves in a situation where a car was evacuated from them. Where to call and how to pick up a vehicle? You can read more about this later.

Is it possible to challenge the wrong parking?

Let's dwell on this in more detail. If the car has already been taken, then, unfortunately, no. In this case, you will have to pick it up according to the standard procedure prescribed by law. However, this is possible if you are driving when an inspector approaches you. One of the following tricks will help you avoid a fine:

  • you need to take the wheel and say that you are moving along the sidewalk in order to exit on the road;
  • say that an emergency has occurred that prompted you to do just that;
  • refer to the fact that the sidewalk has no identifying signs;
  • You can report a vehicle breakdown.

Perhaps the full penalty cannot be avoided, but its size will be lower. If, nevertheless, the car was evacuated (where to call and what to do, it will be described later), then you are very unlucky. When drawing up the protocol, you must verify the correctness of its completion. This will avoid many problems in the future.

Car evacuation rules

evacuated the car where to call what to do

The procedure for placing the car in a penalty parking lot is described in detail in the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation "On the detention of vehicles and the prohibition of their operation." A mandatory requirement is to draw up a protocol in which the following information should be indicated:

  • time and date;
  • a place;
  • cause;
  • data of the person filling out the document;
  • personal information about the driver.

If the incident took place without the presence of the owner of the car, then the inspector must find and enter in the protocol two witnesses. If they were not involved, then the fact of fixing the offense should be filmed. If these conditions are not observed, the fine can be challenged in court.

How to pick up a vehicle from a special parking lot?

First of all, you need to find out exactly where the vehicle was taken. Where to call if the car was evacuated? The telephone of the parking space service can be found on the official website of this service. The hot line operates around the clock, so you can call at any time. In addition, you can find out the fate of your vehicle on the Moscow Transport portal. By entering the vehicle number, you can get detailed information about it, namely whether it was evacuated and where it is currently located. There are many other ways to find out the address of the special parking on which your vehicle was placed, but these two are the most convenient and fast.

What do you need to pick up a car?

where to call in Moscow if the car was evacuated

This aspect is worth exploring in the first place. So, you left the vehicle on the sidewalk or roadside, and when you returned, did not find it. What if the car was evacuated? A step-by-step instruction is as follows:

  1. Find out the current location of the vehicle.
  2. We collect a package of necessary documents.
  3. We appeal to the traffic police.
  4. We pay a fine.
  5. Pick up the vehicle.

All this will take you about one day, but the process can be accelerated if you prepare a package of documents in advance, without which you simply will not be given the car. It includes the following:

  • passport;
  • document confirming that the vehicle belongs to you;
  • driver's license;
  • STS;
  • insurance.

If the driver is not the owner of the vehicle, then he also needs to have a notarized power of attorney to drive the car. Many drivers leave documents in the car if they go away somewhere on business, so if they evacuate, they leave for the parking lot with her. If you find yourself in a similar situation, then do not panic. Nothing wrong with that. The owner of the car will be able to pick up the documents by contacting the special parking lot, where the service employee will take him to the car and he will be able to pick up all the necessary documents from the car.


evacuated the car where to call and how to pick up

This article gave a detailed answer to the question of where to call when the car was evacuated, as well as how to pick it up. As practice shows, drivers have no special problems with this, with the exception of some emergency situations in which improper parking has caused damage to others. Once the machine is at your disposal, you must pay a fine within two months. If this is not done, then its size will grow every month.

In general, it is better not to violate the rules of the road and park only in specially designated places. The thing is that in 2019 new legislative amendments come into force, according to which the amount of the monetary penalty for throwing a car on the sidewalks increases by 2 times. Therefore, do not violate and respect the environment, and everything will be fine with you. But if trouble already happened, now you know where to call when the car was evacuated.

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